A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Lets parlez franglais

Post 901

'Allo 'Allo

I 'ave no idea, mais je won't mod quelqu'un in a hurry again. How do I get the tres jolie pictures in mes mails?

Lets parlez franglais

Post 902


Voila une question i *can* answer:

There's more than one way to learn about Guide ML. The fast track is here. But the full *official* [<SMILEY TYPE="wow"/>] guide to GML is also very useful when you are an absolute beginner or if you need to find the answer to a specific question.

smiley - smiley

Lets parlez franglais

Post 903


smiley - sigh
nope, that didn't come out right at all

There's more than one way to learn about Guide ML. The fast track is here - A662384.

But the full *official* guide to GML is also very useful when you are an absolute beginner or if you need to find the answer to a specific question. A187229

Lets parlez franglais

Post 904


Apologies from me Allo Allo

I thought you had deliberately yikesed the posts on this thread in order to be a pain in the a**e.

Seems this was not the case so bienvenue to franglophonie. smiley - cheers

Chèrs Editors - I understand your point, but if we translate every French word, this might take some of the spontaneity/fun out of the thread?

Maybe if we go back to Frenglish rather than Franglais we might be alright?

I guess things will blow over.

C'est la vie


Lets parlez franglais

Post 905


Oh - and smilies (the little pictures) smiley - smiley click on one of them and this will take you to the page with all their codes smiley - ok

Lets parlez franglais

Post 906


oh, yeah, that'd be right

smiley - blush

= < blush > without the spaces

if you don't want to retourner to the smilies page each time, when you see one you want to utiliser, place the cursor over it for quelque seconds and the word will appear. Simply enclose it in those angular brackets and Bob's yer smiley!


Lets parlez franglais

Post 907

'Allo 'Allo

smiley - biggrin
I feel tres bienvenu on thees thread now. My premier experience of quelquechose like Franglais was at Harry's Bar a Paris, where zee adresse is "Sank roo doe noo". Go figure. C'est an excellent establishment, that has zee deesteencshon of having invented zee 'Bloody Mary'. Alors, a bientot! I seenk I 'ave zee hang of zee smiley - smiley's now!
smiley - cheers

Lets parlez franglais

Post 908


Bonjour Tous
Je ne poste pas souvent dans cette thread, mais peut-etre vous aimer ecouter une histoire triste.
Une fois sur le temps (hier soir d'etre exacte) un homme qui s'appelle Houllier a gagne un match de foot contre une equipe de couteaux-maniaques, ou quelque-chose comme-ca.
Je voudrai donner mes commiserations a les gentilfans de Liverpool FC, parce qu'ils sont maintenant stuck avec cette wazzock pour un autre mois ou deux.
Cette perdant Houllier a les yeux incroyablement bulgeant. Je suspecte qu'il est vraiment cet Milo O'Shea, qui jouer Simon le Bon dans cette movie fameuse avec la machine d'amour.
Riendumoins, c'est Liverpool qui va aller a Cardiff en place de l'equipe anonyme de chaoucouac de par-brises. Heuresement, le Garcon-Owen peux visiter le pays de son naissance et peut-etre jeter un quid ou deux apres les chevaux a Chepstow.

Lets parlez franglais

Post 909

Loup Dargent

smiley - yikes c'etait les editeurs?!...smiley - laugh

smiley - run to check if there is any foreign words in their threads...

smiley - smiley

Lets parlez franglais

Post 910

Loup Dargent

smiley - laughsmiley - laugh

naaaah... ils sont too far for moi...smiley - whistle

Lets parlez franglais

Post 911

Loup Dargent

"allo allo" err... sorry pour penser what i thought...smiley - blush

katrine: i understand what you mean... i see many french expressions also being used in publications in english... and yep, if we want to
follow the house rules to the letter regarding foreign words all the posts in all the threads on h2g2 would have to be moderated...smiley - biggrin

tous les franglophiles/franglophones: at least we know now that the researchers who visit this thread understand that using french words is relevant to this thread...smiley - smiley

les editors: erm... no comments...

a bientot...smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon

Lets parlez franglais

Post 912


Saloup, le wolf, smiley - smiley

Qu'est-ce que happened to notre petit thread? smiley - yikes

And who brought that phoque in here? smiley - winkeye

Lets parlez franglais

Post 913

Loup Dargent

hi spiff...smiley - smiley

une interpretation a bit trop poussee des house rules in my modest opinion..smiley - biggrin

but i will comment a propos de this later on... want to check quelque chose first [je ne veux pas look smiley - silly if i got it completment wrong...smiley - biggrin]...

a bientot...smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon

Lets parlez franglais

Post 914

Reality Manipulator

smiley - oksmiley - smiley

I am going to have a bit of bevardage (idle gossip), I do write belles-lettres (fine letters - essays-criticisms) and I am going to sing a berceause (lullably) to help you all to smiley - zzz.

smiley - ta Merci Monsieur Loup

Lets parlez franglais

Post 915

Loup Dargent

dormir?!...smiley - yikessmiley - spacesmiley - run

sleep?!smiley - yikessmiley - spacesmiley - run

smiley - biggrin

smiley - ok katrine... smiley - cheers

smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon

Lets parlez franglais

Post 916

'Allo 'Allo

Qu'est-ce que c'est this large dose of 'RL'? smiley - erm

Lets parlez franglais

Post 917

Chan-Mick le Frog

Salut Allô allô,
Apologies et bienvenue.

smiley - elf

Lets parlez franglais

Post 918

Loup Dargent

"allo allo"...smiley - biggrin RL is not a foreign word...smiley - whistle it's short for Real Life....smiley - smiley

and in the immortalised words that will be credited to me one day: "too much RL is bad for our online life...."smiley - laugh

a bientot...smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon

Lets parlez franglais

Post 919

You can call me TC

Morning ... er.. bonjour .. tout le monde.

I have exhausted anything I had to say about posting in foreign languages when campaigning for the German immediately after Rupert.

French is a special case, and if you'll take a look at this - U276 - you'll see that it is very unlikely that any French will not be understood by someone at the top here.

When I first joined, we spoke freely in German and had a great community (first meet December 2000 - see my space!) which has gone to pieces since Rupert. We started up the GerManiaConnection (which hasn't been kept up - but that's my fault) and I had one or two conversations with Mark Moxon and he said they were hoping that one day, entries in foreign languages may be allowed and all sorts of things.

Then the BBC took over, which was a great relief, as the alternative would have been that H2G2 would disappear altogether. But with all these restrictions, which have been slackening off slowly ever since.

Even after Rupert, French and Bubblish were explicitly allowed, then everything was stopped, and then re-started again as in JEllen's link above.

Anyway, enough of that subject for now - revenons a nos moutons.

It is not really quite right to say that words like "lawn" or whatever come from the French - they come from an old form of French that present day French also comes from.

Words like "déja vu" (Is that really in a dictionary? smiley - wow) do come directly from present day French, however.


Lets parlez franglais

Post 920

Reality Manipulator

Oui, deja vu - Anglais dictionary.

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