A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 141

The Twiggster

Didn't berserkers fight naked? I seem to remember reading that somewhere...

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 142

Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed )

Yup. And they chewed their shields when nobody to bite was within reach.
Always take written history with not a pinch but a shovel of salt.

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 143

Taff Agent of kaos

Manly Soft Drinks!!

muddy water......half and half, OJ and coke

smiley - yikesgrapefruit, juice lime cordial, and soda...smiley - yikes

smiley - bat

Manly Soft Drinks

Post 144


I think the description of them as naked is just a mistranslation between bear and bare.

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