A Conversation for Ask h2g2

What's in your handbag?

Post 41


its 3 am

fsh/lh are not available nor is ultrasound


fbc show raised white count shift to left

u&e normal

plain field nsa

patient is consious... anything you want to ask her?

What's in your handbag?

Post 42

Witty Ditty

Pain questions - location, radiation and exacerbating/relieving factors, severity of pain on a scale of 1-100, colicky/constant, had the pain before or not. Is she pyrexial, and what's the amylase like? (just a small note - I've posted a Hello! to your personal space here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/classic/F93067?thread=193871&post=2170687#p2170687 Probably best if we limit the medic-speak to there :-) )

What's in your handbag?

Post 43

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

FABT - someone gave me a dinky mirror from the Body Shop for my b.day - and has a cover so doesn't get all scratched.

I don't have a handbag (keep thinking I should get one, must be getting old smiley - winkeye )but I tend always to chuck the boosame things in whatever bag comes to hand when I go out.

mobile phone
sunglasses (just in case it's bright and I want to show them off)

and if I'm lecture-bound a notebook and pen

What's in your handbag?

Post 44

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

thanks swiv

trip to the body shop is on the cards

What's in your handbag?

Post 45

Sho - employed again!

This is horrible:

*mobile phone
*purse (massive, containing an Italian €1 coin for my collection and 10 Korean Won - plus about a million plastic cards
*feminine hygine products, in a plastic freezer bag
*tissues (3 packs of 10) in a plastic freezer bag
*6 Ikea freezer bag clips
*2 ball pens (both work)
*1 notebook and a pen attachd (in case I actually get any inspiration for "my novel" but right now it has some quotes, a pumpkin butter recipe and the measurements of every window in the house)
*set of jeweller's screwdrivers
*swiss army knife (can't get most of the blades open)
*rubber Korean thingy (a lady - but it's covered with fluff, so it's difficult to tell) to hang on my mobile phone (I can't)
*pack of Minty strips (breath things)
*hayfever tablets
*hayfever nose spray
*anti-bloating-due-to-trapped-wind tablets
*half a pack of chewing gum
*dummy (don't know why, my kids never used them and they're too big now anyway)
*recipe for Rocky Road Slice (yum)
*Front door keys
*car keys, containing keys for 4 cars, only 2 of which are actually on the road - the other two were scrapped years ago
*passport and residence permit
*floppy disk with "my novel" on it (mainly empty, but you never know)
*a Major Clanger (yep, it whistles)
*A small pack of coloured pencils and a small notebook in a freezer bag - 2 of these

smiley - run off to empty it: It's way too heavy

What's in your handbag?

Post 46


am I the ONLY person to carry the wetwipes????? tut tut tut

as well as them, I have

orange-mint ricola
spare pants
purse/wallet with euros and loads of cards in
little black book
3 passports
an empty purse (for putting sterling in)
a stick of uhu
female requisites
my daughters purse that she gave me yesterday to mind
a pen from the Hague
a lighter
a receipt for a spare set of keys since I dropped the first lot down a drain
cheque book
aspirin blister pack with one tablet left
gym card
make up
Chanel face papers
driving licence
a computer advertising flyer
a broken end off a Tour de France flag
passport photos of self
the users guide to my internet provider so I could ring the helpdesk.
mobile phone
football stickers to bribe my son with.

What's in your handbag?

Post 47

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

sho, unsuprised about major clanger but why freezer clips?

luckystar, the only person with more crap in their bag than me....well done!

What's in your handbag?

Post 48

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

This is easy compared to the what is on your desk thread!

Mobile phone
pen in pen-holding thing
assorted credit/store/reward/bank cards (about 15 of them)
some cash in cash zip pocket
car keys
little removable front thing from my car radio
receipt for new gas hob to be collected this week

That's it! My bag is too big and all the stuff rattles round. I can get a book in there if I know I'll have to wait for something but there isn't one now.

smiley - puffk

What's in your handbag?

Post 49

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

i forgot something!

there are also paracetamol and asthma stuff in my bag. and today my debenhams bill is in thre too

What's in your handbag?

Post 50

Sho - employed again!

