A Conversation for Ask h2g2


Post 141

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

Vince stop Boasting smiley - smiley

Hello againe By the looks of it I did not miss much it is all the same sweeping statement then some one says stop maikng genrlise ations then another sweeping statement I think Pan is right. we do seem to be having the same sort of problems.
I also know that Pan is right about whimen being able to stay on there owne infact it is usally alot longer than moast Men (see no genralise ation Moast me not all) but depending on how long you can stay on your owne depends on what you want from a relation ship. I am embaised to say this so no snide comments but I have never been in a relation ship that went further than friendship because Iam looking for somthing that moast people of my adge (or there abouts) dont seem to be able to grasp. I am looking for understanding and tolarence of some extreme cercamtances thatmeane I dont have allot of time, I am looking for some one who can understand that I dont have allot of mony because the drugs we have to buy for my sister cost so much. but moast of all I am looking for someone who I can respect and to tell you the truth there arnt that many people I of my adge that I can.
Maby I have set my standerds to high or somthing but that is not important all I am trying to say is that some people canot sem to get past the phisacal side of a relationship and although that is important it is not a reason to go in to one. Just beause you have not had sex for six weeks Is no reason to go out and get yourself in to a relationship the same way as just because your partner wont havesex with you is a reason to break up with them.


Post 142


Pete, couldn't you tell I was yanking Koolio's chain? He was trying to move in on me whilst you were away. May-haps you should re-read what was said smiley - winkeye I am afraid to meet someone from the virtual World! I've only had my comupter since March! Fools rush in...(Time to try for sleep again! It's really begining to tick me off...I've always slept well.) I do hope everyone forgives my silly outburst...lack of sleep has me in a strange mood! Wish
folks could learn to live & let live. If you've been hurt in the past...
& who hasn't? Try not to carry it over into other relationships. Not that you shouldn't learn from the past-so as not to repeat it...but it
is so unfair to lable ALL women or ALL men by a negitive past relationship. Been ther-done that...Pan


Post 143

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

I may have said it before but the gitare is the best therapy going think about it smiley - smiley


Post 144

V (I'm going to be a Daddy :-D) Officaly the bloke who carrys Bob home ;-)

Pan of corse we forgive you if we can put up with Bob we can put up with anything. smiley - smiley

If you dont mind me asking how is everything going with the devorce and that is it all sorted now.


Post 145


Hi Vince, you rascle...thanks for your kind forgiveness smiley - winkeye
The divorce is at a stall. The hubby won't work...hasn't all Summer! He lives upstairs in the (my) cabin & dosen't bother me
so, until he pays his way a bit...I'm willing to let him stay. He still mows the lawn & takes out the trash, etc. No reason for me to loose a bundle just to be rid of him-it's his turn to pay. And if he dosen't, well...I still have lawn care smiley - smiley We never fight! So, it's not all together unpleasant. Actually, many friends think MY marriage (as it stands) it quite better than theirs! Now THAT'S
sad! I have a few hundred thousand dollars in this place. So, you
may understand why I'm in no hurry to move. I would like to spend at least one more winter here, as I enjoy the fireplace so!
There are a couple men who are just waiting to take Bear's place
but at least with Bear I know what each day will be like. And I NEVER mind ANYone asking anything...I don't feel as though I HAVE to give an answer...but as you can tell, I'm a very open person & really have nothing to hide. I think if more people were open it would help others who are in a bad situation realize that they are not the only one's going through a rough time! ~Take care everyone!!! ~ Pan


Post 146

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

I realy should do somthing about thosecoments one day smiley - smiley

I am glad you are happy. Though dont you sort of feel as if this is hanging (obvasly I dont know because I have not been through it) but I think that if I was waighting for a devorce I would get it as soon as possible.
Why is it you that is moving I mean is the house in his name or somthing why carnt he move Because I can tell you love the place so why loose it?


Post 147


Bob, sometimes you make a lot of sense for a kid. Don't worry about having enough time or money; you never have enough of those valuable commodities.

The understanding and tolerance you seek have to come from within you. As ye sow, so shall ye reap. Don't look for them in others; demonstrate them in yourself. Everyone has his or her own problems (which may not seem important to you, but understand that they are to them). One generalization that I WILL make is that people tend to look to others for fulfilment. If you do that, you will be disappointed a lot. Look inside yourself, cultivate contentment there, and you will always be happy. Remember, others will come and go in your life, but you're stuck with yourself forever. Your love of the guitar is an example. That's something that you have that doesn't depend on anyone else, and see how it makes you happy? Cultivate and develop yourself, Bob.

