A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Where are our researchers from?

Post 381

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

53.538? Looks like this could become the longest thread in life, universe and everything smiley - bigeyes

Where are our researchers from?

Post 382

Mick & Hoppa Canuck

We are currently undercover as the managers of Western Canada's busiest gopher resort, in British Columbia.

Where are our researchers from?

Post 383

Emar, the Flying Misfit... Yes, seriously, he's back...

I, personaly, don't feel like disclosing my general location, just in case one of you people out there is one of those psychos who, according to the sensationalist media, run rampant accross the Web. I'm not accusing anybody of being a web-psycho or anything. You all seem perfectly nice. You can't be too careful, though. Now, telling you people the name of the city in which I currently reside might not seem like a lot of information, certainly not enough for one of the aforementioned psychos to track me down. But I have my reasons for keeping this a secret, mainly the off-chance that one of you is an posession of a space-based neutrino cannon capable of wiping my entire town off the map.

Where are our researchers from?

Post 384


just found this discusion. Nice thread, really not too short. smiley - smiley

BTW I am from Germany.

Where are our researchers from?

Post 385

Dream (keeper of nightmares)

Hey Just found it to thought I'd contribute to the thread. Well I was born and raised In Arkansas in the USA. Laugh you may. generally i would deny even knowing where it is but I'm feeling sharing today. I traced my ancestory and it wasn't to hard to figure out they were from Scotland. So I hope this was helpful. Well I'm off to save the world or watch tv something like that!

Where are our researchers from?

Post 386

Straw Walker

I've lived near the English Channel ports of Dover and Folkestone for over half a century and never felt the need to cross the pond. Am I too parochial?

Where are our researchers from?

Post 387


Hi & G'day!

Born in Scotland, moved to Australia many moons ago. Live in a beautiful little town called Gisborne in Victoria, some 52km NW of Melbourne. Like a lot of other researchers, stumbled on this site through a love of Mr Adams and his works. Also, like a lot of researchers, love the Goons, Monty Python, Fawlty Towers et al. They keep me sane (that doesn't sound quite right - whatever!) Now h2g2 is a bit like a drug. You swear you'll give it up - if you are just allowed one more hit !!

Where are our researchers from?

Post 388

Biggy P (the artist phormerly known as phord)

The Ultimate in sleepy little villages, Harwell, Oxfordshire. Disturbed only by the ever present threat from Harwell Site and AEA Technology.

Where are our researchers from?

Post 389

Biggy P (the artist phormerly known as phord)

The Ultimate in sleepy little villages, Harwell, Oxfordshire. Disturbed only by the ever present threat of nuclear contamination from Harwell Site and AEA Technology.

Where are our researchers from?

Post 390

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*flutter of wings
I was born in Cleethorpes, Lincolnshire {on the East coast of England}. I have lived here all my life {so far, anyway} except for a few years when I was married & lived in Grimsby {right next door}.
The Grenwich Meridian Line runs right through here, I was born on the 0 degrees longitude!
{My mother really should have chosen a warmer, safer place.....}smiley - winkeye
However, my parents enlightened me with this awesome information, only last year, that I had been conceived in Leeds! Should we really be finding out this kind of information, at 44 years of age? And now I know...I am wondering, has this information made me a more interesting personality? It is certainly a good party-piece, "Oh, by the way, I found out last year, that I had been conceived in Leeds"
elicits stunned looks and very few can follow that line. They are probably all thinking, "I wonder where I was conceived?" and forgot I was there....smiley - winkeyesmiley - fish Eat Grimsby Fish! Preferably in Cleethorpes!

Where are our researchers from?

Post 391


HereĀ“s another German and so I say "Guten Tag" to all the German and Non-German people who take part in this community. Have a nice time!

Where are our researchers from?

Post 392


I live and work in Farnham, Surrey, in the UK. I was born in Aldershot, but that wasn't my fault and you shouldn't hold it against me.

Where are our researchers from?

Post 393


I didn't know anyone was interested in little ol' me. Well. Let me see. London, Portland, Malta, Portsmouth, Toronto, Hamilton, Grimsby.
So originally Chirper, now Canuk. And have been for a gizillion years. So long that Merry Old England forgot me. (the statute of limitations ran out, so it's OK to come back? But if anyone asks, you haven't seen me.)

Where are our researchers from?

Post 394

Mick & Hoppa Canuck

Born in Durham, England. Came to Canada when I was 5yrs old and currently Kootenays(BC), Canada. Hello out there! Good to see we have quite the variety of places to visit and info we can get, but where would you start?

Where are our researchers from?

Post 395

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Start? As you mean to go on, of course! smiley - winkeye

Where are our researchers from?

Post 396

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

Born in Kilmore(Vic), moved from Puckapunyal(Vic) to Inverbrackie(SA) back to Puckapunyal before settling in Melbourne(Vic) - for now.

That's Australia, btw smiley - smiley

Where are our researchers from?

Post 397


yeah...nice long thread...but this particular researcher/guru happens to be from charleston west virginia.

Where are our researchers from?

Post 398

Shellers (Master of wit and ready repartee)

I'm from Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire - that's usually a good conversation stopper.

Where are our researchers from?

Post 399


Born: Bangor (Wales)
4-8: Liverpool (North England)
8-14: Cairo (Egypt)
15-18: Blackpool (North England)
18 - present: Leeds (North England)
not-too-distant-future: London

Where are our researchers from?

Post 400

Satan - Lord of the Underworld

I was brought up in Heaven, but have lived in the Depths of Hell most of my life, apart from a brief stint in New Jersey.

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