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Does anybody else find the racialist ideas of the Lord of the Rings disturbing?
anhaga Posted Jul 25, 2004
Oh. I've just gone by your PS, CG. Never mind.
Does anybody else find the racialist ideas of the Lord of the Rings disturbing?
Lash LeRue Posted Jul 25, 2004
Elrond and Earendel(Aragorns ancestor)were brothers.through an inter species relationship of a human and an elf.Elrond chose to be an imortal elf and Earendel chose to be a mortal human.A few thousand years later Elronds nephew marries his daughter.
I hear banjo music pa'
Does anybody else find the racialist ideas of the Lord of the Rings disturbing?
anhaga Posted Jul 25, 2004
Just for interest sake, from the (in progress) Dictionary of Old English (Toronto):
Noun, m. (cf. personal names of Gmc. mythology: ON Aurvandill, OHG Ōrentil, Langobardic Auriwandalo)
Att. sp.: earendel, earendil | eorendel | oerendil (? for eorendil)
7 occ. (mainly in glosses and glossaries)
1. (ray of) light that precedes day, coming or rising light
1.a. glossing aurora `dawn, daybreak'
HyGl 2 15.8: aurora cursus provehit, aurora tota prodeat, in patre totus filius & totus in verbo pater dægrima rynas up alymþ eorendel eall forðstæppe on fæder eall se suna & eall on worde fæder (HyGl 3 15.8 dægrima).
HyGl 2 30.1: aurora iam spargit polum; terris dies illabitur; lucis resultat spiculum; discedat omne lubricum eorendel eallunga geondstret heofon; eorþum dæg on asihþ; leohtes swege stræle ł leoma; aweg gewite ælc þing slipores ł fules (HyGl 3 30.1 dægrima).
1.b. as epithet for Christ (apparently rendering oriens `the rising sun') and for John the Baptist (apparently rendering lucifer `light-bringer')
ChristA 104: eala earendel, engla beorhtast, ofer middangeard monnum sended, ond soðfæsta sunnan leoma, torht ofer tunglas, þu tida gehwane of sylfum þe symle inlihtes (cf. Antiph.O.Oriens: o Oriens, splendor lucis æternæ, et sol justitiæ).
LS 12 (NatJnBapt) 60: nu seo Cristes gebyrd æt his æriste, se niwa eorendel Sanctus Iohannes; & nu nu se leoma þære soþan sunnan God selfa cuman wille (cf. PS.AUG. Serm. 199.2 surgat novus lucifer, quia jubar jam veri solis erumpit).
2. glossing jubar `light, radiance; sunshine'; but perhaps take in restricted sense 1 (see putative source and cf. ISID. Etym. 3.71.18 also quoted below)
EpGl 414: iuuar leoma uel earendil (ErfGl 1 554 oerendil, CorpGl 2 9.521 earendel; perh. from Abstr. 102.42 iubar solis radius uel stella que ante solem apparet; cf. ISID. Etym. 3.71.18 hic [lucifer] proprie et iubar dicitur eo quod iubas lucis effundat, sed et splendor solis ac lunae et stellarum iubar vocatur, quod in modum iubae radii ipsorum extendantur).
Lat. equiv. in MS: aurora, jubar.
Does anybody else find the racialist ideas of the Lord of the Rings disturbing?
anhaga Posted Jul 25, 2004
sorry about the codes that didn't translate in the last post. In general they are vowels with various accents. I'll try to fix it up.
Does anybody else find the racialist ideas of the Lord of the Rings disturbing?
anhaga Posted Jul 25, 2004
This might be a little better:
Noun, m. (cf. personal names of Gmc. mythology: ON Aurvandill, OHG Orentil, Langobardic Auriwandalo)
Att. sp.: earendel, earendil | eorendel | oerendil (? for eorendil)
7 occ. (mainly in glosses and glossaries)
1. (ray of) light that precedes day, coming or rising light
1.a. glossing aurora `dawn, daybreak'
HyGl 2 15.8: aurora cursus provehit, aurora tota prodeat, in patre totus filius & totus in verbo pater dægrima rynas up alymþ eorendel eall forðstæppe on fæder eall se suna & eall on worde fæder (HyGl 3 15.8 dægrima).