As for a respectable girlfriend, that's kind of the same thing. Understand and tolerate girls (everyone, really) and you will automatically respect them. Everyone deserves respect until they do something to lose it. Don't expect too much from others. Everyone will disappoint you some time or other, and some people will disappoint you all the time. Try to understand what motivates other people, and more will become clear to you. Again, everyone has his or her own problems, wants, and needs.

You're young. Your friends are young. You're all learning and experimenting. Don't take it all too seriously. It's just life. I should know; I'm just 16 with 37 years of experience. Actually 38 years now as I just had a birthday last weekend smiley - smiley And I'm still learning and experimenting with life. And I think it's good... always did and, hopefully, always will. I think about people the same way, and I hope I always will (I'm planning to be around for a long time yet, too).

Remember all the times that you've hurt and disappointed others. I think that will give you some insight. Again, it's just looking inside yourself... attribute your feelings to others. You'll understand them a lot better.

Listen to Pan, too. She seems pretty wise and together, although I wish she'd agree to meet me sometime. And I think that time will come; she just has to screw up her courage to have an adventure.

By the way, what do you think of Jimmy Hendrix?


Post 148

V (I'm going to be a Daddy :-D) Officaly the bloke who carrys Bob home ;-)

Wow the man has sence Bob listen to him I know you arnt lisaning to me know so take his advice insted


Post 149


Pan, sweetheart smiley - smiley Do your comments mean that I can continue to hit on you? I wasn't jealous of koolio. I think I'm too thick-skinned or thick-headed to be jealous. I was just afraid that I was being too aggressive and alienating you. Don't be afraid to be afraid; I know that you know that healthy fear is a good thing. But don't be afraid to face a fear if you think you might gain something from it. Of course, if you're just not interested enough, that's something I can't fight.

I have been really busy the last 3 weeks and last week was the culmination of a lot of activity. We did a major presentation to the Logistics Modernization Program for the army. This week I did a presentation to Honeywell in Phoenix. Now I'm just sort of kicking back a little and catching up on everything that's been hanging while I've been so focused.

So, I'm ba-ack! I'm a very nice guy and a lot of fun. See? You wouldn't be disappointed to meet me. It could even be very romantic smiley - smiley I work a lot, and when I'm not working, I lift weights and kick box. I like to go to the casinos and shoot craps. I love to read and go to the movies (I like action movies and science fiction). I like to dance, but I'm not all that good at it. I love junk food. I'm a very good kisser (among other things). I'm very intelligent and well-educated (I have an MA in English). I speak a smattering of French and Italian, and a mini-smattering of German and Spanish. I have a nice smile. I love the beach and the desert (I think S. California is the place I oughta be). I'm very sensitive and actually can be hurt easily, but I can stand rejection (you have to to be in sales). I'm deep like the ocean but, like the ocean, I have a lot of shallowness too, around the edges.

So, I'm not pressuring you to meet me... just don't close the idea out if an opportunity ever comes up, ok?

Why aren't you sleeping? Working too hard? I get plenty of sleep, although Monday night I was up until 2am (5am east coast time) preparing for my meeting. But today I slept until after 8! I love to sleep and have to catch up on it from time to time.

OK... enough of this now. I do have to get back to some work.

Cya! Ciao smiley - smiley


Post 150


Hi Vince! It looks like we're online at about the same time smiley - smiley Howya? Thanks for the compliment. I don't know if Bob is listening to anybody right now, but that doesn't stop me from talking LOL.

But, as far as having sense... if that were true, why would I make so many mistakes? I guess having sense and using are two entirely different things. Although I think I do come to my senses eventually. Bob has to learn for himself. Maybe something I say will plant a seed and, if it does, great!

Have a great day!


Post 151


Pete, there have only been three things that have EVER made me afraid:1) a bear while I was Mt. climbing (alone). 2) an andaconda I encountered in a jungle (alone). 3) Man...I've been beaten, robbed maced, stabbed & had a gun with the hammer pulled back between my eyes during robberies. And had a murderer push his way into my cabin only to be greated by my dobernan...he was called 'The Railway Killer'...gave up after Belle mauled him! (I don't frighten easily smiley - winkeye )


Post 152

V (I'm going to be a Daddy :-D) Officaly the bloke who carrys Bob home ;-)

Sounds eventfull but dont be frightend of snakes there is nothng to be frightend of mine are very friendly.


Post 153


Pandora faints dead away*


Post 154

V (I'm going to be a Daddy :-D) Officaly the bloke who carrys Bob home ;-)

No dont do that you will hert thir feelings they are nice and friendly they have never biten any one yet that... I know of smiley - smiley


Post 155

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

You seem to be forgeting when helan (4 foot boea constrictore) tried to kill me.

Peat I do listen I just dont change much and no matter what you think you do have good sence (that is obvas by your liking of Pan) I know respect is a two way thing but the way to get respect b where I live usually involves alot of fighting and causing injory to other people and that is just not me. I respect who I am (somtimes but then againe we all hate ourselvse sometimes as well) but I just dont have it in me to respect girls who try to get othermen two killeachoher over them is that really so wrong?


