A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13521

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Trouble with that link is it leaves you in 'Plain' when you 'update' which is sorta like being snowblind.

Happily, I still had another window open in Alabasterd and the ~change~ came thru there.

smiley - cheers
~jwf~ (quite happy to see so many others flocking around with wings)

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13522


anhaga, I went to the link, I changed nothing but when I came back here the page went to plain text on a white background. All the graphics except the smileys are gone. What's going on?

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13523



I was trying to copy Lil's link from post 412 over here F77636?thread=7218049&post=92196157#p92196157 and the only way I could make it show up as a link was with the whole http bit at the front. Can you get back to normal with the My Preferences tab?smiley - erm

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13524


try deleting 'plain' from the address bar

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13525


Tried deleting plain, didn't work, still snowblind.

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13526


If you go to 'preferences', what does it say your skin is?

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13527



Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13528


hmm.smiley - erm

how about if you sign out and sign back in again?smiley - erm

for me, if I follow my link I go snowblind but if I simply delete 'plain/' from the address bar and hit enter everything goes back to normal. I'm in brunel as well, BTW, but I also tried it after resetting myself to goo, and the deleting thing worked then as well.smiley - erm

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13529


I have to go out for a bit, Tumbsup. I hope that gets sorted.smiley - erm

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13530


oh. I just thought. How about if you type 'brunel' in where 'plain' is in the address bar?

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13531


Signed out and in again.smiley - ok

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13532

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Anhaga, you forgot to use the brackets <./> UserDetails?skin=plain </.> without the spaces smiley - winkeye

To get rid of the plain, just delete from the url and replace it with your prefered skin smiley - ok

lil xx

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13533

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Ooh! It works even with the spaces smiley - bigeyes

I wanted to remind you of the brackets <./> </.>

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13534


I'm not sure where I'm supposed to put the brackets, Lil.smiley - erm

On a different subject, Vip dropped by the Canadian Researchers' Club page earlier today looking for advice. It seems Vip and Mr Vip are going to be spending a week this June in our fair country's first National Park (Banff, for the history-challengedsmiley - winkeye). I've offered my suggestions (mainly 'Don't Feed the Animals!!!')

If any others have ideas (or welcomes) the thread is here: F122884?thread=7290251

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13535

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Is there a glacier in Banff?

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13536


*a* glacier?

Well, to lead with something big, there are the Columbia Icefields on the border between Banff and Jasper Parks: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columbia_Icefield

and, to follow:

'Banff National Park has numerous large glaciers and icefields, many of which are easily accessed from the Icefields Parkway. Small cirque glaciers are fairly common in the Main Ranges, situated in depressions on the side of many mountains. . . '


smiley - smiley

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13537


By the way, for those who remember, I've been in communication with both Mudhooks and Rev Paperboy and certain that Mudhooks did not get in under the wire to update her sign in and I'm pretty certain that the Paperboy didn't either. Also, Taliesin mentioned just before the change that he was having trouble with the change. I'm going to send him an email in just a moment to check.

It would perhaps be good to find out who is still here, and who has come back in another form.smiley - erm

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13538


smiley - smiley I'm back, needed to re-enter/retype my password(so slight wrinkle), but things went smoothly otherwise.

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13539


I've had a message from zoomer that he made it through and another from Taliesin that he hasn't as of now, but that the tech people are looking at an error concerning his situation that they've not encountered before.smiley - erm

Should Chief Gordon Lightfoot Reinstate the Saskatchewan Rhinoceros Hunt?

Post 13540


< I've offered my suggestions (mainly 'Don't Feed the Animals!!!')>

There's a choice?

Punchline to an old joke: Grizzly bear scat smells like pepper and contains bells.

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