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Plans for the H2G2 Movie

Post 121

Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday

I agree with Tim Curry as the Book. What about the guy from the Fast Show & Harry Enfield, Paul Whitehouse, as Ford Prefect, his eyes are just right! Robin Williams would be good as Zaphod but so would Mel Gibson (think about it)

Plans for the H2G2 Movie

Post 122

Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday

I agree with Tim Curry as the Book. What about the guy from the Fast Show & Harry Enfield, Paul Whitehouse, as Ford Prefect, his eyes are just right! Robin Williams would be good as Zaphod but so would Mel Gibson (think about it).

Plans for the H2G2 Movie

Post 123

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

Tim Currey as the book, Jonathan Rajs-Dailey (sp?) as Slartibartfast, and Christopher Walken as Hotblack Dessiato.

Plans for the H2G2 Movie

Post 124

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

I want to be in the new movie!

Plans for the H2G2 Movie

Post 125

Good Angel - recently become obsessed to the point of psychosis with the film 'Bio-Dome'

If you think Jim Carrey as Arthur would be bad, who are they going to get for Ford? I always thought 'Man Who Fell To Earth' era David Bowie would be good, although cliched, but sadly unavailable now. And Rachael Weisz (is that how you spell it? I have really no idea) would make a lovely Trillian.
As Arthur? How about Richard E. Grant? Or is that taking it too far?

Plans for the H2G2 Movie

Post 126


I feel very strongly that Jim Carrey be kept away from the casting couch as Arthur on this project. He might make a good Zaphod or even Ford Prefect. But Richard E. Grant would be better.
Dentarthurdent must be played by an Englishman, must be played in an 'underplayed' role, and potentialy, Colin Firth could make a marvellous performance.

Plans for the H2G2 Movie

Post 127

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

Someone mentioned Colin Ferth before...

Plans for the H2G2 Movie

Post 128

Jordon in New York

No, No, I said Colin Fergeson. I believe. Yes yes, I am most correct.

Plans for the H2G2 Movie

Post 129

Yael Smith

At least you know what you say smiley - smiley
I thought of Julia Swallah (is it misspelled? I think so...) as Fenchurch. She's very British, abit confused, funny, smart and quite pretty. NO Jim Carrey!!! NO NO NO!!!
Mel as Zaphod? Now, that's a thought!smiley - biggrin

Plans for the H2G2 Movie

Post 130

Pandora (Trouble Goddess Extraordinaire)

ok kids, let's get back to the troubling part....jim carrey can NOT play arthur dent! asking him to have a perpetual look of perturbed mildness is like asking for unspicy thai food--beside the point, 'cause you just ain't gonna get it. our formal protest does need to be sent to whoever is making this film before the travesty comes to life.

Plans for the H2G2 Movie

Post 131

Yael Smith

Couldn't agree more!smiley - smiley

Plans for the H2G2 Movie

Post 132


The obvious choice for me anyway would be to cast 'SClub 7' to play all the major parts

At least it would be funny...

Maybe not......

Arthur Dent - Angus Deyton
Ford Prefect - Ian Hislop
Zaphod Beeblebrox - Paul Merton

You know that would work

smiley - smiley

Plans for the H2G2 Movie

Post 133

ford sierra estate, blue, 1988

My opinion is that Jim Carey Is a Flat Actor, he only does one thing, and then does it again and again. Robin Williams is the same, watch "Robin Williams live at the Met" and you've seen all there is to see.
I do not think that Jim Carey would be good in the role, however, Robin Williams just might pull it off.
A lot of these things never get past the pre-production stage, so we may all be waiting for a long time.
In reality, there's nothing we can do which will affect the outcome of this, so why not just wait and see???

Plans for the H2G2 Movie

Post 134

some bloke who tried to think of a short, catchy, pithy name and spent five sleepless nights trying but couldn't think of one

I'm quite partial to Anthony Stewart Head for Arthur. I think he could pull it off quite well.

Plans for the H2G2 Movie

Post 135

Purple Moose - He comes, he goes. But mainly the latter...

How about Sarah Michelle Gellar as Trillian!?
(Not obssessed...Not obssessed...Not obssessed...)
smiley - smiley

Plans for the H2G2 Movie

Post 136


I think Alyson Hannigan could pull off the brain power thing more successfully though smiley - smiley

Hmmmn, Tony Head for Arthur...nice one!

I still think Richard Briers for book though - convey the same feeling of wise but friendly old bird that Peter Jones managed to get in, well, practically everything he did...

Plans for the H2G2 Movie

Post 137

some bloke who tried to think of a short, catchy, pithy name and spent five sleepless nights trying but couldn't think of one

Although I like the idea of SMG or Alyson, isn't Trillian supposed to be a Pom?

Plans for the H2G2 Movie

Post 138


I'm really worried that Hollywood will "Hollywoodise" H2G2, in my opinion H2G2 is very much British humour, understated, and a bit zany. I'm glad to see so many of our American friends love it, but we must have plenty of British influence in the making of the film, or it's unique humour will be lost (and PLEASE PLEASE NO CANNED LAUGHTER) I would be really upset if "the Book" had an American accent, but I would like to see Nigel Havers as Ford Prefect as Nigel is georgeous,with a lovely accent) We could always let an American actor play Eddie the computer.

Plans for the H2G2 Movie

Post 139

Jordon in New York

I couldn't agree more . . . I am firmly set against the hollywoodization as you call it of H2G2. Hollywood is known for taking great ideas and turning them into crud, and then beating it into your skull. I would hope that DNA has some pride in his work, and in his visualization of it, and it did start as a radio series, written for british actors. There are a few smaller roles that could be played by americans who would not ruin the film, but the main characters will most likely remain british, as thier manner of speaking is catagorically english. Anyhow, I just wanted to toss a couple more pennies into the well.

Plans for the H2G2 Movie

Post 140


I still think that Robin Williams is too old to be Arthur. Hugh Laurie would fit it perfectly. But what of Ford? smiley - smiley


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Plans for the H2G2 Movie

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