Post 156


Hello everybody! Those posting & those reading! Finally caught up on my sleep-'bout time! *yawn* Pardon smiley - winkeye I think I'll never get over my dis-like of snakes...one too many bad experiences!!! And
Bob-thanks for the boa story. &I know snakes bite. I always take a walking stick when going to the woods & encourage a few cats to run around me. The vibrations scare them off. All the time I've been here ('96) the only snake was one the cat brought into the garage-dead...thanks alot cat! I don't want to hurt them I just want them to stay away from me! In fact I chased severl kids off my land who were poking at a big snake with a stick. When the one boy went to pick it up, I yelled at him to keep his habds off...that was MY snake! LOL!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ yucky~~~~~~~

Bob, I wish you would try an anger management program. There's power in NOT being upset! Please believe me. You're very sweet, anyone can tell that. It would just be nice to see you learn to relax more. I am so sorry about your sis, you can't live your life around hers though. You have your own life! As far as I know you get one 'go 'round' in this World...why not try to be a bit happier? It couldn't hurt.

Pete, my sweet...sounds like you could use a nice back rub! Oh,
and Happy Belated Birthday-here's a nice tender kiss Oooooo.
Have a relaxing week! ~Pan *now blushing*


Post 157


Hey, Bob! 'S ok, I don't expect you change over night. I'm just passing on my personal observations, like sprinkling tiny little seeds in hopes that, over time, they might sprout.

(End metaphor number one, start metaphor number two)

It's very difficult to change for all of us. Imagine trying to hook two bungi cords together that juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust aren't quite long enough. You pull and pull and try to stretch them and worry about them coming unhooked from their bases and smacking you in the head. That's what trying to change is like. Eventually you might get the cords to connect or you might not. We have these synapses in our brains that are like bungi cords, and when they connect... the light goes on!... and we say, "Wow, so THAT'S what that means!" We have learned something or made some change. It doesn't happen from one single explanation or experience. It's usually a combination of things and comes when we're not expecting it from a different direction.

Nor am I telling you to respect girls who get their kicks out of having guys fight over them. Don't. Just don't judge them either. Let them alone. They're like Pan's snakes, only dangerous if you play around with them. But you have to understand them.

I think you're an intelligent kid and, as Pan said, sweet (I would say 'sensitive'... it's just a little more manly).

Develop your guitar and let it develop your harmony with the world. If you live in a tough neighborhood, you might be interested in Kung Fu. There are places all over that teach it. Kung Fu develops the mind and the spirit as well as the body. It can give you great peace of mind and contentment. A master once said that the more you look outside yourself for answers, the farther away they get. And it also teaches you that the first level of self defense is avoidance of confrontation.

Boy, what a wind bag I am! Good luck, Bob! We're all pulling for you smiley - smiley

P.S. Do you think Pan likes me?


Post 158


Mmmmmmmmmm, Pan smiley - smiley *Kiss* smiley - smiley

And I would LOVE a back rub! Do you do that? What a temptress you are!

Bears, snakes, and men, huh? I think I've heard of the Railway Killer! That was not too long ago, was it? Anyway, I'm not a bear or a snake (though I do like to hug and hang around). There is no way to convince you I'm safe. IF we ever have an opportunity to meet, I just hope you'll consider it. I'm sure we could come up with some way to put your mind at rest.

You know, tigers are what scare me the most, and I've never even met one (although I have seen Sigfreid and Roy - I don't recommend their show). But anything that's threatening is scary to me. And I cry at movies too (I forgot to mention that before).

Thanks for the kiss, sweetheart smiley - smiley


Post 159

V (I'm going to be a Daddy :-D) Officaly the bloke who carrys Bob home ;-)

Bob you know she was only playing although I do admit your face did turn Blue smiley - winkeye

Now this will suprise people but Bob is actually happy (or an extremly good actor) it is just this last month thats all it has been pritty shity for the poor kid. although I do think he sould take everybodys advise Exept for the angre manadgemnt thing because it would not work much what he really needs is sleep and it does not look like he will be getting thatany time soon.
So go on Bob suprise me prove me wrong and for gods sake stop feeling guilty.


Post 160


Sorry, but I'm sticking to the anger management course...he'll sleep better too! And I do go along with Pete's idea...the Asian people live long happy lives. They focus, exercise & relax in ways that took eons to learn!

Pete, I not only give back rubs...I can adjust you as well as any DC!!! And what I can do with your feet! Well, let's just say, there are reasons why men from 20 years ago still come around! I'll stop there, I really don't mean to tease...just the facts smiley - winkeye

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