A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Misheard Lyrics

Post 1

Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki

This may have been done before but it's always intriguing what people hear when listening to a song.

Personal fave as mentioned in the thread that inspired this one, has to be Shania Twains

"I can't believe you kiss your car good night"

that sounds more like

"I can't believe you kiss your c**k at night ... "

The other one that had me confused for a while was the word "Calytis" from Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. I thought it was an STD ...

"The girl with calytis go by"

It was only when I read the lyrics did I realise that it was actually "the girl with kaleidoscope eyes"

smiley - doh

Misheard Lyrics

Post 2


The Police track 'So Lonely' always sounded to me like Sue Lawley who presented Natonwide at the time.

Infact it was even mentioned on the programme and the track was played for the viewers to decide if they thought so too.

I still can;t here it now with out wanting to sing Sue Lawley insead of So Lonely smiley - silly

Misheard Lyrics

Post 3

The Snockerty Friddle

Or even "Salami"
or Atomic Kitten - You Can Lick My Hole Again!!!!!



Misheard Lyrics

Post 4

Gnomon - time to move on

That's a great site. My favourite from a 2-minute visit to it is:

Beep goes the night, and long-stemmed lovers,
Beep goes the night, and long-stemmed us.

Misheard Lyrics

Post 5

The Snockerty Friddle

Might as well face it you're a dick with a glove smiley - winkeye


Misheard Lyrics

Post 6

Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking

The tune of the Champions League always sounds like they sing: Lasagna!

Misheard Lyrics

Post 7

Lady in a tree

Madonna's "La Isla Bonita" ...

"Last night I dreamt of some d**o" (d**o = slang for Spaniard)
"Young girl with eyes like potatoes"

Paul Young's "Every time you go away"...

..."you take a piece of meat with you"

smiley - laugh

Misheard Lyrics

Post 8

Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki

There's the other Madge hit "Ray of Light" where she has an obsession with Anna Friel.

And there's that bit in "The one that I want" in Grease, "meditate my erection" ... just sounds kinky!

Misheard Lyrics

Post 9

Mu Beta

For a long time I though TLC were singing a song about a bloke called Jason Waterfalls.

Fun Lovin' Criminals 'Big Night Out' "Cocaine makes you thinner", I heard as "Cooking makes you thinner." I spent a long time trying to work out how that could be true.

And of course, Beelzebub has a devil on his sideboard.


Misheard Lyrics

Post 10

Mu Beta

Oh, and while I'm at it: That Tori Amos song:

"Honey bring me my toaster back.
Honey bring me my toaster back.
Honey bring me my toaster back.
Honey bring me my toaster back.
Honey bring me my toaster back.
Honey bring me my toaster back.

It's gotta be a pig."

smiley - huh


Misheard Lyrics

Post 11

Zak T Duck

smiley - musicalnote The only one who could ever please me, was the son of a pizza man

Misheard Lyrics

Post 12

Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki

According to James in their song Tomorrow, 'you can't catch love with an elephant gun' ... maybe that's where I'm going wrong smiley - tongueout

Misheard Lyrics

Post 13

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

is this the real life,
Or is this just Battersea?

F. Mercury

Misheard Lyrics

Post 14

Mu Beta

And would somebody please explain why Destiny's Child sang

"Are you ready goldfish jelly"


Misheard Lyrics

Post 15


There's some of these on My Journal, but I don't know how to do the link so I'll put my favourites here (mostly courtesy of my daughter, god bless her little cotton socks)

Video Closed the Radio Store
I got sunshine, smiley - cool in a bag of muesli (The Gorillaz Clint Eastwood)
My love don't cost a quid - J Lo
we would make a fuss about Wednesday - Craig David

And - at the risk of moderation - "Tell me you're a bee" (Ta Meilluer Ami, by some French girl group)

And special thanks to Lord Smooth for "A cauliflower!" smiley - cheerup instead of "Encore une fois!" (oh, those moderators are looking this way....)

Misheard Lyrics

Post 16

Cheerful Dragon

I've always heard Madonna singing about "Young girls with eyes like potatoes". Can anybody please tell me what she is really singing?

The other lyric I always misheard was from "Escape - The Pina Colada Song". "If you like making love at midnight, and the jewels on the cake". I thought he was singing about a fondness for cake decorations, until I heard the song on a friend's tape and suddenly understood the words!

Misheard Lyrics

Post 17

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

There's a bit in "Way Down" where I'm convinced Elvis sings "Weighed down with a fireplace..."

*imagines the King with a fireplace on his back, struggling to carry it into Gracelands*

Misheard Lyrics

Post 18


Relpy to post 2.

Blime Caerwynn, I remember that - I'm the same smiley - wow

My fave misheard one is from Macie Grey's I Try

"My world crumbles when you are not here"

was originally

"I wear goggles when you are not here" as heard by me smiley - laugh

Misheard Lyrics

Post 19

Bambi - Keeper of Crystals and Royal Heart Royal (The Stag of Balwyniti)

Master B, Could you tell me what "Beelzebub has" if not "a devil on his sideboard" smiley - huh

And my favourites are:

James Bond has a "Licence to Kiiiiillll-T"
and Jingle Bells - "Bells on cocktail-sticks, Making spirits bright..."

Bambi smiley - reindeer

BTW I'm looking for a mate to share my new home in Balwyniti Forest, any takers? smiley - love

Misheard Lyrics

Post 20


Also, my Mother has improved Billy Oceans 'Going Gets Tough' for me by wondering why he repeats over and over again...

smiley - musicalnote
Go and get stuffed
Go and get stuffed
Go and get stuffed
Go and get stuffed
smiley - musicalnote

smiley - smiley

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