I have no idea why the freezer clips are in there, but I actually tipped out the bag this morning, because I was looking for something and I found more stuff:

1 pack of wetwipes in a nifty plastic container, that, unfortunately, has been open and they are all dry

A barbie shoe (red)

a sucked sweet that gruesome #2 admitted she put in there because she didn't like it


The clanger, btw, is off my desk, I had to remove him when the VP came round. Pah!

What's in your handbag?

Post 51


dry wetwipes.

what a shame.

here, have one of mine

smiley - winkeye

What's in your handbag?

Post 52

Tilly - back in mauve

I'm never without my bag, though it doesn't contain much smiley - tongueout:

A paper napkin sprayed with Gucci aftershave (I like the smell, allright?! smiley - flustered)
Pencil (Dang! When did I get practical? smiley - huh)
The book I'm currently reading (Right now it's 'The Vampire Lestat' by Anne Rice)

The horror, the horror smiley - yikes Seems like ages since I posted something on 'Ask h2g2...'

What's in your handbag?

Post 53

You can call me TC

And this from the community which is paranoid about Big Brother.

The next question will be "What's in your Bank Account" (following "What's in your paste buffer" - "What's on your desk top" "What book are you reading" "What music are you listening to at this precise moment"

I don't care - I'll tell all. I hate handbags and like wearing jeans so I can shove keys, money, ID, mobile and lipstick in my pockets. I'm so fat that no one would ever get their hands in my pockets without greasing them first, so I reckon it's all safest there.

Of course, for dress and posh days I use handbags, and love having lots of different colours and designs. When I first started using a handbags I had a fairly small one - what does a 13-year-old carry apart from some money and a hanky? Then came student days and you had your lunch and pens and Tampax and books to read on the train, etc., etc and were best off nicking the paper boy's bag.

Then dainty secretary days - miniscule reticule, expensive minature everything.

Young Mum - enormous handbag (nappies, etc. See Anna's list above)

Kids out of nappies - first investment - a MINUTE handbag.

That didn't work - got a bigger one.

Kept losing stuff in it, it was so big. Got a small one.

Nothing fit into it. So I had to hone everything - new passport, smaller size (the tears when I had to have that black one cancelled. They were SO dignified - tatty little red thing now.) Do you have cheque card sized driving licences in the UK now? I got myself one to fit in my new small handbag. Cost three times as much as the bag.

Smaller purse. Then they introduced the Euro - the coins and notes are bigger than the D-Marks. Damn!


What's in it? Ha! I'm not telling. Big brother might use it against me. (This is in blatant contradiction to what I say in the Talking Point forum and is not to be taken seriously)

What's in your handbag?

Post 54

Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama

Hmm...think I need to clear out my rucksack.


Keys - with several mystery keys
Mobile phone
Homoepathic pills for quitting smoking
Diary/organiser thingie (bursting at the seams)
Acupuncture needles
Ancient tissues
Valium (I get migraines ok?)
Chewing gum
Lip balm
Make up - mascara, eyebrow pencil, eyeliner, lip gloss, glitter...
Rescue remedy
Clary sage, lavender and geranium essential oils
Painkillers of various breeds
Acupuncture and shiatsu notes (I'm due to be attending a birth soon)
Herbal tea bags
Women's things
Asthma inhaler
Toothbrush (you never know!)
Several useless bits of paper
Arnica cream, and calendula cream
Yunnan Baiyo (Chinese emergency medicine)

think I need a bit of a clear out...I used to get called Mum by my ex husband and his mates when we were on holiday as I had everything that they could possibly need in my bag - be it scissors, stamps, sun block, pen, plasters whatever.....smiley - erm

What's in your handbag?

Post 55

Sho - employed again!

yeah, but isn't it great when you have everything you need in your bag.

I've now squashed my make-up bag in there, because I was looking for a plaster yesterday and I realised my really important stuff is in the little red velvet bag. Including my emergency loo money (which is sadly out of date, consisting as it does of 2 10pfg coins and 1 50pfg coin)

What's in your handbag?

Post 56

Sho - employed again!

Thanks for the Wetwipe, btw. Rude of me not to have thanked you before.

What's in your handbag?

Post 57


Having passed through the bag phases of student, young mum (see Anna's list), kids out of nappies (spare pants, wipes and plastic bags) I have downsized considerably. My aim is to have the smallest bag possible and in order to manage this I also opt for the smallest versions of the contents.

