A Conversation for Ask h2g2


Post 661

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - cheers

Yeah, and don't ya just hate it when you write a really long and thoughtful response and some reductionist reduces all those brilliant thoughts to one single quote?

But at least the one I choose is not out of context.

>> ...over a hundred posts in about five or six different threads over the last 48 hrs. <<

Like I said, take a break. And a deep breath.
I think we should all be picking on ahaga anyway.
Y'know, for the way he's treating his ex.
Or maybe that bully, Hoo. He's cruisin for a bruisin.
Or maybe the new improved big bad Ben.
Or the grudge sisters. Lord I never imagined three such bright chicks could be carrying on so, in so many threads. Give it a break girls.

smiley - biggrin


Post 662


smiley - tickle

smiley - run



Post 663


I've heard that a feature film is to be made of The Lion,the Witch & the Wardrobe. If all the Narnia chronicles were translated to the big screen, I wonder what would be made of the barely concealed messages in there!


Post 664

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Not a diversion at all m'dear. After all, wasn't that wardrobe the closet that all these queers have becoming out of for years?
smiley - dragon


Post 665


Gettin GiGa-wit-it...

"as to convincing women..absolute rubish."

As I say - I speak from personal experience. You may choose not to believe me. Your call.

"any woman who has physicaly met me,is convinced i am a full homa phobe, nota semi."

No wonder you're so popular with the ladies, eh?

"i consume no data that is created by homo's"

smiley - doh Wow. It must have taken you a great deal of careful research to manage that. You've never seen the Mona Lisa, for instance, heard "Careless Whisper", watched pretty much any film or TV show ever made, never seen a play by Wilde, watched QI or Kenny Everett, enjoyed the music of Queen or Elton John, seen the films of "Lord of the Rings" or "X Men"? How do you manage to make your cultural life so impoverished? And how do you ensure you keep it that way? And how obsessively do you do so?

"no woman has ever been told of my homosex act."

Frankly I'm amazed you told us, because it makes you seem like a big fat hypocrite for wanting to deny other people a freedom you've exercised yourself. You shouldn't hate yourself because you're gay. You should hate yourself because you're an ignorant, bigoted, nasty, violent-minded person.

"the only reason i did it in the first place was to be sure it felt wrong."

There is a grand total of ONE person on this thread who you are fooling with that line. Can you guess who it is?


gay orcs

Post 666

Great Omnipotent Tigger

you wrote that you tried a "homosex act", commenting: "and the only reason i did it in the first place was to be sure it felt wrong" reminded me of the following quote:
"Voltaire thought it worth trying, once: when his partner in joy suggested a repeat experiment, Voltaire politely turned him down, saying, ‘Once, a philosopher; twice, a sodomite.’"
at limbicnutrition.com weblog
Posted by Limbic at November 10, 2003 05:32 PM

I so love talking about Middle-Earth, don't you?smiley - winkeye


Post 667



You're right. everybody should be picking on me. After all what person in their right mind would say "I think I'll just keep the doors locked" when one's ex-spouse has been lurking outside the house for four days and nights, the ex who has already been convicted of assault against me, who has already expressed the desire to, stated the intention of, and made attempts to kill me, as well as attempting vehicular homicide against the eight year old special-needs off-spring of the marriage?

You're right. I don't know what I was thinking. It's been terrible the way I've treated my ex. I shouldn't have been so upset that day that my daughter had to watch the parental wrists being slashed. I shouldn't have been so upset all those years the police were traipsing through the house because some sort of crap was aimed at my daughter and I.

I'll stop worrying about trying to help her with her mental illness and I'll just run out and get that restraining order first thing monday. Then the violence, slashing, pills, can happen far away from us, she'll never have any help with her illness, (because God knows the Alberta Government isn't going to help the mentally ill) and my daughter can rest comfortable in the knowledge that she'll only ever see one of her parents again.

smiley - biggrin

On a different subject:

I would rather live in a culture that allowed people to promote to the youth (with parades or whatever) the concept of committed, loving, lasting relationships between two people who treat themselves as equals rather than the nasty concepts promoted by the vocal heterosexuals of the world: men should have power, women should be quiet, women are objects (to be protected from other men [but anything is allowed for the owner]), men can't help themselves, boys will be boys, she's premenstrual, he's just a go getter, all she needs is a good . . .

I've always felt most comfortable with gay people: Straight men are always on the make.


Right. No, really. I think that's a very good point. I wish it wasn't buried under gigaborg's intellectual lard.


Post 668


i wish people would take their comments to me to my thread.
and stop bothering them in their topics.

