A Conversation for Wind force twelve abaft the Beam

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 61

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

The door is opened by one of the Hula girls who beckons the patient inside and shows him to his private rooms.

good night!

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 62


*blushes as bevy of hulla girls go by*

What was that? Oh, yes, spot on, of course.... I'll.... er... be there tonight. No idea where Dr Feelgood is have you? I've got to see her about a nos...sore thr...... er sprained angle

*steels himself as smiley - ghostsmiley - ghostsmiley - ghostsmiley - ghostsmiley - ghost and parrot smiley - ghost come out of holes in wall*

Oh, gone to feed the smiley - schooloffishsmiley - schooloffishsmiley - schooloffishsmiley - schooloffishsmiley - schooloffishsmiley - schooloffishsmiley - schooloffishsmiley - schooloffishsmiley - schooloffishsmiley - schooloffish... with private patient who didn't cough up enough doubloons... hmmmmmmmm

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 63

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Ah good morning to you sir! I hope you passed a good night?

Please feel confident that I am the best expert in noses for many sea-miles around.

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 64


What's that booking you were reading? Well, it doesn't look as if you've got further than page 1....

*whips off scarf and starts noseying around*

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 65

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Hands Not-so-bald a brochure with glossy photos of nose jobs. Starts examining the current *nose with her brass and ebony telescope
(the wrong way round so as to shrink it to a more discernible size)

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 66


Careful... I think I'm going to snee.... AHHH CHUMMMMMMMMMM!

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 67

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Dr Feelgood comes round from being knocked out by the force of the enormous sneeze....smiley - drunk

I think we had better proceed after lunch...smiley - ill

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 68


smiley - towel Perhaps you'd like to clean up a little first

smiley - cool

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 69


Oh look at least it dislodged a few of those ... er... things in the holes

smiley - ghostsmiley - runsmiley - ghostsmiley - runsmiley - ghostsmiley - runsmiley - ghostsmiley - runsmiley - ghostsmiley - run

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 70

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Dr Feelgood inserts a DVD into the player in her consulting rooms "brief history of how Zaphodista turned into a ghost" http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/alabaster/F70774?thread=138073&latest=1 presses play:>> Oh and btw those little ghosts turned out to be the ship's mice and rats, which is why they live in the woodwork - I haven't managed to kill anyone yet... but there's always time.

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 71


batten the hatches, I think I'm going to sn..... AAAAAAAA CHOOOUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM


sorry smiley - towel

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 72


*sneaks in*

°°what the hell's that?°°

*smiley - grovel °°and under here?°°*

Good grief !

smiley - runsmiley - run

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 73

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Sven! Get back up here from the Herb-drying hold and look into whatever is infesting the surgery!!

Whatever it was seems to have disappeared now, but I think we need to swab the decks and scrub the walls.

**Death, Destruction and Termination

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 74

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

*saunters in, finds the office empty and leaves again*

smiley - pirate

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 75


*pushes nose in doorway, takes a few steps to look in*

Anybody here?

*slouches off*

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 76


*staggers in, falls over cutlas/surgical instrument on floor*

I's been lookin' n bars fer dr feeeel not very well

*rests head on remains of a fish-salami sandwich and falls into drunken sleep*

*room spins round and round but lurching ship feels stable*

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 77

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

The Hula smiley - divasmiley - divasmiley - divasmiley - divagirls appear and seeing their patient lying unconscious, pick him up, put him on a trolley and wheel him off to his private hospital room. He will be able to get some well needed rest before the nose reconstruction due after the smiley - doctor returns from the Polar Bear rescue mission taking place on The Bridge.

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 78


ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 79

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Writes on Not-so-bald-eagle's notes

@Do not disturb@ smiley - shhh

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 80

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

as long as the note does not read "do not attempt resuscitation" smiley - erm

smiley - pirate

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