A Conversation for Ask h2g2


Post 6301

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

You believe in non real dietys!
Shave him! pelt him! give him the gone off bear! smiley - yikessmiley - zen


Post 6302

Baron Grim

I don't know of anyone who believes in a REAL deity.


Post 6303


smiley - space

smiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - starsmiley - discosmiley - zensmiley - discosmiley - star

smiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - mouse "fortytwo" smiley - esuom


Post 6304

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

But, nighthoover is the one true diety! as we know, from the holy posts of nighthoover to this very thread smiley - grovel (praise be, we're not worthy, we're not larma etc., etc.,), that they exist... or at least did* exist smiley - zen (which is more than most religions can say about their diety) smiley - zensmiley - biggrin

Right, lettuce stand on the chairs and jump off.


Post 6305

Deadangel - Still not dead, just!

Are you sure? The chairs round these parts are quite high. There may be a health & safety issue.


Post 6306

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

No! NOt again! Foiled by Health and Safety! For the second time today! smiley - wahsmiley - cry lettuce read through the safety matterials first smiley - zensmiley - book


Post 6307


smiley - space
"fortythree, fortyfour, fortyfive, fortysix, fortyseven, fortyeight, fortynine, fifty, fiftyone, fiftytwo, fiftythree, fiftyfour, fiftyfive, fiftysix, fiftyseven, fiftyeight, fiftynine, sixty, sixtyone,

stops to take a sip of smiley - tea

"sixtythree, sixtyfour, sixtyfive, sixtysix, sixtyseven, sixtyeight, sixtynine, seventy..."



Post 6308

Baron Grim

Don't worry about H&S, "if you believe that nighthoover is your lord and savior, he'll protect you."*

*This was chanted at me as I hung, blindfolded, grasping a tree limb, believing I was high enough to break my legs if I fell. I was surrounded by evangelist youth ministers during a revival week. I was about 10 years old. I was actually only a foot off the ground. The names have been changed to protect the guilty.


Post 6309

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Sounds beautiful... perfect... so... so... perfect lettuce bondage ourselves smiley - zensmiley - handcuffs


Post 6310

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Umm, yea.

What he said.


Post 6311

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I agree. I'm not sure what with, but I agree. I have to, the giant aubergine told me to agree smiley - zen chairChairChairChiarChiarChairChiaar ChairChairChair smiley - zen lettuce chair smiley - zen


Post 6312


smiley - space
"seventytwo, seventythree... thanks loonycat but i do not think i will be needing that smiley - spork for a while... a long... seventyfour... long... seventyfive... while..."





Post 6313

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - zensmiley - zen lettuce build a mountain of dust smiley - zensmiley - zen


Post 6314

loonycat - run out of fizz

The hoovery one will surely be attracted to our magnificent dusty edifice smiley - wowsmiley - grovel

Those ark builders had it easy smiley - puff


Post 6315


Are we mounding up any specific type of dust? Can we put sawdust in as well as dead skin and whatnot?


Post 6316

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Yeh, throw ina bit of saw dust... at the base of the pile... it'll be hidden by all the real dust... I've not emptied my hoover for about six years... that oughta be a good start..... smiley - blushsmiley - grovelsmiley - zen

our ediface to the hoovery one shall surely work and the hooverer of the night shall come and save all of hootoo!


Post 6317

Baron Grim

If it can be hoovered, it may be considered dust.


Post 6318

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - grovelsmiley - zensmiley - grovelsmiley - zen oh smiley - grovelsmiley - zen How smiley - zensmiley - grovel true smiley - grovelsmiley - zensmiley - grovelsmiley - zen all that which can be hoovered is dust and all that is dust must be hoovered smiley - grovelsmiley - zensmiley - grovelsmiley - zenlettuce hoover smiley - zensmiley - grovelsmiley - grovelsmiley - zen oh hallowed hooverer of the night smiley - zen lettuce hoover with all our might smiley - zensmiley - grovel lettuce hoover here without the light smiley - grovelsmiley - zen lettuce hoover with all our might smiley - zensmiley - grovel hoover hoover hoover hover hoover hoover hoover hoover nighthovoer hioover hiibober hiiiboer hiiiobber hiiiooobber hooverhihooover highhoover highhoover, highhoover nighthoover nighhooverhihoover smiley - zen hoover hoover hoover hoover hover hover hover hoover nihoover hihoover highhoover nihoover nighhoover nighthoover smiley - zensmiley - grovel lettuce dribbl and glibble and fribble our machinachurationiness smiley - zensmiley - grovel KiTKit
bpobBobBobbobBobbblbyu smiley - zen BoBoBoBoBbly smiley - zen as the KitKit bir dy calls, as the light beings to fade, lettuce through the streets and muddy water wade, with hoover in our pocket! smiley - zen hoover hoover hoover hoover hooverhooverhoverhovehosniththobobobobobokitkitkithooverhoovkitkitkitkit smiley - zen lettuce spry tomato juice smiley - zen


Post 6319

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I can hear a hoover! *faints* smiley - zensmiley - grovel


Post 6320

loonycat - run out of fizz

Ooh, is that like smiley - santa coming with smiley - gifts and things? smiley - boing

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