A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 101


Just don´t make it an espresso, it looks quite girly when someone is drinking from those tiny cups.

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 102


smiley - shrug Damn the thing wrong with espresso...does it look girly when someone drinks from a shot glass? If not, why not?

Just drink the drink you feel like drinking, without worrying about whether it's "manly".

What does "manly" even mean, here?

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 103


Espresso cups makes it look like you´re at a children´s tea party.

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 104

Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed )

Different countries, different cultures? An expresso is a quick shot of caffeine that gets you going, not slouchy at all.smiley - magic

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 105


Yeah I think an espresso is very ballsy. That incredible intense hit of caffeine..like a bullet...most women I see seem to drink really big frothy things..that looks more kiddie to me.

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 106


Ah - to avoid the children's tea party look, all you have to do is avoid sucking strawberry shoelaces while drinking your espresso. This is quite easily done! smiley - laugh

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 107

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

If you think the question of whether a drink is 'manly' is a bit pointless, don't worry. You're right. It's a ridiculous question, and only people insecure in their sense of gender would take it truly seriously. Fortunately, nobody here is taking it truly seriously.
With that in mind, I say espressos look girly, and how it looks is as important as how it tastes when it comes to manliness.

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 108


Yeah but it takes a real man to not be scared to look girly..so the girlier it looks the more manly.

But I still maintain an espresso looks manly. As a real girl who isn't scared to look manly I always order an espresso.

I rather like the intense 'hit' (Oh god that could go down a whole other difficult avenue).

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 109

Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed )

Espresso, or tea served Turkish fashion (same size as an espresso) - yay! It revs the old engine and it doesn´t get lukewarm before you´re done.

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 110


"let's face it - most soft drinks are girly."

I've always disliked the implication that alcohol is manly. It's understandable to drink in order to get intoxicated, but booze doesn't boost our masculinity.

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 111

Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed )

>>booze doesn't boost our masculinity.<<

It does. Feminity as well. Alcohol amplifies emotions - the good, the bad and the ugly. Greatgrandauntie will become the star of the party and a born rectum will fly his colours.

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 112


>born rectum will fly his colours.<

smiley - snork I know what you mean...

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 113

Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed )

Been in and quickly out of many a pub, have you?smiley - biggrin
Recognising an a***ehole before he gets going can save your evening.

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 114

clzoomer- a bit woobly

The manliest drink I've ever seen was a full 40oz bottle of Tanqueray gin frozen in a block of ice (with handle).

It was at a party with a number of off-duty undercover police officers and a film crew.

The a***eholes came out about three hours later...

smiley - erm

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 115

Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed )

Zoomer, girlie drink (nurses) - cold redistilled vodka. They use their knowledge and tools to get voddie to 80% (160proof), make you senseless and rapable.

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 116

clzoomer- a bit woobly


If you*re going to get all competitive on me- buy some Everclear online and we will see who falls over first!

smiley - smileysmiley - biggrinsmiley - laughsmiley - roflsmiley - cry

smiley - tongueout

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 117

clzoomer- a bit woobly


smiley - ok

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 118

Not the monkey - Skreeeeeeeeeeeee

Pruno. Breakfast of Champions.


Manly Soft Drinks

Post 119

Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed )

Zoomer, I prefer my approach. Getting poisoned by nurses means you have one nearby when you need her.smiley - hugsmiley - bubblysmiley - hug

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 120

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

There is a term in fandom: "gar". Gar is the kind of manliness exhibited by, say, Conan the Barbarian, and it's all on the surface. It doesn't matter how many insecurities or psychological issues you have, as long as you don't show them. Drinks, I would imgaine, would only be gar if they can be _quaffed_ from either a _clay jug_ or _pewter tankard_, and preferably drinking them in such a manner would be inadvisable for normal humans. The more internal damage you can wilfully ignore, the better.

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