A Conversation for The h2g2 Doctor Who Group
Dr Who.
Reefgirl (Brunel Baby) Posted Jul 6, 2008
I have to agree the music was godawfully loud and OTT, especially the Phantom Menace syle choral bits, tone it down Murray
Dr Who.
IctoanAWEWawi Posted Jul 6, 2008
hmmm, what did I think of that. Hmm. Not too bad. I did like that they tried to validate the technological stuff (such as the TARDIS trapped and shifted) by saying how advanced the Dalek's were. But yet again we have a situation where trapping the blue box traps the TARDIS. I thought the blue box was just the TARDISs extension into this dimension. ah well.
So, predictions. Hand regens 2nd doctor - tick got that. Donna as time lady - well, half right anyway. Poor Rose, spending her life with a male Donna that's incredibly intelligent. That's just cruel.
yet again missed a chance to kill off Rose's mum - ah well.
I can't believe that Torchwood got rid of Toshiko for Martha. Wrong choice. Although Mickey for OWen is OK enough. Although they would have to develop the character as Torchwood don't really need more thick muscle.
I saw it on iPlayer so didn't see the christmas trailer - Cybermen again? Really?
But all in all, a good romp. Prob watch again this afto
Dr Who.
Orcus Posted Jul 6, 2008
Well I thought that was fantastic last night
German daleks had us on the floor laughing nearly.
Being a Cardiff resident there was a fantastic spot for film location. (I enjoy spotting the local areas where they film) The german castle where Martha nearly used the Osterhagen key was Castle Coch which you can see poking out of the trees north of Cardiff on the M4 if you're ever down our way.
All round excellence last night I thought.
Dr Who.
coelacanth Posted Jul 6, 2008
I know the area a little, but not well enough, however I spotted Castle Coch OK. I had a text last week from someone who does live in the area: "Terror on the streets of... Ponty!".
I briefly visited last week, and we went to the Bay hoping to take pictures of the Rift. But it had strawberries on it! I did laugh at the brown road signs with Daleks on though.
Dr Who.
Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge") Posted Jul 6, 2008
Top stuff. Frenetic pace to that episode!
My highlights - German daleks (as others have said, this was hilarious), and also DT and CT aping each other's mannerisms as hybrid timelord/humans.
Dr Who.
Elentari Posted Jul 6, 2008
I really enjoyed it, though perhaps not quite as much as last week.
I agree that the music drowned out the speech in a few parts, and I also loved the Doctor and Donna mixing their mannerisms - Donna doing the head tilt and 'oh yes!' and the 'Watch it, spaceman!' / 'Watch it, earthgirl!' exchange.
I also loved it when Donna, as the Doctor, was explaining what she was doing in incomprehensible text-speak, spinning the daleks around and so on - the sheer joy in that scene from all the good guys was brilliant. Another great bit was when Martha and Rose met (over the screen transmission) for the first time - Rose saying Martha is good, and Martha's reaction to discovering who Rose is ('He found you!') Finally, the bit in the tardis where they are all around the console, flying it, then break off into celebrations and hugs when they return Earth was wonderful.
The ending was bittersweet. Rose (sort of) gets her Doctor, but not as she wanted, and she can never come back. The effect of the Doctor on Donna, making her realise her potential, is gone. It was particularly tragic when he introduced himself to her and later said goodbye and she didn't even care.
It certainly looks like we will see Martha and Mickey in Torchwood next series. I'll be happy if that's the direction they go in.
Dr Who.
Orcus Posted Jul 6, 2008
Yes I've seen the strawberries on the Millenium Column thing. My top ever spot in the new Dr Whos was in the Slitheen episodes a couple of years back. In one set of scenes they filmed it in and around the buidling I work in (! ) and then the Doctor was in a restaurant with one of them that I'd had a Turkish Meal in just a few weeks before.
They didn't seem to be eating turkish in that episode though
Dr Who.
