A Conversation for Ask h2g2
What's that French Phrase...
Loup Dargent Posted Nov 6, 2002
narapoia: ... but my sanity has been lost ages ago and the chances that i see it again [deja vu?!] are very slim...
and tho' the temptation of unsubscribing is very strong my curiosity about finding out if someone gonna read the backlog with all the answers re: "deja vu" is EVEN stronger...
What's that French Phrase...
egon Posted Nov 6, 2002
Loup, for the sake of your sanity, there's always the unsubscribe option!
Anyone know what deja vu means?
Loup, for the sake of your sanity, there's always the unsubscribe option!
What's that French Phrase...
You can call me TC Posted Nov 6, 2002
The Germans say "déjà vu" so the English aren't the only ones maltreating the French language.
What's that French Phrase...
Captain_SpankMunki [Keeper & Former ACE] Thanking <Diety of choice> for the joy of Goo. Posted Nov 6, 2002
Interesting TC
But what does 'deja vu' actually mean?
What's that French Phrase...
Loup Dargent Posted Nov 6, 2002
but is a german "deja vu" the same than an english one or even a french one [tho' there might not really be a french "deja vu"]..?!
hmmmm... a possible remake of the "deja vu" episode...
But what does 'deja vu' actually mean?
philbo baggins Posted Nov 6, 2002
Literally translated "Already seen" - usually the feeling that you've seen something before, but can't quite put your finger on it.
But what does 'deja vu' actually mean?
Loup Dargent Posted Nov 6, 2002
yeah but what does "deja vu" mean... in german?! [i thought we were already working on the remake...?!]
and if you can't quite put your finger on it... wouldn't that make it a "je ne sais quoi"?!...
just a thought...
But what does 'deja vu' actually mean?
Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) Posted Nov 6, 2002
It's an interesting thought. But what does d.........................
I'll get me coat.
But what does 'deja vu' actually mean?
Loup Dargent Posted Nov 6, 2002
"sacrebleu" are we in "a cul-de-sac" with this "je ne sais quoi" called "deja vu"?!...
"cherchez la femme" i say...
But what does 'deja vu' actually mean?
Captain Kebab Posted Nov 6, 2002
Hmm - I've just found this thread and read all the backlog and I have the feeling I've seen it somewhere before. Does anybody know if there's a name for that feeling?
But what does 'deja vu' actually mean?
Captain Kebab Posted Nov 6, 2002
There are versions? Sacrebleu!
But what does 'deja vu' actually mean?
Captain Kebab Posted Nov 6, 2002
Hi loup!
Perhaps you can help - I've just found this thread and read all the backlog and I have the feeling I've seen it - or something very like it - somewhere before. Do you know if there's a name for that feeling?
But what does 'deja vu' actually mean?
Loup Dargent Posted Nov 6, 2002
yep... there is even a german version... but that's as far as we've got on that one: there is a german version..
but a lot of sub-plots have appeared during our quest for the true meaning of the "deja vu"...
one of them being that my sanity could have been saved had i unsuscribed from the start [or not suscribed at all] tho' as i've already lost it ages ago it might not have been saved after all...
there could be a possibility that a "deja vu" actually is a "je ne sais quoi"...
but really we are at the bottom of a bag or "cul-de-sac"...
there are more but repeating everything would make it a bit "deja vu"...
But what does 'deja vu' actually mean?
Mu Beta Posted Nov 7, 2002
Literally, "deja vu" means "already seen"
But what does 'deja vu' actually mean?
Mu Beta Posted Nov 7, 2002
It does tend to remind me of the Red Dwarf 'White Hole' business.
"So, what is it?"
But what does 'deja vu' actually mean?
Narapoia Posted Nov 7, 2002
Despite all attempts to get some sense out of this thread, we're still left with the unanswered poser of what, in effect, actually and literally, is the meaning of "deja vu"?
C'mon guys, I'm sure we can crack this one if we really try.
And while we're at it, what is deja vu?
But what does 'deja vu' actually mean?
Mu Beta Posted Nov 7, 2002
Literally, "deja vu" means "already seen"
Key: Complain about this post
What's that French Phrase...
- 81: Loup Dargent (Nov 6, 2002)
- 82: egon (Nov 6, 2002)
- 83: You can call me TC (Nov 6, 2002)
- 84: Captain_SpankMunki [Keeper & Former ACE] Thanking <Diety of choice> for the joy of Goo. (Nov 6, 2002)
- 85: Loup Dargent (Nov 6, 2002)
- 86: philbo baggins (Nov 6, 2002)
- 87: Loup Dargent (Nov 6, 2002)
- 88: Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) (Nov 6, 2002)
- 89: Loup Dargent (Nov 6, 2002)
- 90: Captain Kebab (Nov 6, 2002)
- 91: Loup Dargent (Nov 6, 2002)
- 92: Captain Kebab (Nov 6, 2002)
- 93: Captain Kebab (Nov 6, 2002)
- 94: Loup Dargent (Nov 6, 2002)
- 95: Mu Beta (Nov 7, 2002)
- 96: Loup Dargent (Nov 7, 2002)
- 97: Mu Beta (Nov 7, 2002)
- 98: Loup Dargent (Nov 7, 2002)
- 99: Narapoia (Nov 7, 2002)
- 100: Mu Beta (Nov 7, 2002)
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