A Conversation for Ask h2g2

You know what needs inventing?

Post 101

Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly)

Having just spoken elsewhere about a flakey and yummy pastry, ... I want a time and distance teleporter to aquire a warm and fluffy 'beaver-tail'

smiley - drool

You know what needs inventing?

Post 102

The Doc

I would like to have underwear that incorporated activated charcoal.
Thus in a single blow, one could disarm even the most fearsome and noxious of bottom burp fumes ever reaching a wife or girlyfriends nose, ensuring a peaceful and harmonious atmos whilst allowing the continued drinking of beer and ingestion industrial sized curry portions................

You know what needs inventing?

Post 103


You mean, something like this:


smiley - biggrin

You know what needs inventing?

Post 104


New device to save planet from climnate change:

You know what needs inventing?

Post 105

Interestman-ing happy!

Where will the bags go?

You know what needs inventing?

Post 106


>>Where will the bags go?<<

You would burn the methane - use it as biofuel. Methane is about
twenty times more potent as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. So
the bags would be reused. The particular bags in the link were used
as part of a study that showed methane emissions from cows
(flatulence) could be reduced by changing the cattle feed. I
suppose it would be equivalent to going from a high bean to a low
bean diet for humans...

You know what needs inventing?

Post 107


suppose it would be equivalent to going from a high bean to a low
bean diet for humans...

Although if you were consuming more beans and less beef, we'd need fewer cows and so methane emissions would reduce overall. Plus there would be fewer rainforests removed to make grazing land. So the message is, eat to fart and save the planet.

You know what needs inventing?

Post 108


No, more beans means more chilli con carne, which implies more beef.

You know what needs inventing?

Post 109

Interestman-ing happy!

Pants with a magnetic strip, so that if you drop your keys, they will be drawn to them.

You know what needs inventing?

Post 110


I'd like a 'search' function on the entire contents of my house. So, for example, when I need to find a lost remote control, the main computer will tell me where it is.

You know what needs inventing?

Post 111


There's a horrid little thing called an RFID tag. Radio Frequency Identifier. This gives off a small radio signal when "pinged" that returns a unique ID. Kinda like a radio wave barcode. Now, if you were to start putting these into the packaging for food, and a reader that formed a mesh/grid over the top of the trolley, you'd be able to "read" the items as they went in, and out.

Failing that, what they could, and probably should do is install barcode readers into the handles of trolleys, and scales into the bottom of them. Scan your goods as you put them in, or out. Like the self service tills that are cropping up everywhere, the scales would check that you've actually put in what you scanned and nothing more.

But, the best part of this would be stopping parents with lazy kids from putting them in the trolleys instead of making the podgy little blighters walk occassionally. I understand kids get tired, and admit I used to love riding in the trolley as a kid, but if your 4 year old looks like they're approaching a coronary, make the bleep exercise.

smiley - rose

You know what needs inventing?

Post 112


Can we have some kind of force field thingy that cyclists can wear to stop insects flying into helmets, mouths and beards? Please? Ta very much.

You know what needs inventing?

Post 113

You can call me TC

And eyes.

I mean, we've got eyes, but I'd like something to prevent insects getting into them when I'm out on my bike. I can put a cotton scarf over my mouth, but I don't think it's a good idea to cover my eyes.

Glasses don't help either.

However, as I am not a racing cyclist, as swl seems to be, and only roll along at a very sedentary rate, this problem doesn't really bother me much.

You know what needs inventing?

Post 114


>>Glasses don't help either.

Do you have wraparounds?

You know what needs inventing?

Post 115


Wrap around glasses for cycling are a deitysend.

smiley - rose

You know what needs inventing?

Post 116

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

*google for goggles*

smiley - run

You know what needs inventing?

Post 117

Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed )

Go to the nearest smiley - biker shop if you need goggles that fit over prescription eyeglasses.

You know what needs inventing?

Post 118

You can call me TC

A toaster that opens right out so you can get the crumbs out of the bottom and everywhere else so they don't smell burnt when you switch it on.

You know what needs inventing?

Post 119

You can call me TC

I've been looking into divided plates with well-fitting lids for freezer-to-microwave for my hubby because he's at home for lunch and can't cook, nor does he have the time to cook. There are some reasonable ones out there but they are all plastic. Has no one thought of making china ones yet?

You know what needs inventing?

Post 120

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - bigeyes

American space-age glass manufacturers
Pyrex and Corningware offer a variety
of freezer to microwave bowls, pans,
plates and storage vessels.

I use their pie-plates as dinner plates.
Being glass they are very easy to clean
and easy to check for cleanliness. The
deep dish ones are great for stews and
curries. Haven't found a covered version
of their pie-plates yet though.

smiley - chef
smiley - winkeye

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