A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 81

Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed )

That German stupidity is called a "Stiefel" (= boot) and shaped like one. You take turns drinking from it and the first to get splashed beer all over his face by air reaching the tip buys the next.
Deep into your purse - five liter (ten pints) Stiefels are not uncommon.
Mind - I have never claimed we Germans are sane about anything smiley - aleish.

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 82

Not the monkey - Skreeeeeeeeeeeee

I think Cyprus is possibly unique in having a national drink that can also be used for cleaning windows or for dabbing on your temples when you have a headache. (My Grandma used to use 4711 Cologne. For the latter, that is)

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 83

Trout Montague


Manly Soft Drinks

Post 84

Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed )

Martini cocktail of course. And according to Sir Winston C, the best way to build a decent Martini is to leave the Martini out.smiley - cheers

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 85

Trout Montague


It's soft.

But James Bond drinks it so it's manly.

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 86

Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed )

smiley - pggb rather. And 007 wanted his Martini shaken not stirred, which is completely stupid.

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 87


Indeed, as President Bartlett points out, a martini shaken but not stirred will get you ice water with a dash of vermouth. James Bond is ordering a week martini and getting snooty about it.

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 88

Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed )

Yup. Plus, instead of having that strange glow it will look like dishwater. (Raki/ouzo with water looks like that, but it´s not Jamesbondish)

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 89

Not the monkey - Skreeeeeeeeeeeee

Am I right in thinking that in the books he ordered them stirred.

Another savoury cocktail...a Manhattan. Even with the Maraschino cherry.

Or a Salty Dog, as favoured by Hunter S Thompson.

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 90

Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed )

Rusty Nail - 1:1 Drambuie and good Malt.

But this thread is about soft drinks.
Class will sober up and return to topic.

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 91

Not the monkey - Skreeeeeeeeeeeee


You must not add Drambuie to a *good* malt! (And Im unconvinced that any malt needs it added, to be honest)

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 92

Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed )

AFAIK Drambuie translates from the Gaelic as "a drink that will please", a comment by Prince Charlie. And *good* Malt...Malt has (smiley - wah) become fashion and some cheap tartanclad bottles have the effect of molotov cocktails. Megapuke and ultraspew.

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 93

RadoxTheGreen - Retired

Get down the Asian supermarket and get a can of Chrysanthemum tea. You have to be a real man to drink that without grimacing.

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 94

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Aloe vera drink (especially when chugged from the 1 litre plastic bottles).

Unsweetened iced green tea.

Or my personal favourite, a manly can of Knudsen's Tangerine Spritzer.

But then, everything looks manly when I drink it!

smiley - winkeye

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 95

Malabarista - now with added pony

If you get splashed drinking from the boot, you're doing it wrong. That's the whole point, catching out people who don't know the trick.

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 96

Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed )

smiley - cheers! Knowing when to tilt it sideways is a very cheap way to get drunk on other people´s money. My favourite drink, that.smiley - magic

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 97

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

It's taken almost 100 posts but I think I have
the ultimate and definitive answer to the OP.
It is after all named for the first man. It's
Adam's Ale, the manly drink for first men.

smiley - alesmiley - cheers

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 98

Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed )

Well, and why not? If you need to look like a wannabe rich you can always order an expensive foreign "designer water".
Or, when in Germany, drink local mineral water brands. Harshest quality control makes sure you don´t imbibe germ cultures.
(OK, I admit we are nazis when drinking. €urocourt has axed our smiley - aleLaw of Purity, but breweries not still obeying it don´t sell much, if any.)

smiley - cheers

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 99

American Upchuck

To be manly, avoid anything with the words diet or light in the description. Personally I would suggest a cup of strong coffee, say brewed with about two cups of grounds in a twelve cup pot, use caffinatted water in the pot, serve as hot as possible and alternate between drinking large gulps and pouring some on your lap. If you want to be manly, theres no better way than proving it to others.

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 100

American Upchuck

To be manly, avoid anything with the words diet or light in the description. Personally I would suggest a cup of strong coffee, say brewed with about two cups of grounds in a twelve cup pot, use caffinatted water in the pot, serve as hot as possible and alternate between drinking large gulps and pouring some on your lap. If you want to be manly, theres no better way than proving it to others.smiley - cheers

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