A Conversation for Ask h2g2

"There's lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics"

Post 741


Not in my experience.

I expect you are talking non-hard here are you Alpha?

"There's lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics"

Post 742


<< though I suspect what is happening is that straight men are being offered images of women, and gay men are being offered images of men, and women are not being offered images at all.>>

Yeah and it's bloody outrageous.

But then it's usually men and their fragile egos that are creating the images. smiley - cross

"There's lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics"

Post 743

Mrs Zen

In some respects the visual language is a male language. Although there are a lot of women working in the visual media, the visual vocabulary they have to work with is largely male.

This was true for the written language in the 1960s and 1970s, and it has taken a good two decades for that to change to the extent that it has.

It is hard to create a new language.



Post 744


This post has been removed.

That's about the size of it

Post 745

Mrs Zen

smiley - whistle the long and the short and the tall smiley - whistle

I'm with Alex - they do differ in size. (Sorry guys).


That's about the size of it

Post 746


Just trying to help...

That's about the size of it

Post 747


I remember having a conversation with my mum about penis size once, when I was a teenager I think. She said that they were all roughly the same size erect.

I have recently informed her of her error. She hadn't 'met' many. smiley - biggrin

And while I haven't seen loads and loads, I've seen and experienced enough to know that indeed there can be quite a variation in size.

That's about the size of it

Post 748


...and was there any corelation between size and performance/pleasure?

That's about the size of it

Post 749

Mrs Zen

Some guys who think rather a lot of their dicks never bother to learn other skills, so bigger is no always better.


That's about the size of it

Post 750


...and they usually are dickheads as well...

That's about the size of it

Post 751


In some ways, yes. In others no.
Depends on the 'type' of sex. I hope I don't need to expand.

Sometimes, in certain erm scenarios, big can be too big and vice versa.

That's about the size of it

Post 752


Would you agree Ben?

That's about the size of it

Post 753


"I hope I don't need to expand."

smiley - laugh

That's about the size of it

Post 754

Mrs Zen

Yep. And though cervical orgasms are smiley - cool I've also felt a bit battered up there at times. smiley - brave


That's about the size of it

Post 755


Oops, you got there before me.

And yes guys can think they're gods gift if they have a big one although I haven't really slept with anyone like that. More from what guys have said.

That's about the size of it

Post 756


very funny Bubba.smiley - laugh

That's about the size of it

Post 757

Mrs Zen

BTW - let us know how you get on with the "yogic breathing" Alex. smiley - smiley


At your cervix

Post 758


I used to be a gynaecologist, but i still like to keep my hand in...

(hiding now)smiley - cheerup

At your cervix

Post 759


smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

Alpha, you really are a scream! smiley - laugh Thanks for dispelling all those misconceptions though - I thought I was fairly well informed ut still thought of the shoe-size thing as a truism - also for that matter the cultural stereo-typing.

Way back when (eh-hem) in my late teens- early twenties, when men were still escaped demons from hell I felt I had little choice but to choose the lesbian route. I found that I am certainly attracted to women, but in truth its the Hetro lifestyle that I choose for my life. I apreciate women now but would never choose a relationship on that side of the fence (perhaps I feel I'm more than enough woman for any one dynamic, and men seem to provide some kind of emotional balance in a long-term relationship). So threesomes for me have no negatives w,.r.t physical attraction, but I agree its something that's gotto be thought right through. If the third person is brought into a relationship then if you have to encounter that other person again on an ongoing basis, there are definately going to be problems. Just think very carefully on this one. My ex and I talked this through extensively and because of my bi history, he felt threatened by the possibility. We eventually resolved it could only ever happen if we flew together to a foreign location, had the threesome and left the person and the experience there. It all seems like a long way to go for an experience. smiley - smiley

Are some people more sexual?
Definately! I know people who seriously are content with sex on saturday night (once a month even). A lot more people want it when its not available but soon slow down once its available. I think what most people crave is the chase - the "getting there" process.

One night stands are not something I ever got the hang of either - not that I havn't done it but I never woke up feeling "satisfied" the following day. For me sex begins with the casual glances and touches and continues right through to the afterglow (which may even be a day later). Once in a while a once-off is fine - but I cant understand people who do it all the time.

Here's something that directly relates to penises but hasn't really been mentioned - do you have any idea how many goolies (viruses and noonoos) there are in the world these days? STD's specifically - and most men are carrriers - they just dont manifest many of the disease's symptoms. Clamidia for example can be carried arround by a man for years without a hint of anything wrong and passed onto every woman he's with. Maybe its the "living in Africa" influence - with our over 50% of the population HIV + rates - but I honestly see unknown men as bipedal carriers of potentially masses of goolies. Protection is all very well, but would I really want to risk a tear or an oops of any kind?
So here's a myth to dispell - chaps, just because you dont have symptoms doesn't mean you're not carrying 10 different STD's.

Brrrrrrr - giving myself the heebees just thinking about it.

smiley - fairy

At your cervix

Post 760


PS: IS there such a thing as "saying too much" on this thread? It seems that we passed "concervative disclosure" a few miles back & I didn't notice anyone slowing down smiley - biggrin.

Have a delightful weekend All! Keep passing open windows!

smiley - fairy

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