Kaz Posted Jul 6, 2008
Well I thought it was really great. Having read some of the previous comments, whoever critisised the ending for being "soppy" must be pretty cold hearted. I don't believe there is anyone out there who didn't want a "happy ending" for Rose.
As for the prophecy "most faithful companion will die" what a way to interpret that. Taking away all those memoiries from Donna was worse than if she had been killed "in battle" trying to save the Doc. Bernard Cribbins had me in tears, he was brilliant.
Also, I think the end was, in a way, RTD's way of saying goodbye to all the characters (seeing as he's going) a bit like JK Rowling did with HP. I thought it made sense.
Dr Who.
The Groob Posted Jul 6, 2008
I think the passionate kiss *was* a bit over the top. Something a bit more subtle maybe? Instant all out passion seemed a bit out of character both for Doctor and Rose.
I think RTD wanted to go out by beginning with an earthquake and building up to a climax. I'm hoping that Moffatt Who will be darker and more thoughtful. More Blinklike stuff please!
Dr Who.
BouncyBitInTheMiddle Posted Jul 6, 2008
Just went and had a look at Steven Moffat's episodes: The Empty Child/The Doctor Dance, The Girl in the Fireplace, Blink, and Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead.
So some of the best and most memorable episodes we've had. Safe hands.
Dr Who.
NPY Posted Jul 6, 2008
I've been wondering - does anyone else think that Donna might remember something and have to meet the Doc again?? Maybe Wilf will let something slip, or she'll pass the Doc in the street or something.
Dr Who.
Reefgirl (Brunel Baby) Posted Jul 6, 2008
"I don't believe there is anyone out there who didn't want a "happy ending" for Rose."
Me, I didn't want her to have a happy ending, I wanted her to be the one to die so there was no way she could ever come back ever again, still now RTD is gone there will be no more Dr/Rose shipping rubbish, I hope
Dr Who.
NPY Posted Jul 6, 2008
WEll maybe this time shge'll really be trapped in the parallel world, and this time she has her version of the Doc to stay for. Though it does open up the possibility of following their story.
Dr Who.
Reefgirl (Brunel Baby) Posted Jul 6, 2008
Oh God I hope not, save that for the FanFic writers
Dr Who.
The Groob Posted Jul 6, 2008
Watching Doctor Who is going to turn into a game itself: spot the plotline that has potential for a spin off series.
This season - Doctor's daughter and Rose and 'Doctor'.
Dr Who.
NPY Posted Jul 6, 2008
yeah, two spins offs in one series. And another game of spot the plot arc.
Dr Who.
Galigan Posted Jul 6, 2008
*arrives a bit late after watching it on sky+ on Sunday*
Well that was just fantastic!! This is why I love Dr Who, it just makes me smile and, being a nerd, I like to spot all the nerdy bits there. I thought this finale was one of the best, probably the best, and a good way to round off the first 4 seasons. Now the show's alive and well and able to be handed from the hands that revived it to the hands that have provided some of the best episodes there are. Looks hopeful for the future.
I have to admit though that after my rant earlier about the Doctor and Rose never happening, let's just say that as soon as the hand regenerated into a new Doctor I was thinking 'oh god' because that was exactly the theory I poo-poo'd. That and Rose getting her Doctor. When that happened I was actually complaining out loud about having to come back here and eat my hat. I never thought that would happen but I guess you can't predict this stuff.
I was quite glad the Master and Jenny (daughter) didn't come back in this one, but when Donna was in the TARDIS and heard the heartbeat, and reached for the hand in the jar with the ring in full view, I was thinking about how so many people have noticed the ring.
With all the talk about Donna coming back though, and I know I was very wrong about the Rose Doctor thing but hey, I'm pretty sure that the Doctor said that if Donna remembered the Doctor for even a second it would kill her, or some version of that that may have been less dramatic. So I reckon she can't come back at all, and I kinda hope they don't try. With RTD gone it's unlikely because I can't see Moffat recycling characters in the same way, but I'll agree the possibility's there. It would be nice to glimpse her being successful and more than a temp though. (btw I loved the bit where Doctor/Donna said about being the best temp in Chiswick "100 words per minute").