HyGl 2 30.1: aurora iam spargit polum; terris dies illabitur; lucis resultat spiculum; discedat omne lubricum eorendel eallunga geondstret heofon; eorþum dæg on asihþ; leohtes swege stræle; leoma; aweg gewite ælc þing slipores ; fules (HyGl 3 30.1 dægrima).
1.b. as epithet for Christ (apparently rendering oriens `the rising sun') and for John the Baptist (apparently rendering lucifer `light-bringer')
ChristA 104: eala earendel, engla beorhtast, ofer middangeard monnum sended, ond soðfæsta sunnan leoma, torht ofer tunglas, þu tida gehwane of sylfum þe symle inlihtes (cf. Antiph.O.Oriens: o Oriens, splendor lucis æternæ, et sol justitiæ).
LS 12 (NatJnBapt) 60: nu seo Cristes gebyrd æt his æriste, se niwa eorendel Sanctus Iohannes; & nu nu se leoma þære soþan sunnan God selfa cuman wille (cf. PS.AUG. Serm. 199.2 surgat novus lucifer, quia jubar jam veri solis erumpit).
2. glossing jubar `light, radiance; sunshine'; but perhaps take in restricted sense 1 (see putative source and cf. ISID. Etym. 3.71.18 also quoted below)
EpGl 414: iuuar leoma uel earendil (ErfGl 1 554 oerendil, CorpGl 2 9.521 earendel; perh. from Abstr. 102.42 iubar solis radius uel stella que ante solem apparet; cf. ISID. Etym. 3.71.18 hic [lucifer] proprie et iubar dicitur eo quod iubas lucis effundat, sed et splendor solis ac lunae et stellarum iubar vocatur, quod in modum iubae radii ipsorum extendantur).
Lat. equiv. in MS: aurora, jubar.
Does anybody else find the racialist ideas of the Lord of the Rings disturbing?
Trin Tragula Posted Jul 25, 2004
Thorns and everything!
Probable dumb question: How do you get from 'aurora' to 'iubar'? (And don't just tell me to wait for a bit ) You mean this was translated as either?
Does anybody else find the racialist ideas of the Lord of the Rings disturbing?
Ged42 Posted Jul 25, 2004
Anhaga how did you type that a and e (ae) stuck together letter, that is pronouced as an e?
Or did you just copy and paste?
Does anybody else find the racialist ideas of the Lord of the Rings disturbing?
GiGaBaNE Posted Jul 25, 2004
holt down the alt buton and type in numbers
they are called control codes
Does anybody else find the racialist ideas of the Lord of the Rings disturbing?
GiGaBaNE Posted Jul 25, 2004
hey thats not fair, it works in the text box but dosnt post then to the web
Does anybody else find the racialist ideas of the Lord of the Rings disturbing?
GiGaBaNE Posted Jul 25, 2004
Does anybody else find the racialist ideas of the Lord of the Rings disturbing?
GiGaBaNE Posted Jul 25, 2004
sorry about the garble people i understand now.
the control codes are done in something called UNICode
but i think this site only accepts ANSI Encoded text.
Does anybody else find the racialist ideas of the Lord of the Rings disturbing?
churchills_ghost Posted Jul 25, 2004
i see that you are a master at putting words into peoples mouths, tlling me that i can see the problems in tolkens work but am not disturbed by them. i dont see any problems to be disturbed with.
however i conceed to your point that the lore is over 1000 years old, i was using that as a ballpark figure; perhaps the lore orginates from "time immemorable" as the law would put it.
and yes the people from the north would have lost their dark skins, you therefore making the point i was mentioning. We all orginiated from africa but about 900ad there would be verry little reason to see black people in the british isles.
i do not know how you can be disturbed by lord of the rings. that is a strong emotion to use, really, people seem to throw emptions around like they mean nothing. I class being disturbed as something that would interupt my thought with the imminance of its being; for instance the fact that one day i have to suffer death 'disturbs' me, but the fact that gandalf isnt a rastafarian, dosent.
Spaceechik, Typomancer Posted Jul 25, 2004
anhaga said, "Translation and transmission down the ages tends to smooth out the rough bits, selecting cannonical versions, etc."
