A Conversation for Gibraltar Airport

Runway fun

Post 1


The most memorable thing about Gibraltar airport for me was the length of the runway, or rather the lack of it.

Great fun to peer out of a plane window and be positive right up till the last minute that you are going to crash into the sea, isn't it...

Runway fun

Post 2


I absolutely loved the landing:

1. Dive at the runway.
2. At the last second, make a token effort to level out.
3. Hit the tarmac with a good solid thump, no bouncing, skipping etc. Just WHALLOP!
4. Stop (By the time you've straightened your neck enough to look out the window, there's no runway left, so you've either stopped or you're in the harbour).

I suspect planes used for in Gibraltar have a shorter life than most due to excessive strain on the undercarraige!

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