The essentials to HeadSnot Inc.

Hello, how are you.
Most people call me Prez.
Here, to undrab this page, is a piece of tabular art done by JAVAM. He does them in a flash, and has lots more on his page...


I also have a personal home page.
No, really? Yes, really. What's more, I even do radio shows every friday from 5pm to 6pm CET, for your information. You're invited to join in streaming audio at And as if that wasn't enough, I'm also displaying the home page of my band (currently drummer-less) here. Look at

The Man. The Nickname.

The man: In his twenties, lover of jazz and many things that make an atmosphere. Student of Political Sciences in Amsterdam. I try to view the loads of theory I get by other writers with as much scepticism as I can, else I'd lose track. But politix nonetheless. You can discuss your political disgruntlement with me any time. Any time I'm arsed enough to oblige, that is. My own political side is undefined really, I am not even sure I'm right, let alone that some other ideology is. One might call me a cynic, but that's just until one gets to know me. One can get to know me either along the threads of h2g2 or on ICQ, I'm #54911303.

The Nickname: HeadSnot Incorporated or HSInc. Sheesh, it was invented during a summer pop music festival called Lowlands, here in the low Netherlands, which takes place near my home, Amsterdam. Stoned out of our skulls as one usually is during such events, we decided that people should see inside their own skull from time to time, and eventually this led us to staggering around the festival terrain shouting "Eat Your Own Brain For A Change!" to all who would hear, which weren't a lot of people.

The Old Story

Now there was also a lengthier explanation of HSInc. here before, but though I definitely wrote that, and would like it too be troo, it's actually complete b******s. So I put it somewhere else.

Run along then, and we'll probably meet again somewhere along the threads.


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Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)

Researcher U46241

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