A Conversation for The h2g2 Doctor Who Group

Dr Who.

Post 1301

Bright Blue Shorts

And of course Mickey was always the Tin Dog ...

Dr Who.

Post 1302

Mol - on the new tablet

If it's everlasting death for THE most faithful companion that's presumably the giggler in the dalek suit, who's already effectively sacrificed himself by temporally shifting to rescue Davros and co.

Blimey this is hard work.

Dramatically, it won't work if there isn't lots of DT in the season finale. So I'm now backing the double dose of doctors and Donna dies plotline.

Can't remember if I've already mentioned this, but shouldn't Rose have been somewhat gobsmacked to see Jack, given that as far as she knew he was killed by Daleks?


Dr Who.

Post 1303


No. It was Rose that brought him back to life. Though, she the Doctor said at the end of the previous season "she brought you back wrong".

However Jack should be surprised to see Rose. What with her supposed to be off in a different reality and everything.


Dr Who.

Post 1304

Mol - on the new tablet

But she didn't know she'd done it, did she? Did the Doctor tell her? If he had, she'd have insisted on going back for him, surely.


Dr Who.

Post 1305

Terliwig Renfrew Hidalgo worship mina here A39119024 go on you know you want to

i reckon the doter is not in it at all and everything is done by the groupies that way when they do bring back doter who in five years or so they can start with a totally new guy without having to explane where DT went

Dr Who.

Post 1306

RadoxTheGreen - Retired

More to the point, if the Earth has been moved then presumably all the satellites are no longer in orbit around it. So how come they still have international TV links, mobile phone networks intact etc.

This weeks preview clip has Davros threatening the destruction of reality itself, so I'm guessing that will be the cop out for DT not doing a regeneration. None of it is real.smiley - tardis

Dr Who.

Post 1307


I don't think that Rose can have known that she saved Jack. I'm sure she said something about going back for him and the Doctor being evasive about it.

As someone said, the most loyal companion could be anyone's companion. Caan certainly fits the bill. I'm hoping Ace comes back and nails the Daleks smiley - grovel!

Caan also said that 'the dark lord is coming' but I couldn't work out if he meant the Doctor or not. And what about Martha's fiance? Admittedly she hasn't been in the series much but you'd have thought she'd have wanted to give him a quick call at some point.

Less than 43 hours until we find out! smiley - magic

Dr Who.

Post 1308


They can't kill K-9, he has his own series coming up!

(Mind you, we are on Mark IV by now - perhaps they will kill him to explain the differences in design. No, this is getting silly now! K-9's not in it!)

Gif smiley - geek

Dr Who.

Post 1309

RadoxTheGreen - Retired

Yeah, bring back Ace! Especially if its the way she became in the New Adventures books. Ace in Madame Pompadour style powdered wig, wearing her combat suit and riding a chopped Harley. smiley - cool

Dr Who.

Post 1310


It's possible it'll be Rose but with all these parallel Earth/timey-wimey thangs going on I'm not sure how anybody'll die for real.

Dr Who.

Post 1311


The Doctor begins to regenerate but so does the hand in the jar...it all goes a bit wrong and we end up with 2 Tennants...one is mostly human and goes off to live and die with Rose in Alternative Universe.
Donna is definitely a timelady...

Dr Who.

Post 1312


I'm sure this's been said before but if there're two of them can I have one?

Dr Who.

Post 1313


I'm not sure who the 'most faithful companion' is, but I'd bet it's not Martha. Of the three new companions, she's the only one who left by choice.

Dr Who.

Post 1314


Well, the Shadow Proclamation has spoken, and who are we to argue with the might of an old lady and some hired Judoon? smiley - winkeye

Gif smiley - geek

Dr Who.

Post 1315

Bright Blue Shorts

Non-spoilers ...

- interview with RTD ... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/7490639.stm

- discussion on keeping the ending secret ...

Dr Who.

Post 1316


Hmm, clip in there of Captain Jack being loaded into something by daleks talking about disposal. Looks like they think he's dead and are getting rid of him, when we know he's not and he's our/the rest of the team's hope to pull off something cool in the dalek ship. Can't wait to watch it on Sunday. Will be avoiding here until then. smiley - tongueout

Dr Who.

Post 1317

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Notice how the tape box said "TX Master" on the front. That's clearly a teaser about the Master coming back. smiley - silly

Dr Who.

Post 1318



I'll say it again...wow!

I've been on holiday and was going to leave last week's episode until after I'd recorded the finale, then watch them both together. Then I came on here and saw 280-odd new posts so I watched last week's episode over breakfast this morning so I could catch up on the posts before tonight's episode.

It left me breathless. I don't get all caught up in "yeah, but previously he said ..." or "How can that happen..." (not a true smiley - geek obviously!) so what's actually happening NOW on the screen is all it's about for me.

Someone's already said it, but I loved the special effects showing the Tardis travelling down the phone signal - very retro!

I also loved the Doctor/Rose running towards each other bit. I've always felt they loved each other but had to be apart for whatever tragic reason, and it's been building a bit over the last couple of weeks. It also showed clearly that Donna definitely has no romantic thoughts about the Doctor - she was obviously happy for him that Rose was behind him.

But you just knew something was going to happen, didn't you?

For me this has been the best episode since "The Empty Child" (my favourite ever).

Three & a half hours left. I'm so excited! smiley - boing

Deb smiley - cheerup

Dr Who.

Post 1319

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - zen

I have no fingernails leftsmiley - erm

Dr Who.

Post 1320

A Super Furry Animal

10 minutes to go...better go and switch the tell-o-vision thingy equipment on.

RFsmiley - evilgrin

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