A Conversation for Mercenary War Room on the Starpilot


Post 121

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

Well, I do prefer vacuum-capable craft... We'll let ya in. Here's your terminal pill. It provides a neural-based interface with the mercenary computer systems and other mercenaries, as well as some of the goodies in this bag... *tosses him a mercenary backpack* That backpack contains a myriad of things... There's, err, let's see... The book, "So you Want to be a Mercenary", a pistol, a rifle, a scope or two, a diffuse energy weapon, a medkit, and this... *takes out what looks to be a blue smiley - tennisball* It's called a gelsuit. *unrolls it* It's made of a superlight, superstrong silksteel fiber. It can be used for hazardous environments, has light shielding, and... *the suit becomes a t-shirt and a pair of shorts* it morphs. That's controlled by your neural interface. And finally, it rolls up into the size of a smiley - tennisball.

I'm also going to assume you're trained in medical procedures, as you will be flying the chopper...


Post 122

njan (afh)

oddly enough, I thought it was the leader who got to approve new entrants and induct them into the fine and hallowed ranks of the mercenaries... but still.. my bad. smiley - tongueout


Post 123


I'm still annoyed that everyone else got the hardback copy of the book...

BTW, you might want to swallow the pill, it's not an ornament smiley - silly.

And the gelsuits are cool...


Post 124

Peter aka Krans

WTF? I go to do some exams for a couple of days and suddenly CV's trying to steal my job? I'm sure that giving things out is my job as armourer, CV... smiley - grr


Post 125


That's the not the first time he's done that...

*trying to drop CV in it*


Post 126

Peter aka Krans

Don't worry, he's doing that quite successfully all by himself. smiley - grr


Post 127


*grins to himself*

*waits for CV to come online so he can drop himself in it a bit further*


Post 128

Peter aka Krans

smiley - laugh


Post 129

njan (afh)

smiley - laughsmiley - biggrinsmiley - angel


Post 130

Peter aka Krans

*Is having a lazy day today*


Post 131


So am I...

Just had a revision lesson in Physics.


Post 132

JayPeeUK (3*2*8-8+3-1=42) (Retox)

Ok *takes the pill*, so i've taken the pill. I'l keep my backpack in a safeplace.


Post 133

Peter aka Krans

*Points to line of hooks with back packs hanging off them*

That's where we keep ours.


Post 134

njan (afh)

*njan walks over to his, and opens it. It's full of bottles of Malibu. he takes one out, sticks it in his webbing, and closes the bag again*


Post 135


Mine stays on my back. CV keeps trying to steal/open/hack it smiley - groan.


Post 136

JayPeeUK (3*2*8-8+3-1=42) (Retox)

Well, you can rest assure mines full of hmm, i would say certainly illegal stuff. *straps backpack to bottom of chopper*.


Post 137

JayPeeUK (3*2*8-8+3-1=42) (Retox)

So, when do i become an 'official Mercenary'? My name still aint on your h2g2 page! Hey guys, you know i'll be sum use 2 u!


Post 138


CV's offline and he's the only one with access to the Warroom page.

BTW, Put Mercenary Geek and Planet-Side Pilot (or something more descriptive) in your u-name (via prefs). It looks cool smiley - smiley.

Finally, hop over to Jimmy's Grotty Bar at and help us cause some mayhem. Things need speeding up.

It's Baxter's bar. What more do I need to say smiley - biggrin?

Oh, and e-mail me at [email protected] with your hotmail name (if you have one, I can't remember) and get MSN Messenger/Trillian!


Post 139


Stupid CTRL-V still don't work...

Jimmy's Grotty Bar: A728381.


Post 140

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

You got Trillian! *CV is suddenly gone, out of the way of charging Krans* I'll let you guys do it next time, it just ends up you don't show up in this forum often...
I'll get you on the page ASAP...

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