A Conversation for Ask h2g2

You know what needs inventing?

Post 141


And I just read what you wrote as "you know what needs inserting?" smiley - flustered I think I may need some sleep.

You know what needs inventing?

Post 142

You can call me TC

There's a thread on my convo list called "Ode to the Brain". I haven't read it yet, but I always have to check twice it's not "Ode to the Brian". smiley - doh

Perhaps a trip to the optician's will do though - sorry folks, you don't have to invent anything for me today.

You know what needs inventing?

Post 143

Menthol Penguin - Currently revising/editing my book

I read Ode to the Brian and immediately thought it would a thread about Brian Cox (started by Sho of course smiley - tongueout)

You know what needs inventing?

Post 144

You can call me TC

And everyone : Do go and have a look at the link in the thread "Ode to the Brain" - it's amazing! Either via my conversations or in Titania's Journals directly.

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