A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Eau sous le pont

Post 301

Loup Dargent

smiley - biggrin!?eno hcihw

smiley - fullmoonpuol

Eau sous le pont

Post 302


egami rorrim a fo egami rorrim a eb dluoc ti ro

Yes, much more likely.

Eau sous le pont

Post 303

Loup Dargent

yep... seems like it...smiley - biggrin

smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon

Eau sous le pont

Post 304

Captain Kebab

?snaem yllautca uv ajed tahw wonk ereh ydobyna seod tub ,tpurretni ot yrroS

Eau sous le pont

Post 305

Loup Dargent

smiley - biggrinswonk eh ,niorggib ksa

smiley - surfer

smiley - fullmoonpuol

Eau sous le pont

Post 306

Captain Kebab

?snaem yllautca uv ajed tahw wonk uoy od ,niorggib

Eau sous le pont

Post 307

clzoomer- a bit woobly

.daerht gnorw eht otni derednaw I em esucxe hO

Eau sous le pont

Post 308

puzzlella (playing word games, solving puzzles)

?setodcena rof gnikool ew erA

about deja vu
about turn!
uv ajed tuobasmiley - magic

?segami rorrim esu ew tsum dnA

(writing backwards is not mirror images anyway because not all letters are symmetrical)smiley - sadface

What about some recollections about de ja vu experiences?

Eau sous le pont

Post 309

Mu Beta

Literally, "deja vu" means "already seen"


Eau sous le pont

Post 310

Mu Beta

A funny, and true story to give heart to all vu-ers.

This weekend, I went to a fancy dress party, with a French Theme. Having spent all week on hootoo, I had costume ready, so I hastily stuck the words 'deja vu' on my front, and proceeded in a very similar manner to this thread.

Won the £20 first prize!


Eau sous le pont

Post 311

puzzlella (playing word games, solving puzzles)

Congratulations!smiley - cheers
Did you anticipate the prize?

Eau sous le pont

Post 312

Mu Beta

Given that I forgot to anticipate the _costume_, then no.


Eau sous le pont

Post 313


Oh well done Master B!
I trust you'll be sharing the £20 out?!

And I do hope that those poor souls lost in the mirror universe manage to make it through to the mirror mirror universe.

*Cue Snow White jokes*

Incidentally, no, I don't think this is a forum for sharing "deja vu" experiences. This is a serious attempt to establish exactly, literally what deja vu actually means. No offence, but I think there's a place for everything and this thread is quite definitely not about anecdotes.

*Cue string of anecdotes*

You lot just get on with your anecdotes while I have a little lie down.
smiley - zzz

Eau sous le pont

Post 314

Loup Dargent

yep a few "deja vu" experiences...

the spookiest one is when i started my first job in a restaurant in france... i "knew" that i've been there before... i even "recognised" the big basin where they were cutting the french fries...smiley - yikes

well i had the feeling of "deja vu" anyway...smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

fortunately i've never had "deja vu" experiences when it comes to girlfriends as... ahem... never mind... i'm not going there...smiley - whistlesmiley - laugh

smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon

Eau sous le pont

Post 315

You can call me TC

I can't describe a déjà vu experience, as they are so difficult to pin down. I know I've had some though. They can be just split seconds when you are sure you've experienced something before, and for a moment, you know what's going to happen next. But the strange feeling disappears like a dream and you can't rally remember it any more.

Eau sous le pont

Post 316

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Literally, "already seen" means "deja vu".

Hope that helps someone. smiley - ok

Ou sont les Deja Voyeurs?

Post 317


2 days???!!!
2 days and no posts???!!!
Well I hope that means you've all been elsewhere researching the true meaning of "deja vu", otherwise we've all been wasting our time here!

Ou sont les Deja Voyeurs?

Post 318


2 days???!!!
2 days and no posts???!!!
Well I hope that means you've all been elsewhere researching the true meaning of "deja vu", otherwise we've all been wasting our time here!

Ou sont les Deja Voyeurs?

Post 319


Inadvertent doublepost due to constant "the connection was refused" messages making it almost impossible to know what's going on.

Ou sont les Deja Voyeurs?

Post 320

Loup Dargent

mmmmmm.... i blame RL for that... rather inconvenient all these RL duties...smiley - steam

plus they look so much like "deja vu"...smiley - biggrin

[but a nightmarish version of it... of course...]

smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon

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