I hesitate to mention this, but it could also be said of the Bible (or other sacred texts) throughout history.
Who knows how many rewrites there were? The "lost books of the Bible" would hint at valuable accounts, which were put to one side as contradictory, but too valuable to lose.
And, yes, I am going to rot in hell, thank you.
Does anybody else find the racialist ideas of the Lord of the Rings disturbing?
anhaga Posted Jul 25, 2004
Let's see. I'll try to get to most of these.
aurora and iubar: Anglo-Saxon (or Continental) scribes glossed the Latin words "aurora" and "iubar" with the Old English (or other Germanic cognate) word Earendel.
the characters: I cut and pasted from my CD-ROM copy of the Old English Dictionary.
"tlling me that i can see the problems in tolkens work but am not disturbed by them. i dont see any problems to be disturbed with." Sorry, I've misunderstood. I thought when you acknowledged that the Lord of the Rings was pretty much white only you were seeing the same things I saw and that where I was what I call disturbed, you were not what you call disturbed. Sorry. You did, however, start in on me out of the blue with suggestions that I have a complex, when, in fact, it seems we have slightly different connotations of the word "disturbed". If you had read a little more of the discussion you might have realized what was happening. But, that's fine.
I am still, however, curious about what you meant by "one of those". Exceptionally mildly curious, almost to the point of not really giving a crap, but curious none the less.
"I hesitate to mention this, but it could also be said of the Bible (or other sacred texts) throughout history." Why hesitate? It's a perfectly reasonable suggestion. No one will jump on you for saying such a thing about the Bible (although I suspect you would have to be careful about Star Wars.)
Mrs Zen Posted Jul 25, 2004
121 new posts! *wails*
>> maybe if i had a mute body guard pointing a gun at the hypnotist with orders to shoot if he tries to suggest something that is not of my requirements.
Nothing to stop a decent hypnotist hypnotising the bodyguard!
>> sorry ppl, its just another human deviancy that needs to be suppressed. (636)
Sorry, GiG. It isn't and doesn't. However, there isn't a lot of point in my trying to persuade you otherwise, just as there isn't a lot of point in you trying to persuade me that you are right in what you say.
But I couldn't let your comment go past without noting that I disagree with it, big time.
>> and believe me, in the eighties, you had to do some pretty embarrassing things to be fashionable. (Hoo - 638)
>> It's a shame I missed the picnic though (GD - 642)
Here, have a and some and
>> You see, women are such mind-bogglingly stupid creatures that they'll believe you're gay even if you just TELL them you are. (Hoo - 644)
Ach, don't say that, Hoo. He might believe you that gals are stupid, and that really *would* cause him problems.
>> Do please understand I am not speaking theoretically here. This is an approach I have used myself to incredibly rapid effect on two separate occasions. (Hoo - 644)
Sadly, our tame mysoginist is right enough for it to be simplest to say that he is right.
However, men who actually *do* listen to women are rare and wonderous beasts.
>> >> Marco: ridiculous, over-the-top, asking-for-a-kicking camp. Seemed to be trying to convince *himself* he was gay. (GiGaBaNE 646)
>> this is exactly the type of person that bothers me.
Ach, Marco was a screaming queen, and irritating as hell, but there was no harm in him, unless you count damage to the ear-drums which was considerable.
>> i consume no data that is created by homo's
Which is an enormous pity, because a mathematical text book is good or bad depending on the maths, not on the sexual orientation of the person who wrote it.
Your loss, GiGs. But no skin off my nose.
>> wher a couple gets married and over time new people are introduced by the partners as a way of preventing cheating
Your world really gives people very few rights to make their own minds up about stuff, GiGs. It requires central organisation and really massive enforcement.
If I am half a couple, and the state introdced a new person to have sex with me, and if I did not want to have sex with them, (which is very likely, given that I am both loyal and picky), how would that not be rape?
>> no woman has ever been told of my homosex act.
Only one of my partners has ever told me that he had slept with men as well as women, and I am 100% certain he told me that for effect.
I have no idea whether it was true. It might be, it might not be, and to be honest I don't really care. He was cute, and I fancied the pants off him.
