A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Make up your own collective nouns here

Post 61

Ineffable, <Boing>-King!!!

hmmm? dunno!

Make up your own collective nouns here

Post 62

Sea Change

Collective nouns allow for some variation in cognition in English.

When one uses known collective nouns, like 'crowd' or 'herd' or 'pack' it's understood, but not spoken, that a crowd contains people, a herd contains some domestic four-footed animal, or the pack is full of wolves or dogs.

But, english is flexible, so you can talk of a herd of springbok or a pack of dingoes. A flock might be understood to be of flamingoes if you are in Florida and this is what you and your listener are looking at, or, if you are brainstorming, a flock of ideas might come flying in.

'Of' is a necessary marker word that cues your listener/reader that the collective noun is being qualified by another noun.

Make up your own collective nouns here

Post 63

Ineffable, <Boing>-King!!!

See? That is exactly what I meant when I said

Thanx for clearing that up Sea!

Make up your own collective nouns here

Post 64

Ineffable, <Boing>-King!!!

An expanse of explanations?

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Post 65

Mr. Legion

A smear of boybands

A coven of computer programmers

A sidle of stalkers

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Post 66

Ineffable, <Boing>-King!!!

A hussle of procrastinators

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Post 67

Sea Change

a sophistry of (philosophical) explanations
an erudition of (nerdily overwrought) explanations
a recondite of (totally gratuitous) explanations
a mishnah of doxologies

Make up your own collective nouns here

Post 68

McKay The Disorganised

A singularity of oxymorons

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Post 69


A large multitude of tautologies...


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Post 70


Collective noun for:

Rolls of Indian restaurant wallpaper: a flock.


Make up your own collective nouns here

Post 71

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

noisiness of onomatopoeia

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Post 72

Ineffable, <Boing>-King!!!

a bad one here

A howl of wolves

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Post 73


A hive of Nu-metallers

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Post 74

Ineffable, <Boing>-King!!!

a flight of trips

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Post 75


Of course there's always an 'Enry or a Janet of bud.

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Post 76

the_league_against_helium (see A816996 and A823448)

i'd forgotten this one:

a coven of kettles (dylan thomas) smiley - biggrin

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Post 77

William of Middenshire, Keeper of Mammals Beginning with "W" and Goatee Beards

what about a floss of dentists?

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Post 78

Sea Change

The tautology collective made me burst out loud laughing! It's a very good one!

Make up your own collective nouns here

Post 79

Ineffable, <Boing>-King!!!

A crunch of information

Make up your own collective nouns here

Post 80

William of Middenshire, Keeper of Mammals Beginning with "W" and Goatee Beards

A Rolf of painters
A peal of lemons

Not good, I know, but it has been a long week...

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