A Conversation for Ask h2g2
"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread
Bluebottle Posted Mar 23, 2017
Well, if the Natural History Museum classes the Isle of Wight as the UK's dinosaur capital (see, for example, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/science/dinosaurs/9799897/Isle-of-Wight-is-dinosaur-capital-of-Britain.html ) and the UK is where dinosaurs come from, then yes, it follows that all dinosaurs are descended from the Isle of Wight.
"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread
Pink Paisley Posted Mar 24, 2017
H2G2 posts hit the spot again..
Terrorists 1 - Dinosaurs 5.
Home win for dinosaurs.
"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread
Bluebottle Posted Mar 28, 2017
More Isle of Wight related news:
"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread
Icy North Posted Mar 28, 2017
I note in passing that 'floating bridge' is an anagram of Inbred Float Gig.
Are they still open to suggestions?
"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread
Bluebottle Posted Mar 28, 2017
They are - you can make suggestions via the Isle of Wight Council's Facebook page.
"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread
Icy North Posted Mar 28, 2017
Maybe I won't.
"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread
Baron Grim Posted Mar 29, 2017
If you help locate the predicted 9th planet, you might get to name it, but they've already ruled out "Planet McPlanetface".
They ought to name it Rupert, of course.
"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread
ITIWBS Posted Mar 29, 2017
There may well be something like that out there in the Kuiper belt, Earth sized or larger.
I'd thought it was going to be called 'Proserpina'...
But Pluto was demoted.
I suppose one could call it 'Little Orphan Annie'.
"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread
You can call me TC Posted Mar 29, 2017
Who was it said, in a story about the 9th (10th at the time?) planet - "I think I'll call this one Donald Duck".
Does the name Aloysius Barley ring a bell with anyone? Was it him?
"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread
logicus tracticus philosophicus Posted Mar 29, 2017
nope should be called "Plexit" as it does not want to be part of this universe/galaxy/system
"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread
ITIWBS Posted Mar 29, 2017
Some are suggesting it may have drifted into the Solar system from elsewhere.
Hasn't been found yet, though a search is being mounted and amateurs enlisted to support the search.
"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread
swl Posted Mar 30, 2017
I lost all faith in the public naming business when my suggestion for the new bridge on the Forth was rejected. I think "The Third Forth Fife Bridge" was rather apt.
"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread
logicus tracticus philosophicus Posted Mar 30, 2017
I'll third that "The Turd Forth Fife bridge "
"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread
Icy North Posted Apr 4, 2017
Anyone considering a basement conversion?
Not the first time it's happened, either:
Thankfully nobody was hurt, but it can only be a matter of time...
"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread
Icy North Posted Apr 4, 2017
Romanes eunt domus
"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread
Baron Grim Posted Apr 4, 2017
How is 2legs' Latin?
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"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread
- 17701: Vip (Mar 23, 2017)
- 17702: Bluebottle (Mar 23, 2017)
- 17703: Pink Paisley (Mar 24, 2017)
- 17704: ITIWBS (Mar 24, 2017)
- 17705: Bluebottle (Mar 28, 2017)
- 17706: Icy North (Mar 28, 2017)
- 17707: Bluebottle (Mar 28, 2017)
- 17708: Icy North (Mar 28, 2017)
- 17709: Baron Grim (Mar 29, 2017)
- 17710: ITIWBS (Mar 29, 2017)
- 17711: You can call me TC (Mar 29, 2017)
- 17712: logicus tracticus philosophicus (Mar 29, 2017)
- 17713: ITIWBS (Mar 29, 2017)
- 17714: swl (Mar 30, 2017)
- 17715: ITIWBS (Mar 30, 2017)
- 17716: Cheerful Dragon (Mar 30, 2017)
- 17717: logicus tracticus philosophicus (Mar 30, 2017)
- 17718: Icy North (Apr 4, 2017)
- 17719: Icy North (Apr 4, 2017)
- 17720: Baron Grim (Apr 4, 2017)
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