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Post 14601


There's a lot of antipathy about Thatcher's death. Yes, I didn't like her, like a lot of people. However it's still someone has died and there is a grieving family and people that did like her.

What News Story Has Caught Your Attention Today?

Post 14602


>>I predict many small people will now make a lot of noise<<

Which is exactly what she wanted. She wanted to be hated by a large part of the population. If you're going to change things so fundamentally, you're going to engender hatred for generations.

What News Story Has Caught Your Attention Today?

Post 14603


Of course I can sympathise with anyone who has lost a family member and I never wished death upon her, she was old, in poor health it was just one of those inevitable things that was going to happen
I personally feel nothing though, not happy or sad, I don't think that makes me a bad person smiley - shrug

What News Story Has Caught Your Attention Today?

Post 14604

Pink Paisley

'Downing Street said Lady Thatcher would be accorded the same status of funeral as the Queen Mother and Princess Diana'

I am not a royalist, but this is not apropriate in my opinion. It calls for a judgement of worth which is pretty subjective.

Smacks of a deal done behind closed doors. So is the trade off the same treatment for Blair?


What News Story Has Caught Your Attention Today?

Post 14605


Does that mean a day off?

What News Story Has Caught Your Attention Today?

Post 14606


Actually when I say I feel nothing, that is true is terms of happy or sad

If I am brutally honest, Thatcher stirs some very strong emotions in me. I can't think of the right, it is kind of like relief, not that I am relieved she is dead, that maybe I can now let it go

What News Story Has Caught Your Attention Today?

Post 14607


right word smiley - groan

What News Story Has Caught Your Attention Today?

Post 14608


Catharsis maybe? Something major that's been on the cards for a long time has finally happened.

What News Story Has Caught Your Attention Today?

Post 14609


>I predict many small people will now make a lot of noise <

Are were referring to proper little people from a certain film...?

What News Story Has Caught Your Attention Today?

Post 14610


yes probably that is a better word, maybe those old wounds will properly heal, I don't know

unfortunately the Condems are inflicting a shedload of news ones smiley - blue and smiley - injured

What News Story Has Caught Your Attention Today?

Post 14611


I'll be fascinated to see where they plan on burying the venomous old bat. I've long considered inconceivable that it would be anywhere accessible to the public. Somewhere like Princess Di's grave, on an island in a lake on private property seems to me to be the only realistic place it could be. The alternative - news footage of thousands of people queueing to spit (or do worse) on it - is unlikely to be allowed to happen.

What News Story Has Caught Your Attention Today?

Post 14612


Apparently Cher has had to confirm she's still alive as people thought the Twitter tag #nowthatchersdead was about her.

What News Story Has Caught Your Attention Today?

Post 14613


smiley - snork

What News Story Has Caught Your Attention Today?

Post 14614

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - bigeyes

Cher! Of all people! The gal who asked if you
"believe in life after love".


smiley - sigh

What News Story Has Caught Your Attention Today?

Post 14615

Pink Paisley

On a par with #susanalbumparty. (Which I still think was made up).


What News Story Has Caught Your Attention Today?

Post 14616


"Of course I can sympathise with anyone who has lost a family member and I never wished death upon her, she was old, in poor health it was just one of those inevitable things that was going to happen
I personally feel nothing though, not happy or sad, I don't think that makes me a bad person"

I agree wholeheartedly with this Peanut. Well said. I imagine the internet - Twitter, Facebook and many forums are now buzzing with this news and everyone's opinion on Thatcher and her death.

God knows what the funeral will entail.

What News Story Has Caught Your Attention Today?

Post 14617


Maggie Maggie Maggie.

The unions did need checking, but she went way too far and ended up impairing british energy and industry. She also sold off British and council assets, she experimented with monetary policy early days (a mistake), and she spent the North Sea Oil and Gas revenues.

What News Story Has Caught Your Attention Today?

Post 14618


Ps she did the right thing over the Falkland Islands but many mistakes were made leading up to the Argentine invasion.

What News Story Has Caught Your Attention Today?

Post 14619


Every conflict stems from political failure surely? But we shouldn't let those failures and a desire to stick the boot into Thatcher detract from the fact that a fascist military dictatorship attempted to seize British territory by force.

What News Story Has Caught Your Attention Today?

Post 14620


Over in the US there was never much sentiment one way or the other about Thatcher. I suppose when George W. Bush dies it will be our turn to gripe. After all he nearly killed the world economy in the last six months that he ran the United States.

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