In the job I have had for 2 years, there was no need for a handbag. No need to touch up make up, as there was no point wearing any. So my current bag is as unlike a handbag as I could get manage to find. It is purple and made from hemp.

smiley - starpewter coelecanth on a keyring hanging from a D ring on the side of the bag.
smiley - starpurple key ring clipped to the strap. (which should be hung up really and is not always on the bag). Car key, steering lock key and a purple mini maglite.
smiley - starmobile phone in a mobile phone shaped pocket on the outside of the bag.
smiley - staranother pocket on the outside of the bag containing a Parker fountain pen with a broad italic nib and a lip gloss thingie (pen shaped)
smiley - staryet another pocket on the outside contains: a ticket stub for Minority Report; the "What's on" guide for the cinema; a list of who didn't return their text book at the end of term; a small comb: a body wipe in a sachet (more expensive but won't dry up); a flyer for the local comedy club and the refund bit of a car park ticket.

Inside the bag:
smiley - star small purse. 2 pockets. One pocket for bank cards etc and banknotes. One pocket for coins. The cards include my membership of the National Art Collections Fund. The etc includes a stamp book - 10 left. There is a spare door key on the loop of the purse and a safety pin on the zip. Also attached is a tiny screwdriver for tightening loose glasses.
smiley - stara map of Guildford. I don't always have a map of Guildford, but I do always have a map of somewhere. I'm just about to replace it with a sketch map of a place I need to find tomorrow.
smiley - starpiece of card with notes for the leaving speech I wasn't asked to give. Hmmmm....
smiley - stara small, blank, piece of lined paper.
smiley - startiny nail clippers. Multi purpose and very useful indeed. To clip a broken nail, file one that has snagged, to cut anything and everything, to poke anything and everything.
smiley - star5ml tube of moisturiser. I refill it, as it is so tiny.
smiley - star2ml tube of foundation which I also refill for the same reason.
smiley - startiny powder compact. Boots 17 T Zone Controller - with small mirror in the lid (check it out FABT! £3)
smiley - star2 coproximal tablets.
smiley - starstub of black kohl pencil (takes up less room in bag).
smiley - starspare black ink cartridge for the pen.
smiley - starpiece of glass from the headlight of a car that I was driving when I was involved in a serious accident a few years ago.
smiley - starkeys to my office which are labelled ready to leave behind for the next person - when I have cleared it all out.
smiley - starad torn from the Guardian about a tiny digital camera that is the size of half a credit card (appearing in this handbag soon).
smiley - starseveral paperclips and safety pins. Multipurpose.

There's usually some IOU's in my bag. Sunshine and Moonlight believe that since they've been educated like royalty they don't need to carry money. This doesn't stop them spending of course. I can't carry their purses due to my small bag policy, and they won't carry bags due to their belief that handbags aren't "cool". So I end up lending them money for shopping. We seem to be all square at the monent.
Sometimes I also have a teeny weeny radio and headphones but not today.
smiley - bluefish

What's in your handbag?

Post 58


Coelacanth that is a great idea of refilling those tiny tubes, but how do you do it?

What's in your handbag?

Post 59

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

so, do you reakon it's cheeper to buy makeup with a mirror in the lid than it is to buy a mirror?

What's in your handbag?

Post 60

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.


wallet (contents: about $20, odd change, uni ID, old HS ID, library card, business card from fluteworld, old deposit slips, old work permit, a few reciepts, paperclip, two credit cards/ATM cards, insurance card, social security card, expired driver's permit, telephone authorization code for uni, phone card, gift card with 50 cents on it, discount card at bookstore)
keys (on chain:ID holder, celtic knot keyring, "tune it or die" keybring, keyring from the MTMA (Manheim Township Music Association) at school, "just visiting this planet" keyring, "class of 2001" keyring, snaffle bit keyring, discount key cards for Kroger and Food Lion, car key, house key, shed key)
sunglasses (need cleaning)
cell phone
check book
two cough drops
notes on things in NYC (Shea/TJ's phone number, which trains to take, etc)
Traincard for the Hudson Line
train ticket from Patchague to GCT
two train ticket stubs from Amtrak
two movie ticket stubs

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