A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 61

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

The only way to stay erect on skis is to keep a eye on the bushes.

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 62


smiley - laugh

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 63

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

* vonce, vile vit ze ski patrol
near Leningrad
i dropped a pole *

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 64


Vos he hurt?
Personally, I like a nice big Swede.

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 65


. . . mashed with butter and peppersmiley - biggrin

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 66

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum


Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 67


smiley - laugh

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 68


Oh, my. smiley - smiley It's been very interesting reading about everyone's experiences. I almost wish I could contribute some of my own to this edifying conversation, but alas... smiley - winkeye

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 69

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Now we know who has had the most boring love-life on h2g2smiley - winkeye
Oh, and formerly Trillian, I was gonna dash off to my celibacy thread & inform Lost in Scotland that he was in with a chance, until I read your next post!LOL!

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 70


Aye, that was a turn-ip for the books.smiley - smiley

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 71

Zebedee (still Pool God after all these years)

For those of you who don't already know of my proudest moment, it involved a restaurant (v. expensive) toilet on Ocean Drive, Miami Beach, and a married female lawyer who had been dining at the table next to me. We broke the sink, legged it, and then I met Gazza (which really made my night).

smiley - smiley

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 72

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - wow
Very impressive!
Did you tell Gazza what you'd just done?smiley - biggrin

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 73


Okay, so my sex life would win me awards if they offered any for things more boring than watching paint dry. But that's fine, because I'm a CBC. Just wait, though! One day soon, all of those nasty little ideas that have been accumulating (some thanks to people here smiley - winkeye) will have their moment - and then we'll see about exciting and interesting.

Now if this was a string about the most interesting places you could *think* of having sex...

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 74

aliquis mirabilis (keeper of forbidden and forgotten lore)


Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 75

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Thank you, AM! I've been and posted, this is where the rest of you need to be! http://www.h2g2.com/F19585?thread=99894&post=835531

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 76

You can call me TC

Hi folks. Just playing the old game of reviving interesting old threads. Actually, I was just having a voyeuristic reminisce of this thread and am amazed that it hasn't been moderated away. Well done everyone for keeping it above the sheets. smiley - smiley

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 77

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

A late contribution:

behind a vending machine in the (busy) student service center at college

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 78

The Caffeine Kid


On the beach at midnight - yummy

I the back garden in the middle of the day with a blackbird watching very attentively. lol

On a BMX track

On a Bowling green

In a turkey farm in one of the sheds. lol

In a Solicitors office in the middle of the night (the bosses office floor)

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 79

Zebedee (still Pool God after all these years)

No, but he gave me a Geordie hug and a peck on the cheek and that was far more satisfying than the shag....

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 80

JLC the TTP aka ...It's All Happening!

Full moon night, Carribean sea,
Waist-high water for bouancy!

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