Equally, I have no way of knowing whether or not my other partners had slept with men as well as women. I assume not in most cases but, once again, am not really that bothered.
>> still feels very wrong to me.
Fine. No-one is going to make you have sex with men unless you are very very unlucky. But if you have the right to your heterosexuality, other people have an equal right to their homosexuality or bisexuality.
>> i hate the act, (GiGs - 650)
Fair enough, there are some forms of sex that I find pretty difficult to deal with, though I can't think of any right now. And that's the key. I don't dwell on them.
>> and i prefer not to interact with those who practice it as a matter of principle.
Ah. But what people do in privacy has absolutely nothing at all to do with the quality of their work, with whether or not they give to charity, whether or not they are loyal friends, whether or not they help old ladies across the road, whether or not they are 'good' people, whatever that may mean.
Non-consensual sex is an exception to that, but you aren't talking about non-consensual sex, merely about forms of sex you find distasteful, not all of which you can conceivably have tried in a single encounter.
You are cutting off your nose to spite your face, GiGs.
>> to spend your whole life, working in a trusting partnership, side by side againt the odds. together you can achieve anything, even real hapiness. (635)
You are just a great big soppy romantic, aren't you GiGs?
>> Well, you'd still probably make your idiotic, hateful, purile [criminal in some jurisdictions] comments about people more intelligent and feeling than you
Actually, anhaga, I think that what we are dealing with here is a young but relatively flexible mind. My guess (stated elsewhere) is that GiGs is still in his early teens. Nothing wrong with that, we all have to go through it, and he is going through it in a certain amount of style.
What I like about him is that he reads and thinks about the replies he receives, and he does show signs of adapting his thoughts in response to the replies. Which is more than can be said for some of the adults in this thread.
For that reason I don't support hurling abuse at him.
Yes, homophobia is not ok. On the other hand, he has been at some effort to explain that what grosses him out is homosexual sex, (presumably anal sex), and screaming queens.
Which reminds me - there is far far more heterosexual anal sex out there than homosexual anal sex. A point that I put to an ex of mine who verged on the homophobic but who in fact had a dislike of buggery, but then he had been schooled by Jesuits, which might explain it. I never asked.
I did however introduce his son to Birmingham's gay community, and the boy made a pass at a lesbian, who very gently turned him down. Which only goes to show that you should be careful about the prejudices you express to me - I have devious ways of dealing with them.
>> One in particular who had served with the Isreali secret service and had guilt and anger just dripping from her bloody fingers. Instead of finding sympathy, guidance and companionship she got pushed beyond madness. (The rather wonderful ~jwf~ in 657).
If you believed her, on that or any subject... Though you *are* right about the anger.
The reason why the lynch mob formed in that case was she showed absolutely no flexibility of attitude, and GiGs here does.
I like him.
More when I catch up with it...
anhaga Posted Jul 25, 2004
" he does show signs of adapting his thoughts in response to the replies."
You're right Ben. And I think Gigabane and I have mellowed a bit in our exchanges. I confess I have prejudice against flaming heterosexuals who seem to be on a mission to impose their private sexual quirk on the universe. I'm afraid that some of Gigabane's statements on the subject have seemed a bit too much like the meat market bar on a saturday night for my comfort. But, as you say, Gigabane listens.
Mrs Zen Posted Jul 25, 2004
Jeeze you guys were busy here over the weekend.
>> ~jwf~ You're right. everybody should be picking on me. (Anhaga, 667).
I assumed that jw was joking. It certainly seemed that way from context. Mind you, I am certain he wasn't being ironic or sarcastic at-all at-all at-all when he said I had 'improved'. (Let me have your paypal details jw, and I'll send you that fiver. )
>> i have never seen mona lisa.... (GiGaBaNE 668)
Seems like a too Hoo.
Btw - you are missing a lot, GiGaBaNE, but it's your call. Though, personally I think the Mona Lisa looks as if she's wet herself but isn't entirely sure if it will show.
>> so far you've not had much success with English. (Hoo 669)
Actually, GiGaBaNE's English is pretty good. His spelling and punctuation suck, but if you read his stuff out loud it is good, robust, articulate colloquial English. There is the occasional malapropism, but apart from that, he is a lot better at communicating using it than a fair number of the folks here who spell correctly and claim a couple of degrees. (This is not a reference to anyone in this thread, btw).
