A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 61

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Where's blicky when we need him?
He's the only Jamaican I know here
and no one else has mentioned:

Jamaican Ginger Beer!
It's a test of strength and endurance!
A purging of the lips, mouth, throat and belly!
It's great for washing down the hottest curries.
And it goes way beyond refreshing on a hot sweaty day
of cutting cane or loading bananas.
smiley - rainbow

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 62


Yes it would be good to have blicky's input. A few years ago my then Brit Jamaican upstairs neighbours invited me for sunday lunch. It was brilliant with fish and spices and all kinds of exotic veg. But we had to finish the meal with a glass of cough mixture. smiley - erm

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 63


Incidentally, doesn´t most port tend to taste sweet and girly?

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 64

Mu Beta

I think you'll find I have mentioned proper ginger beer back on Page 1, thank you.

And I still stand by my judgement of it as the only genuine manly drink.


Manly Soft Drinks

Post 65

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - ok
Yes MB I saw your introduction of ginger beer
earlier in this thread. It was followed by a
few comments about ginger ales generally being
a bit sissy - fizzy but with no body or taste.

My point is that Ginger Beer made to the JAMAICAN
recipe is the difference between real pub beer
and supermarket non-alcoholic beer.

The most popular ginger ale in North Am is
called Canada Dry. But it is like water when
compared to real Jamaican ginger beer.

smiley - cheers

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 66


<<>The most manly is definitely ginger beer<
I'm trying to work out if this is trying to be ironic or not>>

smiley - biggrin Ginger beer smiley - laugh

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 67


(Those not familiar with rhyming slang wouldn't get that)

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 68

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

we must have some cross-cultural confusion here, Anhaga. In English terminology a 'stemmed tulip' would be a contradiction in terms!

This is a tulip glass - http://www.pubshop.co.uk/catalog/images/Tulip-PolycarbU402.jpg

Probably the most common type of beer glass in the UK, certainly for bitter, at least.


This is a stemmed glass. You get plenty of half-seized ones, but in my experience pint-sized ones are rare. You can get Stella branded ones, but that's about it.


That's a nonic. That used to be the most common sort of glass before tulips crept in.


That's a proper beer glass. That's what I drink from in my local. Because it's handled, my beer stays at the right temperature, room temperature, rather than body temperature.

As to manly soft drinks, something strong flavoured would get my vote. Rare as it is, I do believe MB may be right with ginger beer.

smiley - ale

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 69

Not the monkey - Skreeeeeeeeeeeee

But to clarify...the Ladies Halfs glasses I was talking about arent stems as illustrated above. They have stems like wine glasses, only thicker.

I dont know their technical name. Dont much care, either.

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 70


Thanks kuzushi, a delayed reaction to my quip is better than none at all smiley - laughsmiley - ok

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 71

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

A mate of mine lives in Brussels now and those crazy Belgians take their beer pretty darned seriously. They have all sorts of weird and wonderful glasses. Lots of stemmed but big glasses.


Must say I don't miss the hangovers there though, hot damn that stuff is strong.


Manly Soft Drinks

Post 72

Icy North

Those little bottles of Duvel are the ones to watch. I'm out like a light after 4 or so.

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 73

Not the monkey - Skreeeeeeeeeeeee

Ever tried those German boot-shaped ones? Its a pun. Bier vom Fass = draught beer; Bier vom Fuss = beer from the foot.

Bloody silly! You get a &#39;kick&#39; as the last few centimeters of beer splash out.

Belgian beer...some friends who were living in Surbiton at the time (someone has to!) held a beer party where everyone had to bring a different beer. I brought La Mort Subite which was mistranslated, naturally, as Death in Surbiton,

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 74

Mu Beta

Right! Finally understood the ginger beer joke - and possibly the stem (no pun intended) for much of the confusion on pages 2 & 3.


Manly Soft Drinks

Post 75


You mean you really were putting that in unintentionally? Wow.

To be fair, having not long ago tasted a proper ginger beer - I would tend to agree. But the Finbar Saunders in me is hard to keep down. smiley - sorry

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 76


Ginger beer is yummy, if it's spicy, I'm not sure about puting a gender to it, but I'm sure it's perfectly manly.

I like a ginger beer that's 'beer strength alcholic' but I can't make my own. And ginger beer with rum in it but I'm not driving

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 77

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

Morgan's Spiced Rum and fiery ginger beer is my tipple of choice but a lot of pubs don't stock ginger beer. That's in the UK - getting Morgan's Spiced OR ginger beer is a lost cause in Cyprus.

I always end up with gin and Sprite.....not really the same!

I'm a girl btw, but hubby likes the Morgans/ginger beer thing too. Otherwise, he's a Coke bloke!

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 78

Not the monkey - Skreeeeeeeeeeeee

Anglias brandy tastes more like rum than brandy. But not in a good way. Their slogan, seen outside the factory/distillery/refinery outside Limassol seems to be &#39;We dont put any sugar in it.&#39; Hardly the hard sell.

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 79

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

Die hard brandy fans here drink Keo brandy or if adventurous, some Greek Metaxa, though the Anglais is seemingly the best in a brandy sour - the national cocktail drink of Cyprus.

I'd rather have a sparkling water with lemon, meself...

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 80


Deakie has alcoholic ginger beer made it over to Cyprus yet? That's an nice drink in the afternoon.

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