A Conversation for Ask h2g2

What is it with breasts?

Post 4101

BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows

I meant interphalangeal joints smiley - doh

smiley - biggrin

What is it with breasts?

Post 4102

Mol - on the new tablet

smiley - hug Phrased that insensitively. I meant, while face to face with lady with your hand doing its stuff at her back. It's quite an awkward position (for bra removal ... not for other stuff smiley - winkeye)


What is it with breasts?

Post 4103

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I can think of various smiley - erm 'positions' or circumstances, where you might not be able to ee the clasp/doobry or ahve a hand otherwise disposed at the time so meaning you ahve to do it with one hand smiley - evilgrinsmiley - handcuffs

What is it with breasts?

Post 4104

Mol - on the new tablet

OK but maybe you have particularly nimble fingers ... or have had lots of practice ... smiley - biggrin


What is it with breasts?

Post 4105

A Super Furry Animal

Clearly, it is important to concentrate on the matter in hand. What is it that they say about men? Only able to think about one thing at a time? I usually like to employ both hands to the task of releasing the charities from the yards of red tape (or black silky bra...depends on what you're into, I guess smiley - erm).

Er, where was I? Oh yes, then you can get on with the important job of supporting them. smiley - applause

RFsmiley - evilgrin

What is it with breasts?

Post 4106

BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows

Mind you, I must say that the 'front-loading automatics' are fun though. They are specifically designed to give sexy cleavage whilst being very low cut. I love the way the smiley - tit just jump into your hands when you unclasp these smiley - evilgrin- but still doesn't beat total bra-freedom smiley - biggrin.

smiley - biggrin

What is it with breasts?

Post 4107

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I've had the heck confussed out of me before by the 'front opening' variety, smiley - doh made me feel very silly at the time; I'd never heard of the 'front opening' variety smiley - dohsmiley - blush experiance with nible fingers is the key, and a very good sense of touch, then supporting the charities can get going as soon as possible, and the quicker they are supported, teh more support can be give....

What is it with breasts?

Post 4108

A Super Furry Animal

Tee hee. People who're subscribed to this thread and haven't read anything since September 2004 are going to wake up and find 100 new posts!

RFsmiley - evilgrin

What is it with breasts?

Post 4109

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Who revived the thread then? a clear act of charity I'll bet smiley - evilgrin

What is it with breasts?

Post 4110

A Super Furry Animal

I think it was Xanatic.

RFsmiley - evilgrin

What is it with breasts?

Post 4111

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Ahhj that explains a few things then, though I an't know remember where the heck the charities reference came to get its smiley - erm 'foot' in the door smiley - ermsmiley - evilgrin

What is it with breasts?

Post 4112

BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows

Well, it's nice when the owner of the said offensive garment says s'thing like, 'I know you're going to have a bit of trouble with this, so let me help you.

Reminds me of when I was a young teenager, I went out to the cimema with a new g/f. When the lights were down, being a smiley - tit man, I put my hand oon her mid-riff, waiting to see if she would object before I explored northwards. And she said, "No BigAl, please don't... Oh, all right then" and pushed my hand southwards! Quite enjoyable of course, but she was encumbered with jeans, tights and god knows what so I didn't have much freedom down there. smiley - sadface

smiley - biggrin

What is it with breasts?

Post 4113

Mol - on the new tablet

D'you know, this conversation has finally got DH interested in H2 ... funny, that.


What is it with breasts?

Post 4114

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

DH? smiley - ermsmiley - biggrin it seems to have been my bussiest conversation all evenign smiley - rofl

What is it with breasts?

Post 4115


*is tempted to allow certain 'photographic evidence'to be posted in defence of bras*

What is it with breasts?

Post 4116

BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows

smiley - grrsmiley - evilgrin (But you'd never convince me. I've known several largish ladies who are habitually bra-free, and there's nothing that can replace the sight of a naked undercleavage just hiding demurely inside the slightly gaping buttoned blouse).

What is it with breasts?

Post 4117


Hmmm, bras can be very sexy. Laces and all that. And of course the push up bra. Whereas women in no bra and tight shirts just means you'll never get any work done. Ahh, I miss that particular colleague.

One of the wonderful things about having joined a Mediaevel Reenactment society is the cleavagy women in corsets. And they can also be useful. After the last battle, we were treated to a show of how you can hold your pint if your hands are occupied, or light a cigarette. And afterwards she was handing out lollipops. Which we weren't allowed to take with our hands smiley - tongueout

What is it with breasts?

Post 4118

Milla, h2g2 Operations

But the pain, the dangling, the poor fitting of clothes designed for the firm and resolute charities smiley - erm (mixed methafors, smiley - sorry).

Pro-brasmiley - towelMilla

What is it with breasts?

Post 4119

Milla, h2g2 Operations

And a corset is not a bra in the extreme?

smiley - towelMilla

What is it with breasts?

Post 4120


We should start a pro bra campaign Milla...any ideas on a catchy acronym?

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