A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13441


A patriotic moment:

'"My great grandfather, Lazarus Cohen, came to Canada in 1869, to the county of Glengarry, a little town in Maberly," Cohen said.

"It's customary to thank people for the help and aid they've given. On this occasion, because of the great hospitality that was accorded my ancestor who came here over 140 years ago, I want to thank this country, Canada, for allowing us to live and work and flourish in a place that was different from all other places in the world.

"So I thank Canada for the opportunity that was given me to work and play and flourish…. Thank you, friends."'


smiley - biggrin


Post 13442

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

If worst comes to worst, and the Vancouver area freeses solid, the leaves of the local palm trees will be frozen very stiff, and can be used as makeshift shovels. smiley - smiley

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13443


smiley - crackersmiley - bubbly

'A seal hunt protester with People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) was pied in St. John's on Friday by someone dressed up in a Newfoundland dog costume'


smiley - laugh

I hope it was a seal flipper pie: http://joycesfinecooking.com/Ethnic/newfoundland_flipper_pie.htm

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13444

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

smiley - yuk Seal flipper? That doesn't sound veyr tasty. What's wrong with coconut custard or lemon meringue?

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13445


It's just a meat pie. Like steak and kidney.smiley - drool

Except the meat is far more tender than you'd find anywhere on a cow.

And more fishy.smiley - fish

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13446

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I understand all that, and I understand that native peoples have a legitimate need for caribou and seal products for their daily activities, but the classic pie-fight scenes in the old movies always assumed that the best and messiest pies had sweet centers and lots of cream. Otherwise, why would audiences watch with such delight?

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13447


Sat. evening 'tipple tidings' smiley - laugh. Just enjoyed a pairing that coincidentally I rather simulaneously(sp?) discovered hinted at(in the archives)on http://www.artofdrink.com . Specifically some French Pralus-of course pronounced 'pray-lu'-smiley - choc from Kerstin's with Grand Marnier's Navan Cognac with Tahitian Vanilla. The Art Of Drink website-in their review of Navan-just says it goes nicely with dark or bittersweet smiley - choc, so I think it's safe to say that's a w-i-d-e vista, given some of the flavoured smiley - choc available. I'm rather anxious to try it with the American Taza smiley - chochttp://www.tazachocolate.com , particularly their Mexicano product with either cinnamon or vanilla...possibly with Guajillo chile pepper. Oh & something that just crossed my mind in regard to the single malts at The Bothy, Taza's Mexicano with salted almond.smiley - okI suspect that should be a fine match!

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13448

Taff Agent of kaos

so the smiley - pggb was nice thensmiley - biggrin

smiley - bat

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13449


Nice indeed!smiley - ok Very good combination, imho.

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13450


I don't want to hear about chocolate and drink this evening, thanks.

I'm cleaning a fish tank, listening to Beethoven, and feeling something between melancholic and choleric. I think my liver needs a boost, not a burden.

smiley - winkeye

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13451


Hmm,ok...forget I even brought that up!smiley - winkeye

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13452


actually, it's funny. I used to be terribly fond of chocolate.

Then I got old.smiley - sadface

Now I rarely think of the stuff and if some well meaning person gives me some for Christmas or something, I'm actually kind of annoyed. The stuff just ends up sitting around. I had an open box of After Eights lying around for a couple of years until finally I just threw the thing out.smiley - sadface

I think I'll go take some B12.

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13453


smiley - huh*scratches head & mutters 'does this mean I've never grown up?'* smiley - laugh

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13454

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

J_z_d, I was puzzled about whether the Pralus was a form of chocolate, or a form of drink. In context, it sounds like a drink, but I can also imagine a very tasty chocolate being made with cognac and vanilla. There's a lovelt candy called chocolate cherry cordial, and it always tastes as if there's liqueur in the center, bathing the cherry.

Anhaga, I was listneing to Beethoven earlier today, but I wasn't cleaning my fishtank. I gave up keeping fish about ten years ago. What kind of fish do you have? Do you keep them for yourself, or for your offspring?

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13455


at the moment, Paul, I have a few survivors and a vast school of fish-ghosts.smiley - sadface

we'll be topping up the community this week, I think. I've been going to this establishment which purports to be greatly expert in the ways of the finny tribe, but every single creature I've bought from them (with the exception of one, which is on its last fins, and one other, which lived for a number of years and then died within a few weeks of meeting newcomers from that establishment) has died within a short time. And, my experience of the products of the chain pet stores is that they are virtually immortal.smiley - erm At this point I'm down to a tetra, a gourami and a trio of albino cories, at least one of which is second generation in our tank (and the aforementioned swimming deadfish).

I did all the water tests tonight and everything is perfect -- the tank is healthy. I think that other place just sells sick fish.smiley - cross

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13456


No Paul, Pralus are the smiley - chochttp://www.chocolats-pralus.com/?pge=lang=en (smiley - huhstrangely I can't seem to trigger the translation...) & Navan is the Cognac infused with Tahitian vanilla.

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13457


smiley - crackersmiley - bubbly (I think smiley - erm)

'Edmontonians got their first glimpse of the newly renovated Art Gallery of Alberta at its grand opening Saturday.

Read more: http://www.cbc.ca/canada/edmonton/story/2010/01/31/edmonton-gallery-grand-opening.html#ixzz0eFngs8OC'


I have a season pass, so I didn't bother with one of the free tickets for the opening, hoping to free up my space for someone who might not otherwise go. I'll probably go on Tuesday or Wednesday.

From the first models I thought the exterior was ridiculous, and my opinion hasn't improved much over the course of the construction (although it does look a lot better with snow all over it.smiley - winkeye) From the beginning I've been thinking that as long as the interior space is good -- and big, then I'll be more than happy. And, based on this: 'It has double the exhibition space of the former gallery' and on the fact that the Gallery is retaining the climate controlled storage space they've used for the last two years, I think I'll be happy.smiley - smiley

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13458


that was an embarrassing double-post of a single link.smiley - blush

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13459


The exterior view accompanying the article is not inspiring.

I've seen better looking car wrecks. smiley - erm

I'm not sure if it's pretentious, ludicrous, or simply awful..

Maybe it'll look better after a few smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrink

I wonder why they had to commission a USian? I'll bet he's laughing all the way to the bank

I suppose the art displayed within can only benefit by contrast

smiley - artist

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13460


the designer is a student (disciple?) of an obscure Canadian architect named 'Gehry' or something.

personally, I'd rather have a masonry box with state-of-the art environmental mechanisms.

but, I'm only a part owner of the place, so, I'll reserve my judgment for a bit,

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