A Conversation for The h2g2 Doctor Who Group

Dr Who.

Post 1381

RadoxTheGreen - Retired

I remember thinking 'oh good grief' when K9 turned up with cartoon style eyes smiley - boing

Dr Who.

Post 1382


Now that was just a cruel thing to do with Donna. She´s going to end up feeling useless again, plus wondering whatever happened to her wedding. I´m not sure what I thought of this episode, though I could have done without the soppy stuff. At what point did they mention Gwen and Gwyneth being related?

Dr Who.

Post 1383


It was cruel and I still don't see how it was 'everlasting death for the for the most faithful companion' or whatever Caan said.

The Gwen/Gwynneth bit was near the end when they were preparing to tow Earth back. The Doctor spoke to Torchwood on the TARDIS laptop screen thing and asked Gwen if she had ancestors from Cardiff. She said she did and him and Rose sort of chuckled and said they thought as much. Not sure I've explained that very well but it was near the end.

Van smiley - tardis

Dr Who.

Post 1384


Well, seems I completely missed that conversation.

Dr Who.

Post 1385


It was just before or after he spoke to Luke & Mr Smith and K9 appeared (smiley - grr) to supply the TARDIS code.

Dr Who.

Post 1386

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit on top
"Wonder what the contribution of the 'Shadow Proclamation' actually was. They informed the Doctor about the other planets.

"Osterhagen Key" now at 3390 hits. "

Dr Who.

Post 1387


Sarah Jane and Mickey appeared to confirm that they were related too, or did I misunderstand that?
smiley - bluefish

Dr Who.

Post 1388

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Sarah-Jane and Mickey met in School Reunion, that's all

Dr Who.

Post 1389


I realise that, but wasn't there a comment about Smiths sticking together? Although I guess it is a common surname.
smiley - bluefish

Dr Who.

Post 1390

Gnomon - time to move on

I'd say that considering their different skin colour, it's extremely unlikely they're supposed to be related. Inter-racial mixing is normal in England now, but it wasn't when Sarah Jane was born. The Smiths comment was just something that people with the same surname say.

Dr Who.

Post 1391

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

I've got a very common surname, and it's true you do tend to say things like 'Us Smiths stick together' even when you're completely unrelated.

smiley - ale

Dr Who.

Post 1392


BBC Breakfast news had an item this morning on how many thousands of people have actually tried to ring the Dr on that number.

One of those is in this thread as I recall... smiley - biggrin

Dr Who.

Post 1393

Gnomon - time to move on

>>I just remembered how I laughed when Jack rolled out of the incinerator and his coat (and hair) wasn't even singed

It's a grand old tradition of sci-fi that superheroes have clothes with superpowers too. Both the Hulk and the Thing can rip their shirts but they still fit into a standard pair of Levis.

Dr Who.

Post 1394

Gnomon - time to move on

I'd have thought with a name like Kerr, you'd say things like "Two Kerrs are better than one Kerr".smiley - winkeye

Dr Who.

Post 1395


Less that four at least smiley - winkeye

Thread Moved

Post 1396

h2g2 auto-messages

Editorial Note: This conversation has been moved from 'Ask the h2g2 Community' to 'The h2g2 Doctor Who Group'.

Dr Who.

Post 1397

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

I'd just like to say I'm looking forward to working through the backlog on this thread. I can't get on here at weekends, so there's always a load of posts when I come back on Monday, and especially the last 3 weeks or so. I'm currently only about 80 posts away...

Dr Who.

Post 1398


Ooh, we've moved!
It was nice to see those loose ends being tied up and a goood thick line drawn under the romantic nonsense! Loved the Jack and Donna stuff as well.

Dr Who.

Post 1399

Gnomon - time to move on

I loved Jack's line - "I just can't say what I'm thinking at the moment". Obviously that sentence should have ended with "because it's before the 9 o'clock watershed."

Dr Who.

Post 1400


Oh Yes.
Made I laugh.

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