A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Video games

Post 1061


Just popped Sniper Elite 2 back into the XBox and there are parallels with Hitman:Absolution.

The first Sniper Elite game was very sneaky, rewarded slow controlled playing and had fairly open levels. It is the game that really locked me into the way to play stealth games.

Sniper Elite 2 however has many levels that a A-B where you have to go through the Jerries. The Jerries seem to have bionic eye sight in that they can see you and hit you with an MP40 when you need a rifle and scope. There is very little sound blanketing meaning that if you do fire a sniper round the Jerries hear at and know exactly where you are. It seem to be designed to draw you into fire fights.

I am on a mine level and it is ludicrous - a guard seems to be able to see me from 200yards and suddenly everyone knows exactly where I am.

Video games

Post 1062

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

I hate it when games shirk on the hard job of making levels difficult because of clever design, and instead just make the guards have some sort of ridiculous spider sense.

My biggest gripe with AC:3 was the way the guards seem to have superman like vision and hearing. Either that or Conner wears steel toe capped clogs at all times.

Whereas in Blood Money, Theif or Dishonored clever level design, and intelligent AI make if hard as feck, but in a good and sensible way.


Video games

Post 1063

Mistadrong, (Count vonCount.)the last Gog standing

Here we are in 2013 and I wonder what was game of the year for you in 2012?
smiley - vampire

Video games

Post 1064

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Dishonored, by a nose from Xcom.

No other games even came close to that pair. Though I owuld give honourable mentions for Far Cry 3, FTL, Mass Effect 3 (terrible ending aside), The Darkness 2 (I know a lot of people hated it but I enjoyed tremendously) and a return to for for Football Manager 2013.


Video games

Post 1065


I've just managed to ween myself off wow, and i am now playing total war shogun. I am pledging towards a remake of an old 80's classic ELITE.


Have fun

Video games

Post 1066

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Oh my new Elite.

Just done a kickstarter for the first time. Looks like it is going to be pretty close as to whether or not it gets funded. Hopefully some big hitter will come in whap a big donation.

Oh gosh.... I'd blooming ****LOVE**** some new Elite......


Video games

Post 1067

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Have got myself stupidly excited now. I'll be gutted if it doesn't happen.....


Video games

Post 1068

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Awww this sounds helluva good.



Video games

Post 1069

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Well 70 grand in two days.

Hmmm... Surely there must be a temptation for Braben to just pony up the remaining money himself rather than let 1.18 million quid go away?

Gosh I hope this game gets made.


Video games

Post 1070

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Yaya! Funded.

Might have to arrange to have March 2013 off. When it comes anyone fancy teaming up and having an h2g2 Pirate guild?


Video games

Post 1071

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.


The gift that keeps on giving...


smiley - boing Possibly...

Video games

Post 1072

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Well all the fun over Elite Dangerous has got me massively hooked on Oolite (and open source port of original Elite.


Not only is it great it has a massive modding and expansions scene. Brilliant. And addictive!


Video games

Post 1073


I've finally clocked Skyrim. My word, that was a time sink.

Video games

Post 1074

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Dragonborn DLC out any day now for PC. Adds another 15 hours apparently!


Video games

Post 1075

fords - number 1 all over heaven

I haven't touched Skyrim for ages. I'm not even halfway through the vanilla content because I got fed up of the timesinking smiley - silly

Video games

Post 1076

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

We're playing the new Super Mario Bros. on the WiiU we bought ourselves for Christmas. It is surprisingly good, very much like the old Super Mario Land on SNES. Much better than the 3d stuff they made.
I also like the new added feature that you can
a) play simultanously with up to 4 people/characters
b) draw blocks on the game pad that then appears on the screen (to jump on or block things) and even hinder or kill enemies with it
c) if you really don't manage to get past a level you have the option of watching how it is played

Really a very good game. We defeated Bowser and now have to collect all the star coins to unlock the star levels. There also seem to be more hidden levels but we don't know how to unlock those yet.

Video games

Post 1077

Mistadrong, (Count vonCount.)the last Gog standing

Still plodding through Far Cry 3 although that doesn't imply it's
a pedestrian game. Great fun scoping out a compound, disabling the alarm
then picking the guards off with a fiercely powerful sniper rifle.
Not many compounds to liberate now so I may have to do some more
of the main mission.
One of the better games of 2012.
smiley - vampire

Video games

Post 1078


I'm playing Morrowind, though I'm getting a bit fed up at the moment because I have to wait a month for the main storyline, and whenever I get near the top of a guild thing it seems I have to challenge someone to a duel. Can't we just get along?

Video games

Post 1079


I started playing 'Discworld Noir' again last night - now I just have to stop the urge to walk up to everyone I see in real life and ask them 'What do you know about a woman named Carlotta?'


Video games

Post 1080

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

I gave up on Discworld Noir after it turned out 'non-linear' actually meant 'if you do certain things out of order it becomes impossible to progress in the game'.

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