>> with a very broad stroke, i can say that the lower class their is quite vile. (G - 670).
Just another one that I am not going to comment on, but am going to register my fundamental disagreement with.
My only comment on this is that you run the danger of throwing out a lot of babies with the bathwater, GiGs. You do show yourself to have a surprisingly open mind at times. Open it a crack or two more, eh? You'll be glad you did.
>> I can't believe that Hoo got away with implying he has a weakish mind so that he could support one of his arguments (kea - 671)
Good, innit? We were just too awestruck by the sleight of hand to call him on it!
>> >>i wish people would take their comments to me to my thread.
and stop bothering them in their topics<< (GiGaBaNe quoted in 671)
This is HooToo. The one defining characteristic of which is Topic Drift. It is one of our more maddening strengths as a community. Let 'em drift!
>> Wibble (GiGaBaNE 675)
*we now return you to your original programme*
GiGaBaNE's flexible attitude
GiGaBaNE Posted Jul 25, 2004
Replying to post 715
(most of the motives i have formed are based on fear.in the past my rights have been violated, and in a world like this, you can garuntee someone else will try)
good point about the bodyguard, ill work on it.
I Really am older then 20, i do not consider my life to have started until the age of around 16 as before this, my life was not my own.
as to women, you will never meet a "normal" person in your life, who has more respect for the well being of ladies in your life.
I AM the kind that still opens doors.
walks a girl home
get increddibly jealous.
will physicaly fight off men who would deliberatly try to take her aaway from me.
treat her ambitions as though tjey were mine and give it my every resource to making them happen.
i know not all women like that, im not trying to be the perfect man.
i just want to be perfect for the one that is perfect for me.
as to homosexuality, it is not the physical act that botheres me.
personaly i think Bugg with a girl is quite kinky.(in the bedroom, anything goes).
i dislike it for two reasons.
this one is a little vague and sketchy as im not really sure myself;
either there is a "higher" power out there or there isnt.
If there is, (whether god or more powerfull alien)we will be subject to their values, more than they to ours.
if there is no higher power, then we humans are responsible for everything we have the power to control.
the reason i think this is, is because we (until we discover otherwise) are the only 'sentient' creatures able to look after the minor flaws of nature that may send us spinning back to the chaos we came from...
the other reason is this.
i realy do believe that a lot of minds are unfocused in this world, desberatly trying to define meaning to there lives.
most choose sensibly given enouth time.
some however, rather like moths to a light, will simply latch on to whatever 'movement' is a round at the time.
i may have used the term earlier "un-natural".
If you think about it in "natural terms"
playing with your willie in public is 'Natural'(until society tells you otherwise)
picking food up of the floor is "natural" but we wouldnt allow our children to do it would we.
and that is what its really about. the children.
for one im afraid that "little timmy and his friend mike are going to play that game,they saw uncle dave play with his friend"
you remember the bulger incident, two kids took another and "did things".
well they blamed the tv for that, but real life is so much more colorfull!!!
it just seems to me that society hides behind the banner of nature far too much, and culture is just another way of suppressing built in ethics.
im pretty sure that if you took a load of young children, put them on and island, with no culture or education, except for raw data, like math and physics.
once they had grown to middle age, they would have developed values unconnected to the west or the east, or anywhere else for that matter. Now if they were then forced to wach homo sex, i bet the majority natural feeling would be one of distaste(assuming theyre getting enough sex) lust will always modulate ones beliefs, and that is why i hate excessive lust of all forms, it makes us lose controle.
as a responsible race, we do not have the luxury of allowing ourselves, to digress into a starfaring culture of misguided indaviduals.
in short it is about bloody time we pull ourselves together, and forcibly agree on all the big issues of the world one way or another.
from that stand point id just rather not have it around as it just dont seem worth the hassle...
oh yeah, i also think that the majority of gay men are plain and simple not able to handle a good woman(especially on equil terms).
i like strong women, and i am not afraind to share power or control with a partner that can handle it.