Another opinion that may also be wrong, but I hope it's not, is that River Song won't come back. For me that story is like the Doctor's name; if you reveal it it's never going to be as good as if you keep it a secret and let people speculate. I like time travel stories like that where 'he hasn't met me yet' stuff happens, and that means that there is a lot of untold story with the Doctor and River, but I think it's all the sweeter as a story if we're only told the bits that she remembers as we're told them in Forest of the Dead. Kind of in the same vein is how we know (pretty much) that Jack can't die at the moment but that eventually he does as the Face of Beau (sp?) so we know how that ends but all the bit in the middle is free to be played with. The difference there though is that yes we know how the Doctor and River end, both when she dies and of their last meeting for her before that when he gave her the screwdriver, but I don't want to see the playing around with the middle stuff. It's more romantic if we don't know if she's his wife, and also aside from anything else, and given that 'coming when I call' implies that they don't travel together, it would make for a weird dynamic with him having either a wife figure there or someone to get back to all the time. "Where are we going Doctor?" "Oh I've got to pop home and see the missus, just wait in the TARDIS will you". Can't say I like the idea of that.
But like I said I could be wrong.
On the production side of the finale, it has confirmed Catherine Tate for me as one of the best companions ever. How she left I thought was so sad, but the silver lining is that now her mum doesn't think she's useless, which is nice for Donna. After watching that episode, especially when she's Doctor/Donna and you can see soooo much of DT's Doctor in how she's acting, anyone who says she can't act is wrong, no opinion rubbish, it's just not true. And anyone who says to me that they didn't like her who has seen the whole series is going to have to work hard to put their point across because I have been so so impressed by CT for this whole season, and by the season itself. I agree with whoever it was that said that she deserves a Bafta. She's brilliant and I hope she goes on to big things in acting, she can certainly handle it.
Phew, another long posting from me. Sorry all.
Dr Who.
RadoxTheGreen - Retired Posted Jul 6, 2008
CT's imdb profile. Read her acting history in the trivia section:
Dr Who.
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted Jul 6, 2008
<> instant? They'd waited a long time for that kiss. Rose had already said it was the worst day of her life when he left, until she was back with him, she was dead inside. That's why Mickey went back to his original time & place. She couldn't love him. It was a wonderful ending for romantic old sops like me
I just remembered how I laughed when Jack rolled out of the incinerator and his coat (and hair) wasn't even singed.
Key: Complain about this post
Dr Who.
- 1361: Taff Agent of kaos (Jul 6, 2008)
- 1362: Reefgirl (Brunel Baby) (Jul 6, 2008)
- 1363: IctoanAWEWawi (Jul 6, 2008)
- 1364: Orcus (Jul 6, 2008)
- 1365: coelacanth (Jul 6, 2008)
- 1366: Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge") (Jul 6, 2008)
- 1367: Elentari (Jul 6, 2008)
- 1368: Orcus (Jul 6, 2008)
- 1369: Kaz (Jul 6, 2008)
- 1370: The Groob (Jul 6, 2008)
- 1371: BouncyBitInTheMiddle (Jul 6, 2008)
- 1372: NPY (Jul 6, 2008)
- 1373: Reefgirl (Brunel Baby) (Jul 6, 2008)
- 1374: NPY (Jul 6, 2008)
- 1375: Reefgirl (Brunel Baby) (Jul 6, 2008)
- 1376: The Groob (Jul 6, 2008)
- 1377: NPY (Jul 6, 2008)
- 1378: Galigan (Jul 6, 2008)
- 1379: RadoxTheGreen - Retired (Jul 6, 2008)
- 1380: Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor (Jul 6, 2008)
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