A Conversation for Ask h2g2

What news?

Post 12281

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - musicalnote
"Where has all the Glory gone long time passing,
Where has all the Glory gone, long time ago.
Gone to PTSD, everyone, oh, say it inna so."
smiley - musicalnote

smiley - zen

What news?

Post 12282

Taff at home

""I wonder if modern warfare is responsible for PTSD.""

NO!, PTSD used to be called shell shock, and sitting in a trench thats 100s of miles long, enduring non stop barages in no way resembles modern warfare

smiley - bat

What news?

Post 12283


SWL and Mr Doughnut, this topic is clearly controversial and worthy of discussion. Seperate thread please smiley - cheerup I am more than willing to engage on this matter, from a professional experience perspective smiley - ok

What news?

Post 12284


Thanks Norti

It was a serious question that I asked. We humans have evolved in a way that the most violent prevail. In the same way that we feel pleasure from eating or from sex or from anything else that helps in our darwinian struggle we have also evolved to feel pleasure in the idea of nastiness to our fellow man. So long as they are not of our tribe.

Jane Goodall saw the same thing in chimps.

The problem is that we can't keep going this way. We ask our soldiers to be soldiers without asking them to be killers. It must produce a cognitive dissonance. It's a most perfect example of the conflict between nature which says kill and with nurture which says be kind.

It's no surprise that there is such an existential crisis among ex service people that they take their own lives in such numbers.

What news?

Post 12285

Gingersnapper+Keeper of the Cookie Jar and Stuff and Nonsense

...... smiley - zen ......... . .. ...

What news?

Post 12286


One of my instructors once told me "I can teach any of you to kill. It is how you deal with it afterwards that is the problem" smiley - zen

We do need a seperate thread. These concepts are both interesting and of great significance to those of us who have carried out and achieved our objectives in times past smiley - winkeye

What news?

Post 12287

Taff at home

sorry, don't read morse!!!

smiley - bat

What news?

Post 12288

Taff at home

http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/brunel/F19585?thread=8279438&post=110373833#p110373833 We do need a seperate thread.

What news?

Post 12289


The wages of 500 prisoners who work in communities are to be cut and used to support victims of crime, the Ministry of Justice says. Under the Prisoners' Earnings Act, 40% of prisoners' wages over £20 per week after tax, National Insurance and any court-ordered or child support payments, will be deducted and given to Victim Support.


Really good news so long as Govt doesn't cut central funding on a £ for £ basis.

What news?

Post 12290

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Well I think that's a rubbish idea and clearly the government have no idea what they're doing.

(Actually, I think it's quite a good idea, but after the comment about "de riguer posting the polar opposite of anyting swl says" comment, I couldn't resist stirring things up a little smiley - winkeye)

What news?

Post 12291

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

smiley - doh Well that sentence went a bit awry.

What news?

Post 12292


smiley - biggrin

What news?

Post 12293

Pink Paisley

It will contribute £1,000,000 to support the victims of crime.

And will cost how much to administer I wonder?

Still, it will cheer up Daily Mail readers.


What news?

Post 12294


smiley - biggrin Cheered up smiley - cheers

What news?

Post 12295


Dupont's herbicide kills trees along with the weeds:

"... the EPA investigation has revealed that DuPont actually knew of
Imprelis' potential to damage evergreens, but never included this
information on the product label"

What news?

Post 12296



Rhianna needs more than an umberella-ella-ella to cover up in a Bangor filed.

What news?

Post 12297


Western ally, Saudi Arabia, which bans women from driving, sentences
a woman to ten whip lashes for breaking the law:

What news?

Post 12298

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

At least they'll soon get to vote:


smiley - erm

What news?

Post 12299


But they'll have to show their drivers license for ID at the poling station.

What news?

Post 12300


smiley - laugh

smiley - sadface

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