A Conversation for The h2g2 Doctor Who Group

Dr Who.

Post 1321

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I think the most faithful companion is the Tardis. Just saying that out loud before the prog starts.

Also, didn't Kerr tell us (somewhere in the backlogsmiley - cdouble) that the Doctor only has a certain number of regenerations, (and I think he was close when he was Chris Ecclestone), so maybe the Tardis gives the Doc some of its juicesmiley - drool so he can have another life (continuing as David Tennant) - this is all done via Donna, like Rose did it before the kiss, but no-one will kiss Donna so she dies.

smiley - run

Dr Who.

Post 1322


Hmmmm... I suppose it was inevitable that after such a cliffhanger the result would be a little bit of an anticlimax... Don't get me wrong, it was good, but somehow, not as good as I wanted it to be.

On another note, anyone notice the focus on Donna's ring right at the end?

Dr Who.

Post 1323

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Well, wasn't that a bit of a let down after the excitment of last weeks episode? Lots of cool moments, but the whole just didn't live up to expectations.

Dr Who.

Post 1324

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Well eloisa, there was your spare Doctor, and he was naked, I didn't half smiley - laugh when I thought of your request

smiley - biggrin

Did you squeal when the half-human Doctor said I love you too to Rose and they snogged?smiley - kiss

smiley - cool

Dr Who.

Post 1325

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Oh, and what on Skaro happened to Davros?

Last week we had a wonderful performance that did Michael Wisher proud.

This week it was like Terry Molloy. On drugs.

Dr Who.

Post 1326


Could anything have lived upto last week's episode?

Thinking about it, I suppose one of the missing elements is having that many supporting characters and not having the time to give them all enough time with the doctor.

Dr Who.

Post 1327


Oh well - I was really looking forward to it. In the end, we were yelling at Martha "Please blow up the Earth and put an end to it".

The only scenes that really grabbed were the ones with Catherine Tate in them.

Dr Who.

Post 1328

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I thought it was really funny when the Daleks were talking German.

Dr Who.

Post 1329

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

The German Daleks were very cool... and I actually agree with the comment on Donna's scenes, I was so against Catherine Tate being in Doctor Who at the beginning but I actually grew to like the character. Shame she's gone really.

Dr Who.

Post 1330

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

...and Bernard Cribbins never got his trip in the smiley - tardis

I liked Captain Jack's comment about us not wanting to know his thoughts when the second Doctor came out of the Tardis.smiley - rofl

And Donna trying to get a hug off Captain Jack.smiley - drool And Mickey saying he was going to miss Rose's Mum Jackiesmiley - blush

There were some smiley - cool moments and it was enjoyable enough. There's no way anything could top last week - it had the real smiley - wow factor.

Dr Who.

Post 1331

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

In a way Mickey's discomfort with Jack's hug was quite cool as well... RTD finally realising that yes there are blokes out there who really aren't even a little bit gay.

Dr Who.

Post 1332

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Who wants to have a bet that Martha and Mickey will replace Tosh and Owen in Torchwood next year?

Dr Who.

Post 1333

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Sounds good to mesmiley - ok

Dr Who.

Post 1334


Whaaaat? You guys really weren't that impressed with it? Well then, I guess I'm on my own when I say - I loved it!

What could better than having DT..... than having 2 DT's? Shame they couldn't make a few more, then Eloisa and I would have been very happy smiley - winkeye

As someone who started the series unhappy about CT as the new companion I grew to love Donna and was very sad at the end with her mind wiped. Question - the prophecy said that one of them would die - are we counting Donna's wiped mind as the prophecy fullfilled?

I could say so much more but I shall end (for now) with........

CYBERMEN at xmas!!!!!!!!!!!!

smiley - tardis

Dr Who.

Post 1335


You're not alone, I loved it! Blubbing most of the way through here! Anyone else?
smiley - bluefish

Dr Who.

Post 1336

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

it was better than last year's finale

Is it me or was that Fraiser Hines in the Christmas Trailer?

Dr Who.

Post 1337

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I nipped to the loo and missed the trailer smiley - sadface
Frazer Hines?smiley - wow I've met himsmiley - cool

Yes, I blubbed, when the Doctor got upset at Davros' baiting, and when Donna got her mind wiped, and when Doctor clone said he loved Rose, and Bernard Cribbins welling up and saying he'd watch the sky every night for him on behalf of Donna, well, smiley - wah

smiley - cry

Dr Who.

Post 1338

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit after unblocking the toilet
"It was brilliant.

And indeed the "Osterhagen key" give 1840 hits just before the episode (2200+ yesterday). Just 18 right now smiley - huh

The hand trick pure Brilliant, I have to review the episode at the end of the universe again to see the hand appearing.

Daughter fully locked up in the episode, listening with all her concentration and apparently following everything smiley - wow. Son coming down rom the toilet with something about it is blocked smiley - yuk.

Brilliant episode, useless goal of the Daleks but that is not much problem. Liked the transmat locked to get Martha and Captain Jack from their checkmate positions. Then even the second Doctor was captured smiley - sadface.

Brilliant episode (did I mention that before ?) "

Dr Who.

Post 1339

Jim Lynn

I think the weight of ludicrous expectations is going to affect the way people think about this episode. I'm certainly guilty of thinking up many insane plot twists myself.

But I don't think I've ever been as moved by any other episode. This was a very melancholy end to the series - even more so than Doomsday, which was pretty sad, but at least Rose still had her life. Donna losing every memory of the Doctor is about as close to dying as it's going to get, and incredibly moving.

But back to the beginning...

The resolution to the regeneration cliffhanger was pure, unmitigated genius (although I suspect others might disagree with that). After all the expectations of what might happen, who might appear, to resolve it in less than a minute, so the story can continue to be about the threat from the Daleks and Davros, and not about how they deal with a new/changed Doctor was utter genius.

Likewise, Sarah Jane's rescue by Mickey and Jackie was wonderful. I knew they were returning, but this was another fantastic entrance.

And once again, there was that moment when it looked like Jackie was going to die (as happened in Army of Ghosts) and just as before I was willing her to escape.

The two Doctors was also another clever idea. It was one of the rumours I'd read, but it served several extremely interesting purposes. It meant that the Doctor could be captured by Davros, and have the kind of confrontation you need, while simultaneously being active in formulating the fightback. And it also allows them another (almost) satisfying resolution for Rose. Perhaps we'll get another spinoff - "The Smith Family", with Rose and The Doctor, Jackie and Pete sitting in their living room watching TV and swearing at each other. Or maybe not.

And finally, Donna. I was quite happy when they announced her as the new companion as I'd enjoyed The Runaway Bride, and thought she'd make a good companion. In the event, she's made the greatest companion we've ever had. Funny, warm, the perfect human foil to the Doctor. And now she doesn't remember any of it. It's the saddest possible ending she could have had, and had me in floods of tears. I'm definitely going to miss Donna. Catherine Tate deserves a Bafta, but they'll probably give it to Ant'n'Dec instead.

I can't help feeling sad now. The end of another series, this one the most consistent ever, and next year we don't get a proper series (although in terms of minutes, there's not going to be much in it). But you can't deny this series has gone out with a bang.

Dr Who.

Post 1340


I loved it ,
" DETONATE THE REALITY BOMB !" Is a phrase I shall be inserting into everyday conversation for the next few weeks smiley - coolsmiley - tardis

best fishes....tod

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