A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13461

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Did the architect use Darth Vader's helmet as a model? smiley - winkeye

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13462



if Lucas hears that he'll demand a hefty licensing fee!

smiley - winkeye

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13463

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Oh. I see. Does the new building have a theme?

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13464

Taff Agent of kaos

sith towerssmiley - winkeye

smiley - bat

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13465



It's post-modern architecture. glass with funny angles and twisty stainless steel is the theme.

I've heard that the architect gave some blither about it representing the winding river flowing through the grid of city streets. Right . . .


Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13466


I'm really getting sick of these people:

'PETA sues Edmonton over elephant'


They should just euthanize Lucy, like PETA does with virtually all of the strays they take in.

smiley - cross

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13467


Thank goodness she isn't yet under stress from the self-righteous do-gooders responsible for said lawsuit (that being the stress of travel).

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13468


I bet there's more than one keeper down at the zoo teaching Lucy how to throw a pie.smiley - laugh

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13469


smiley - laughLet's hope so!!

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13470

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Maybe Lucy would like a Tea Party. smiley - winkeye

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13471


You can keep your Tea Parties, Paul.smiley - smiley

Right. Just got back from Vader's Helmet (the Art Gallery).

I'm very, very pleased. Lots and lots of fine gallery space and you don't see the silly steel ribbon from any of it.

Most satisfactory.smiley - smiley

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13472

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Yes, never judge a woman, a museum or a restaurant by its cover.
It's what's inside that counts. smiley - bigeyes

Books of course continue to be packaged in all too obvious ways
by publishers who fear we need a coded guide to our selections.
Bless 'em.

The shiny metallic chrome dust jacket on The God Delusion being
a perfect example of target marketing. smiley - disco

smiley - zen

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13473

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Where does that leave Kindles, then?

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13474


'Where does that leave Kindles, then?'

In the dustbin of history, one hopes. The sooner the better.

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13475


I must say, the AGA looks much better in real life than it does in StreetView: http://maps.google.com/maps?t=h&q=53.5475,-113.492778&ie=UTF8&ll=53.544429,-113.489054&spn=0.00233,0.005466&z=18&layer=c&cbll=53.544603,-113.489138&panoid=KfnZ9qDhpzwLel_cwrNx0A&cbp=12,35.73,,0,-11.34

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13476

clzoomer- a bit woobly

*'Where does that leave Kindles, then?'
In the dustbin of history, one hopes. The sooner the better.*

Beware the iPad, my son, The jaws that bite, the claws that catch! Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun the frumious Bandersnatch!

I currently have open on my iPod- Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, The Count of Monte Cristo, Paradise Lost, Abbot's Flatland and Alice in Wonderland, not to mention the consuming, buzz killing, leaves a little in translation from Mother Russia *classic* War and Peace, all being reread and conveniently bookmarked so I can dip in at leisure at any opportunity, even while waiting for *talent*. smiley - rofl

Complete with page turning sound effects as well. smiley - smiley

Carry those around in your man bag all day. smiley - tongueout

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13477


My old Palm Zire 72 is still going strong. It's got Wealth of Nations, Frankenstein, Princess of Mars and a dozen other titles in it, plays music, takes pictures and video, plays movies. I use it to keep track of bills I have to pay, as my grocery list, and to play solitaire when I'm in the loo.

When it finally craps out, I'm thinking I'll replace it with an old fashioned paper daytimer and a deck of cards.smiley - smiley

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13478

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

>> Complete with page turning sound effects as well...<<

I've been wondering (worrying) about that.
Is there any variation to the sound? Or is it a constant?

I mean half the fun (and a large part of maintaining a healthy
subconscious awareness of one's own mind) is the subtle clues
our bodies (hands) send to our ears via the different speeds and
energies we input to the turning of pages. If the sound is always
the same how will I know if I'm excited, contemplative, angry or
bored by what I'm reading. I realise that making dramatic page
turning noises is usually a woman's game in situations where an
audience might be present (like reading a newspaper at the breakfast
table or flipping through a magazine in a waiting room) but in the privacy
of my own reading I count on these subtle variations in the sound of my
turning pages to tell me what I'm feeling below the cognitive level.

smiley - book


Post 13479


LOL definitely a shovel in the car you never know where you are gonna get stuck.. god did i find that out the hard way.

Should elephants throw pies at Mr. Harper?

Post 13480

clzoomer- a bit woobly

~jwf~, yes in fact the page turning sound varies with the speed of the finger motion. You must have a programming fan.

steampop, move here to Metro Vancouver where never is heard a discouraging word and the snow is not here, just the hay. smiley - smiley

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