""Wow. It must have taken you a great deal of careful research to manage that. You've never seen the Mona Lisa, for instance, heard "Careless Whisper", watched pretty much any film or TV show ever made, never seen a play by Wilde, watched QI or Kenny Everett, enjoyed the music of Queen or Elton John, seen the films of "Lord of the Rings" or "X Men"? How do you manage to make your cultural life so impoverished? And how do you ensure you keep it that way? And how obsessively do you do so?""

i have never seen mona lisa
i dont listen to queen
i dont know if i have heard careless wisper
avoid wilde lie the plage
what is QI
kenney would not be my sort oh humor even if he wasnt gay,(more of a jack dee fan)
elton john...yuk
and i genuinly didnt know that bloke was gay until after x men and lord of the rings.
as to the impoverishd nature of my culture and education.
if you cant be bothered to read my earler posts i cant be botherd to answer(have only been here for 48 hrs or less, and less than that left before i move onto my next project.)

as to my current time.
inorder to achieve maximum income, i have spent the years of manhood
learning how to build computers
learning how to run a business
learning how to solder and put together circuit boards.
trying(with not much success to learn other languages.
learning mathmatics.
(i have spent a lot of hours 'paying attention' to the ladies of my life.
if you had been dumped into the game at so late a stage, you too would have huge gaps in you knowlege, and mostly rely on instinct and empathy.


Post 669


"inorder to achieve maximum income, i have spent the years of manhood...
...trying(with not much success to learn other languages"

Tip: so far you've not had much success with English. Try getting that right first. You'd be surprised how much easier a second language becomes once you've learned to communicate in your first one above the level of a four year old.

There's no need to get defensive about having unknowingly watched and enjoyed XMen and LotR. I take it, however, that you're never going to watch either again?

And I *have* been reading your posts, Giggler. I'll give you this much: you're consistent.



Post 670


my defensiveness is not directed at people like you.
you seem quite happy to let me rant on and soon enough ill be gone.
i get defensive because a lot of attacks have been taken totaly out of the cotext they were meant.
and in some cases they even have the cheek, to subtly alter the wording to their ends.
or missread my bad language.
either way
i would probably give english more time if it wernt for the fact i got of that rock as soon as humanly possible.
i have no interest in britain, nor do i care for the english language very much.
i am not trying to be offencive
'not every kid likes ice cream'
to be more specific about my disspasion for britain.
i hate racism, we all come from the same stock...its what we belive in that makes us different.
with people like blair and ,that loud balding concervative that recently hid from the lime light as leading candidate, who needs enemies.
(from an english voting point of view i am a leftie)but currently regretting it.

NHS is down the pan
north is under invested.
with a very broad stroke, i can say that the lower class their is quite vile.
now this is actually something a DO know about as it is exactly the world i am from.

as too tv, when i do get time to wach tv the things i see the most are
natasha on bbc news, yum(its got to be said, especialy if we are all gonna die anyway, makes a lovely person all the more precious somehow.)
the slightly short and round guy that does the business bit(sorry pal forgot your name...its in there somewhere.)
and national geographic.(currently in dutch...ARGGG smiley - sadface)

morning everyone

Post 671

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

Just catching the backlog...

Who are the grudge sisters? smiley - bigeyes

I can't believe that Hoo got away with implying he has a weakish mind so that he could support one of his arguments smiley - laugh

>>i wish people would take their comments to me to my thread.
and stop bothering them in their topics<<

GGB there is an incrediby easy solution to that - STOP putting out more ideas here, and STOP replying to posts here about your ideas and we will all find something else to talk about.

morning everyone

Post 672

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

Trin - I like the points you are bringing up about the 'artificiality' of intentionally created myth. Is it possible to continue with this part of the conversation, or shall we wait until things settle down a bit? (I'm thinking the latter, as I'm finding it hard to track through the drift to find your posts and people's replies smiley - erm)

morning everyone

Post 673


im off to bed, i made a new home for everyone to bitch at me, so adios.

morning everyone

Post 674

Trin Tragula

Kea - Sure! smiley - smiley (though it's getting late here and I'll probably make no sense at all smiley - laugh)

There have been some really interesting, on-topic posts here - every eighteenth post or so, by my reckoning: but it's tricky picking stuff out. Strontium Dog posted something relevant and intriguing about eight pages back and I looked at it at the time and thought "Oo, maybe I'll post something there in a little while, looks like this is back on track"

And when I got back, there was oodles of gumph in the way smiley - erm

morning everyone

Post 675



morning everyone

Post 676

Trin Tragula

Oh good

(Yeah - who are the Grudge Sisters?)

Does anybody else find the racialist ideas of the Lord of the Rings disturbing?

Post 677

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

SD, I'd say probably reasons 2,4 and 8 - though I can't think what the other reason(s) might be! (Tolkien, this is...)

The next level......

Post 678

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Tremors! smiley - laugh There's now a spin-off TV series - no, really! smiley - weird


Post 679

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Wow, anhaga, thanks for that information about Orcs! Very informative.


Post 680


I feel that I should emphasise that the bulk of post 601 is made up of the words of J. R. R. Tolkien himself on the subject of the origin of the Orcs. At least one individual seems to have been confused and understood that they were the words of Christopher Tolkien.

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