A Conversation for Cigarettes

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Post 41

Researcher 93445

A first small contribution towards more facts and fewer polemics: "The History of Cigarette Manufacturing", http://www.h2g2.com/A257014

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Post 42

Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)

Peta! G.V.Idiot! Have you seen this?
I don't know how HHGG deals with such an event, an already approved entry being followed by what might be a better one, but maybe the two could be merged, naming this new one 'The history of the cigarette' and the other 'The History of the AntiSmoking Lobby' or something.

I despise this article

Post 43


Interesting article ffmike.

Did the same thing myself, slightly different angle.

"Salade Nicotine" http://www.h2g2.com/A257113

I despise this article

Post 44


Might I suggest you add something to the body of your intro page? smiley - winkeye


I despise this article

Post 45


First of all, giving up heroin WILL NOT in itself kill you. True, you will feel awful but the withdrawl symptoms will not lead to death. Second, some people WILL steal to fund their nicotine habit, it all depends on the circumstances. Thirdly, you all seem to be missing the point, H2G2 does not pretend to offer the definitive answer to everything, it merely takes a different viewpoint and tries to have a little truth mixed with a little humour. I stand by the points made in the article.
Finally, I resent being referred to as a member of the anti smoking lobby as if you had read my comments you would know that I have been a smoker for almost half my life.

I despise this article

Post 46


I just now got 'round to actually giving the article a read. I think it's quite well done, actually.


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Post 47

Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)

Which one? THe one that that got me all agggggrrrrressive, or the newer one?

I despise this article

Post 48


Both, actually. I'm not saying I agree with everything that was in the original, and perhaps it's been modified since it angered you, but I did think it (as I saw it) was written objectively with a bit of both viewpoints.

The second was just good research and a great history. I agree with its author that is should be a supplement to the original, not a replacement.


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Post 49

Jenny and Fred the cheese

you people make me cutlery

I despise this article

Post 50


I wholeheartedly agree with you, this article is not quite what I envisioned when I (apparently - I was drunk, another sin but that would come under Alcohol I guess) contributed to it. I smoke, I am not pleased with that fact but I have to accept it, I think people who condemn smoking out of hand are as disgusting as the way they see smokers. But that's just my opinion. Some people are so preoccupied with why smoking is a bad thing and what sucks about it that they don't realise that there are so many worse things out there.

I despise this article

Post 51


Some might say that you should learn to forgive now and again, I'm not asking for pity but some of us can't be perfect. There are far many worse things than smoking. Where do you rate torture? Is that after smoking in your list of mankinds greatest crimes? And please don't refer to smoking as torture to those who don't as I'll have to break my computer. Is racism below smoking in your list of mankinds heinous errors? Be sensible, sure it's not something to be proud of perhaps but to condemn it as much as you do is hardly a sensible approach to things. You'll spend your whole life condemning things and no time enjoying things. Lighten up.

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Post 52

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

As I mentioned in another posting, I'm judging overall severity by multiplying the offensiveness of a single instance by the number of perpetrators.

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Post 53

Fate Amenable To Change

Right.. I have been away from h2g2 for a bit and am following up whats been going on.
Peet - Has the Limericks dried up totally?
Can anyone summarise this argument - we are still on smoking I take it? I would like to add my bit as an Ex - smoker ...

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Post 54

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

Fate, Limericks 26 at: http://www.h2g2.com/F15011?thread=55487 Welcome back! :-)

I despise this article

Post 55

DjeliBeybi, Sovereign Imperatrix of all Odd Blue Socks, ID

"because of that common trait in many hardened smokers, individualism. Ironically, this individualism
is also a major setback for the antismoking lobbby, becaucse the individualist smoker doesn't react to the impetus given off by the
antismoking crowd. too arsed, really). "

Individualism? I find that very ironic, considering that I don't smoke, while many of my friends do.. heh.

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Post 56



I find it hard to beleive that you can get away with displaying such an offensive attitude and such poor manners in public.

I assume you're either a hermit or you have two black eyes must of the time.

Think about this;
"Someone who lights up in a public place always risks seriously offending people they have never met. I take the same risk."

There's no risk at all - you absolutely guarantee seriously offending every smoker you come into contact with, and their families and friends. Bigot. smiley - sadface

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Post 57

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

My attitude is always to try to give the same offence to smokers as they give to me. Thanks for the feedback smiley - smiley

I despise this article

Post 58


What gives you the right ?? I mean, really ! Should I wear "People with a healthy sex life deserve AIDS" on a t-shirt in public ??

I despise this article

Post 59


And what makes you so special that you must make smokers feel uncomfortable ? You know what ? I enjoy a good cigarette and nobody can make me feel uncomfortable about it, not even you. Get a life.

I despise this article

Post 60


They are called "Kretek" smiley - smiley

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