A Conversation for Ask h2g2

What news?

Post 12301

Gingersnapper+Keeper of the Cookie Jar and Stuff and Nonsense

Re Post 12298 ...
The take on this by Brian Ulrich . Scroll down past first posting ..

What news?

Post 12302


EU powers drop UN Syria sanctions call ... China and Russia (...) oppose sanctions:

What news?

Post 12303


Going loco down in Acapulco if you stay too long
yes, you'll be going loco down in Acapulco ....

What news?

Post 12304


Shrien Dewani's South Africa extradition approved (continuation of a
media story that broke in November 2010):

What news?

Post 12305


Politicians learn to be economical with the truth at such an early age these days -


Labour's wee starlet who tugged hearstrings with a speech about being rescued from destitution by the welfare state, is actually the privately educated son of a multi-millionaire.

He'll fit right in smiley - winkeye

What news?

Post 12306


The comedy continues at the party conference.


Labour objects to electoral fraud proposals.

Well, they would smiley - winkeye

What news?

Post 12307


I see Ed Milliband forget the name of a Scots Labour leadership candidate. Not very inspiring. It's not as if he has anything else to do.

What news?

Post 12308



The IgNobel prizes 2011 are out smiley - biggrin

What news?

Post 12309



"Possible legal action by the European commission over Britain's plans to limit benefits claims for those overseas could leave taxpayers with a £2bn bill, the work and pensions secretary, Iain Duncan Smith, has said.

The commission is reportedly threatening legal action against the UK because of the "right to reside" element of the habitual residence test.

Britain has been given two months in which to fall into line with EU rules, and could face the prospect of the commission taking the case to the EU's court of justice.

Duncan Smith said: " They could mean the British taxpayer paying out over £2bn extra a year in benefits to people who have no connection to our country and who have never paid in a penny in tax.

"This threatens to break the vital link which should exist between taxpayers and their own government."

"As if this week's decision was not bad enough, we are also fighting increasing demands for the UK to pay benefits to those who have long since moved abroad, and who may never have made more than a token contribution to UK society."

smiley - popcorn

They should tell the EU where to stick it...or just wait until the EU can't afford to take us to court...about 2.13pm this afternoon...

What news?

Post 12310


Germany has some of the most generous welfare payments in the EU. What are they saying about this?

What news?

Post 12311

Taff at home

""Germany has some of the most generous welfare payments in the EU. What are they saying about this?""

lets play them at thier own game

every single service man/woman/other and or depandant who ever resided in BAOR and is now unemployed should claim german dole!!!!

we almost bankrupted some town when we left, lets see if we can bankrupt the whole nation.....

i look forward to the return of the DM!!!!!!!

smiley - bat

What news?

Post 12312


This story is truly upsetting so please, bear that in mind if you choose to view the video footage.


"2-year-old female child ran over by car, 18 passersby ignore her
Synopsis: October 13th afternoon around 5:30, a car accident occurred at the Guangfo Hardware Market in Huangqi of Foshan. A van hit a 2-year-old little girl and then fled. No passersby reached out to help and then another car ran over her. Over the span of 7 minutes, a total of 17 people passing by failed to extend a hand or call the police, up until the 19th person, a garbage scavenger ayi [older woman], who lifted her up after discovering her but the little girl in her arms was like a noodle, immediately collapsing back onto the ground. The trash scavenger ayi called for help, and the little girl’s mother, who was in the vicinity, immediately rushed over and rushed her to the hospital."


That is possibly one of the most shocking things I've ever seen and I simply cannot comprehend how people could walk past and do nothing.

Does this say something about how other cultures view human life? Could this happen in your street?

What news?

Post 12313


>>Does this say something about how other cultures view human life? Could this happen in your street?<< swl

It was said (often) that life is cheap (there or over there or somewhere about) and of course to some extent it is... other people's lives that is.

I certainly hope not.

What news?

Post 12314



People have died after being told by their church that God will cure them of their HIV and they don't need to take their medication.

I don't know whether to be angry, disgusted or just miserable that people like this exist. Why haven't they been locked up for fraud?

What news?

Post 12315

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Caught that story on the way to work HI, and found it proundly depressing that people in such need could be lied to so completely and not have to tools available to them to question and reject such poor advice.

I don't know if the ministers can be prosecuted, but I certainly hope a way can be found.

What news?

Post 12316


Here we go again:

'Mark your calendars: The world is ending on Oct. 21.'


smiley - rolleyes

What news?

Post 12317


Thank bod, Partick away on Saturday.

What news?

Post 12318



"Over-60s safe sex class in Portsmouth cancelled over 'lack of interest'"

was going to make a comment about 'trying to teach Granny to...' but decided that would be tasteless. So I didn't.

What news?

Post 12319

Pink Paisley

I'm a bit puzzled by what is meant by safe sex for the over 60's.

Are there a high proportion of over 60's 'putting ot about' in Portsmouth? Or has there been a glut of hip injuries at A&E?


What news?

Post 12320


on a less amusing note, I hadn't noticed that Dennis Ritchie died on 12th October



might have to dust off (and refind) my copy of "The C Programming Language" in memory.

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