A Conversation for Ask h2g2
Where are our researchers from?
cyberaunt Posted Oct 22, 1999
Good Grief! am I the only Irish one then?
If it helps
Metal Chicken Posted Oct 22, 1999
Well, I'm half-Irish if it makes you feel any less lonely, but I live in the English home of the other half. I'm writing from the glorious, rainy Peak District near Manchester (the UK version that is) but it does kind of remind me of Co. Cork where the Irish side of the family live. Maybe it's the constant rain. All that water drumming on window panes takes me straight back to the childhood holidays in dear old Skibbereen.
If it helps
Dancing Ermine Posted Oct 22, 1999
There's a few Irish people about. I've bumped into a couple myself. Personally I'm trying to stay anonymous but I did originally come from Dublin and I am now in the UK somewhere at university.
Where are our researchers from?
The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314) Posted Oct 24, 1999
The Summary
Researcher 93445 Posted Oct 24, 1999
For those of you as fascinated by trivia as I am, but without as
much free time, I offer this summary of posts to date in this topic.
Note: For those of us who listed multiple places, I chose the
current residence (assuming I could figure out which one that is).
2 Canberra
1 Stirling
1 Sydney
2 (unspecified Australia)
6 Total Australia
2 British Columbia
2 Total Canada
1 Gloucester
1 Oxford
1 Manchester
1 Plymouth
1 Reading
1 Redditch
1 Warrington
1 Yateley
1 (unspecified England)
10 Total England
1 Germany
1 Kerry
1 Total Ireland
1 Rijswijk
1 Steenwijk
2 Total Netherlands
2 Auckland
1 Wellington
3 Total New Zealand
3 Norway
1 Glasgow
1 (unspecified Scotland)
2 Total Scotland
1 Alaska
2 California
2 Florida
2 Massachusetts
1 New Hampshire
1 North Carolina
1 Pennsylvania
1 Washington
11 Total USA
41 Grand Total participating
The Summary
The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314) Posted Oct 24, 1999
The Summary
The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314) Posted Oct 24, 1999
The Summary
G Posted Oct 25, 1999
Oops - too late. I'm afraid it's me instead.
I'm from London, UK, and surprised to be the first Londoner on the list. I was born in Liverpool, and moved to Telford, Shropshire when I was 8. Liverpool's too distant a memory for me to think of it as home, and Telford is a complete hole that's best forgotten about, so London is definitely the place I think of as home now.
The Summary
The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314) Posted Oct 25, 1999
Hi G!
Welcome to the club!
My current residence is in Steenwijk, which is also just a dirty spot on the map. And without any major cities in the vicinity, I feel I have no other choice than to regard my place of birth (Haarlem) as home. Especially since I didn't leave it before I was 36 years old (which will soon be 5 years ago).
Emotionally, Haarlem will ALWAYS be home to me, regardless of where I reside.
The Summary
lucan Posted Oct 25, 1999
currently live (although that might be too strong a word) in sassenach -land, but i'm originally from Elsewhere...
Lord Lucan?
Munchkin Posted Oct 25, 1999
And doing a damn good job of hiding from the police if I may so so. Not that I can condone murder, but I do like to see a chap using his initiative to keep ahead of the authorities.
Lord Lucan?
Nick O`Teen Posted Oct 25, 1999
Yes, isn't Elsewhere the first place the authorities look when they have few leads?
Where are our researchers from?
charmenides Posted Nov 4, 1999
Although I've heard many good things about Vancouver, it is NOT the only cool place in Canada. Calgary, Toronto, Montreal...all very cool in their own inimitable way.
I happen to park my bones in Kitchener-Waterloo: haven of computer people and German-descended Mennonites.
Where are our researchers from?
Anonymouse Posted Nov 4, 1999
Had some relly not too far back that ran off to Saskatchewan (I know that can't be spelled right) originally to work. Wife and kids were too stuck up to move from the city, he fell in love with the solitude of the place. I've always wanted to go there for just that.
Lord Lucan?
Ormondroyd Posted Nov 4, 1999
lucan is doing an even better job of beating the authorities now. I read in the paper this week that the search for Lord Lucan has now been officially called off. Legally, he is now presumed to be dead.
So I think that makes lucan one of two officially dead researchers on h2g2. The other is, of course, The Grim Squeaker.
Oh, and by the way: I'm originally from Shipley, West Yorkshire, England, and am now resident in London. So there.
Lord Lucan?
%The Calamitous Cranium Boy Who Just got his first approved article (eight weeks ago!!) ~/^Þ Posted Nov 4, 1999
Hi there.
Where was Eric Clapton born?
Mike A (snowblind) Posted Nov 4, 1999
Sorry about the title, but there's a reason behind it.
Anyone on h2g2 from the Norwegian town of Hell?
Isn't there a place in Norway with just a letter for a name? It's called Y or something. There's another in france: A (or thereabouts).
Where was Eric Clapton born?
%The Calamitous Cranium Boy Who Just got his first approved article (eight weeks ago!!) ~/^Þ Posted Nov 4, 1999
Key: Complain about this post
Where are our researchers from?
- 101: cyberaunt (Oct 22, 1999)
- 102: Metal Chicken (Oct 22, 1999)
- 103: Dancing Ermine (Oct 22, 1999)
- 104: Martini (the one and only) (Oct 24, 1999)
- 105: The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314) (Oct 24, 1999)
- 106: Researcher 93445 (Oct 24, 1999)
- 107: The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314) (Oct 24, 1999)
- 108: heathen (Oct 24, 1999)
- 109: The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314) (Oct 24, 1999)
- 110: G (Oct 25, 1999)
- 111: The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314) (Oct 25, 1999)
- 112: lucan (Oct 25, 1999)
- 113: Munchkin (Oct 25, 1999)
- 114: Nick O`Teen (Oct 25, 1999)
- 115: charmenides (Nov 4, 1999)
- 116: Anonymouse (Nov 4, 1999)
- 117: Ormondroyd (Nov 4, 1999)
- 118: %The Calamitous Cranium Boy Who Just got his first approved article (eight weeks ago!!) ~/^Þ (Nov 4, 1999)
- 119: Mike A (snowblind) (Nov 4, 1999)
- 120: %The Calamitous Cranium Boy Who Just got his first approved article (eight weeks ago!!) ~/^Þ (Nov 4, 1999)
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