Meal Ticket's Pie Page

Meal Ticket's the name; pies are the game. Whenever you watch a football match, and you hear the chant; "who's ate all the pies?” you know I've just left the stadium!;-)

My other great affinity with pies lies way back in the history of my sport of choice, Disc Golf.

To the uninitiated, this simply involves throwing flying discs (similar to the "Frisbee", which is a brand name) at targets arranged to make a course. In most respects the game is very similar to traditional golf (hence the name), but most importantly for me you can wear what you want:-), eat what you want:-), drink what you want;-) and smoke what you want8-) while playing!

The affinity with pies is that (so the story goes), the first "Frisbees" used in the USA during the '50s were in fact pie tins made by Frisby's Pies! ><>

If you want to know more about disc golf, either;
1. Ask me!
2. Wait for me to write a guide entry
3. Check out" > and the links therein.

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Hi! Jun 27, 2000


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