A Conversation for Wind force twelve abaft the Beam

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 1

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

A recently recuperated smiley - nurse Sven arranges the cushions on the sofa in the waiting room. There is a door open to the smiley - doctor 's consulting rooms, through which can be seen an antique desk and deep leather armchairs. To the left there is a glass cabinet with ancient medical tomes, mostly with smiley - skull motifs on their leather spines. To the right there is an enormous medical case overflowing with medicines and potions. A door at the rear goes through to the surgery ( but you don't quite see the gruesome contents of that room)

Please ring the bell for attention and take a seat. Dr Feelgood will be with you shortly.

Oh, and if you feel the need, help yourself to some of the smiley - stiffdrink ship's rum whilst you wait.

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 2


shagbark presses the buttom
Oh Dear there is that ringing in my ears again.
Oh and I seem to have scratched my right ear loading barrels somewhere smiley - injured

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 3

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Dr Feelgood is away having lunch, so you will have to ask the Hula girls to bandage your ear... if that's alright with you? They are *quite gentle!

smiley - divasmiley - divasmiley - diva

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 4

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

*saunters in*


never mind me - i just came to read the papers

ooooh, there's the reader's digest from august '57 smiley - bigeyes

smiley - pirate

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 5

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

The Hula girls deliver a silver tray full of smiley - ojsmiley - strawberriessmiley - teasmiley - cupcakesmiley - chocolateteapot

they plump up the cushions and go away giggling
'Ooh, that Captain is so brave!'
'I wouldn't sit in that waiting room if it was me!'

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 6


did someone just bandage my ear with a grass skirt?

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 7

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

*cap finishes digesting the digest*

*rings the bell*

*wonders if the smiley - doctor is in*

smiley - pirate

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 8

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

'Please come in - sorry to have kept you waiting out there, I've been away dealing with some cases of swine flu down in the hold. Some of those paparazzi from the Hotel are quite unhappy I gave them a dose of it.'

smiley - doctorsmiley - piratesmiley - evilgrin

'Don't be so namby pamby!! He's a Pirate!! A bit of tar on a stick would suffice.'

'Now look Shagbark, the best thing to do with the old ear wound would be to hang this from it smiley - disco '

'Now Captain - how can I help you?' smiley - evilgrin

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 9

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Dr Feelgood/LB notices that the Captain has disappeared again smiley - huh

'He's good at that isn't he?' smiley - bigeyes

Lanzababy clears a space on her operating table and arranges the bones of the unidentified person. She immediately spots that there is only one leg and one hand.

'So! a pirate then - that narrows the field down slightly'

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 10

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

smiley - tardissmiley - piratesmiley - tardis

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 11

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

there's something wrong with me leg smiley - doctor

would you please check if the rubber stud is worn down and needs replacing?

smiley - pirate

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 12

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

My pleasure - but perhaps the time has come for an upgrade - please take a look in this catalogue.

Lanzababy hands the smiley - pirate Captain a brochure entitled

"Artificial limbs for Pirates - the deluxe collection"

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 13

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

i'm not sure my health insurance will pay for a new one till this old ivory one is worn out completely and it seems to be indestructable and everlasting since neither fire nor shipworms can harm it

furthermore i would hate to have to freemantle anything from you and being a smiley - pirate i couldn't possibly pay you

but thanks for fixing me stud smiley - biggrin

smiley - pirate

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 14

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

smiley - rofl Fairy 'nuff Sire!

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 15

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

notice on Consulting Room door.

Any Officer or Crew needing urgent medical attention should report to smiley - nurse Sven, who will dispense tea and sympathy.

Dr Feelgood has gone fishing and will return to her Surgery at some time or other. smiley - dontpanic

In emergencies please use smiley - tardis and smiley - bluelight

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 16

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

*dons smiley - bluelight, jumps into smiley - tardis and heads for nearest bakery because he's fresh out of hardtacks*

*returns with a sack of hardtacks and disappears into secret quarters*

smiley - pirate

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 17

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

smiley - tardis

Removes sign from the door and replaces it with one that says

'Open for business' 'Leave your weapons in the umbrella stand'

Opens medical book about sleep problems...


Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 18

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

16 hours later smiley - doctor Dr Feelgood is heard gently snoring ( in a piratey but ladylike manner). Her head is slumped on her tooled leather desk; the book about sleep problems has fallen to the floor.

smiley - zzz

Sven tiptoes in and takes a look, tiptoes out and shuts the cabin door.

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 19

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

smiley - ghost

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 20

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Wha---ah? smiley - yikes

smiley - ermsmiley - zen

So - when I next see Shagbark I can prescribe him something for his sleep problem.

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