I also do more than half the house work.
i am a man that has problems, but as a direct result of 'CULTURES and MODERN SOCIETY"
as to the no consuming of data.
dont you know "I am The MAN who would be King"
and good kings deal with hostile nations with embargoes.
inthe society i plan i have very little power at all.
the deal i offer could be summarised like this;
There is no self employment in my land, the chief reward for this shall be immediate. no tax. on anythin. ever.
local law is decided at local level.
world law is compiled of three law systems, to i guess i will have to commision at least one of them myself.
world name my name for it(at the mo)
HUMAN RIGHTS BILL The rights of humanity
??? The Responsibilities of Humanity
Corperate law corperate law (covers every thing inc copyright)
as to the STATE introducing partners, sorry but you read that wrong.
i meant;
"honey, i met this girl a while back at work and the chemistry is starting to really go. i am thinking of persuing the matter, would you like to come and meet her to see if you like her too?"
sounds lovely, but we will need a pil for this jeaouly flaw we all have.
as to not telling the girls of my homo act.
I consider myself to be a man apart, i try to be my own moral guide and as such a may need to do things in life that may harm the minds and jujments of the ones i love.
its a really sad hypocracy we exist in, because the truth of the matter is. the human race will only ever be at its best, under bonevolant dictators.
as to meat markets.
i wish i could go see what the inside of a nightclub was like, but youll never get me there.
i cant dance
i am more terrified of crowds of strangers than i am of anything else in this world.
i hate how casually sex is just passed around, its supose to be special.
i dont get drunk, ever ,(have tried it though).
first the only thing a drunk man is good for in bed is keeping you warm(probably with methane).
i refuse to consume anything that reduses my ability to mentaly react in a crisis.
(if anyone mentions the canabis at this point i would like to point out. Never asume a wasted person is a slow target, they only think they are, With enough dicipline, combat reflexex are unhindered.
i have exelent marksmanship AND aoutomatic unarmed parry manuver down to a tee and i smoke over 10 gramms of the finest skunk just about every day of my life.
as to post 716
do you mean have i got a list of UNICODE control numbers?
if so there should be program with all(?) MS operating systems called character viewer or something. in accessories or system tools...you may have to install it from the windows disk.
i hope i got all of it covered.
as to the author of post 715
the kind of patient, balanced mindset you have demonstrated here.
Is exactly how i want the people of my land to make their rules.
somebody said also earlier, what colour would the people be.
i havnt got a clue, but i supose a sub part of that question could be answered by understanding another slant on culture.
some think i am trying to control things like culture, not exactly tru.
i am over simplifiyng our problems and i dont mean metaphoricaly.
essentially we are the same. if you DESTROY culture and heritage completly, strip the belief systems out of everything.
who cares if a house is a million years old. analize it, gather all data for knowleges sake, and get rid(move it to a multi story museum if you have to), but in the end its a stack of rock, and they dont live there anymore.
once you have managed to strip the culture away you just put them all together, from all over the world, give them the best education and start you can and then let time tell us what "NEW WORLD CULTURE" would be like.
Key: Complain about this post
Does anybody else find the racialist ideas of the Lord of the Rings disturbing?
- 701: anhaga (Jul 25, 2004)
- 702: Lash LeRue (Jul 25, 2004)
- 703: anhaga (Jul 25, 2004)
- 704: anhaga (Jul 25, 2004)
- 705: anhaga (Jul 25, 2004)
- 706: Trin Tragula (Jul 25, 2004)
- 707: Ged42 (Jul 25, 2004)
- 708: GiGaBaNE (Jul 25, 2004)
- 709: GiGaBaNE (Jul 25, 2004)
- 710: GiGaBaNE (Jul 25, 2004)
- 711: GiGaBaNE (Jul 25, 2004)
- 712: churchills_ghost (Jul 25, 2004)
- 713: Spaceechik, Typomancer (Jul 25, 2004)
- 714: anhaga (Jul 25, 2004)
- 715: Mrs Zen (Jul 25, 2004)
- 716: Researcher U197087 (Jul 25, 2004)
- 717: anhaga (Jul 25, 2004)
- 718: Mrs Zen (Jul 25, 2004)
- 719: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Jul 25, 2004)
- 720: GiGaBaNE (Jul 25, 2004)
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