A Conversation for Ask h2g2
Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros hunt?
anhaga Posted Feb 14, 2012
I've just finished watching Billy Connolly's almost-four-hour joyous appreciation of our country: http://ww3.tvo.org/video/165523/billy-connolly-journey-edge-world-episode-1
and I would recommend it highly.
(Despite being originally broadcast on British television, Effers tells me that the above link is blocked in the UK.)
Billy Connolly is someone who has always hovered on the periphery of my awareness. I was very, very impressed with his sensitivity as a traveller and the sheer joy with which he encountered everything, no matter how cold, wet, scary, smelly or strange to him. This program is about the most pleasurable piece of television I've ever come across.
Billy has set an example I must strive to follow on the road trips I'm planning for this summer . . .
as Jian Ghomeshi says . . .
to be continued (but maybe elsewhere).
Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros hunt?
anhaga Posted Feb 14, 2012
and, in other news, soldiers leave Gagetown for Afghanistan: http://www.radio-canada.ca/nouvelles/International/2012/02/13/011-afghanistan-soldats-releve.shtml?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
Lest we forget that the war isn't over for Canada.
Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros hunt?
taliesin Posted Feb 14, 2012
>Billy has set an example I must strive to follow on the road trips I'm planning for this summer . . .<
If your plans include a motorcycle, I respectfully suggest you choose a machine with far superior handling, safety, power, reliability and ergonomics than that Harley Mr. Connolly seems to be riding
He should have done the tour on a Triumph Sprint ST, which I like almost as much as my FJR
Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros hunt?
anhaga Posted Feb 14, 2012
I expect, considering my impedimenta, i'll not be using a bike of any sort.
BTW, Batoche is the top of the list for a relatively distant visit.
Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros hunt?
clzoomer- a bit woobly Posted Feb 14, 2012
Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros hunt?
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Feb 14, 2012
Today is Valentine's Day, so I'm going to work Valentine-themed motifs into my post:
Anhaga, is your itinerary going to include chocolate-related stops of interest? Are there any rose-filled greenhouses nearby? :-0
Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros hunt?
anhaga Posted Feb 14, 2012
I'm not big on chocolate or roses. It'll be literary and historical sites more than anything else. But I do plan to visit a poet's house. Does that count as Valentiny?
Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros hunt?
clzoomer- a bit woobly Posted Feb 14, 2012
Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros hunt?
anhaga Posted Feb 14, 2012
Not sure.
I'm hoping to go back to Blue River (not something you hear every day) and I wouldn't mind going back down the Fraser.
But I also was hoping to head east and south and north: Batoche, Saskatoon (the Paris of the Prairies), Medicine Hat, the Peace Country. . .
Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros hunt?
clzoomer- a bit woobly Posted Feb 14, 2012
I told some of my female co-workers 15 minutes ago that my plan this morning was to buy one red rose on the way to work and then put one petal on each of their desks. Then I told them it would have made me late so I didn't do it.
A different female co-worker just went past my open office door and said "Cheap bastard!" laughingly through it.
The jungle telegraph is working, thankyouverymuch!
Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros hunt?
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Feb 14, 2012
"I'm not big on chocolate or roses." [Anhaga]
I'm shocked!
"I do plan to visit a poet's house. Does that count as Valentiny?
Poets sometimes write about love. Are you visiting that kind of poet's house?
Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros hunt?
anhaga Posted Feb 14, 2012
Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros hunt?
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Feb 14, 2012
Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros hunt?
anhaga Posted Feb 14, 2012
Hey, apparently that Suzuki fellow is going to say nice things about the capital of Tar Sands Land on his show:
"Onward to Edmonton, one of Canada’s fastest growing urban regions. The Edmonton Waste Management Centre is a world leader in recycling and composting. They’re taking it a step further – they’ll soon be turning waste into biofuel. Edmontonians are completely on board too, something David and Sarika discover when they visit a house being built almost entirely from discarded materials."
Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros hunt?
j_z_d Posted Mar 1, 2012
Thanks for posting the Billy Connolly link(post #17861), anhaga! I 'dug that up'
& watched it yesterday evening...he's terrific. I think I had mentioned that I met him & shook hands...back in...Sept. or early Oct. of 2002 or 3. I was in the small crowd waiting for him as he headed out to the limo after his performance at the Jubilee Auditorium.
Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros hunt?
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Mar 1, 2012
It's always nice to have someone discover the great things that are being done un your area, Anhaga.
Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros hunt?
j_z_d Posted Mar 1, 2012
I've listened to Natch'l Blues for years now(since the mid '70s or so). And although I've heard brief mentions of his(Holger Peterson's) career, reading about it in one article clarifies the impressiveness.
Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros hunt?
anhaga Posted Mar 1, 2012
Peterson is one of those fixtures that has just always been around, quietly making it a better place.
Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros hunt?
clzoomer- a bit woobly Posted Mar 1, 2012
Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros hunt?
clzoomer- a bit woobly Posted Mar 2, 2012
Good article about the bad along with the good in Canadian black history.
Key: Complain about this post
Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros hunt?
- 17861: anhaga (Feb 14, 2012)
- 17862: anhaga (Feb 14, 2012)
- 17863: taliesin (Feb 14, 2012)
- 17864: anhaga (Feb 14, 2012)
- 17865: clzoomer- a bit woobly (Feb 14, 2012)
- 17866: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Feb 14, 2012)
- 17867: anhaga (Feb 14, 2012)
- 17868: clzoomer- a bit woobly (Feb 14, 2012)
- 17869: anhaga (Feb 14, 2012)
- 17870: clzoomer- a bit woobly (Feb 14, 2012)
- 17871: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Feb 14, 2012)
- 17872: anhaga (Feb 14, 2012)
- 17873: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Feb 14, 2012)
- 17874: anhaga (Feb 14, 2012)
- 17875: j_z_d (Mar 1, 2012)
- 17876: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Mar 1, 2012)
- 17877: j_z_d (Mar 1, 2012)
- 17878: anhaga (Mar 1, 2012)
- 17879: clzoomer- a bit woobly (Mar 1, 2012)
- 17880: clzoomer- a bit woobly (Mar 2, 2012)
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