A Conversation for Ask h2g2
Where are you now?
Geggs Posted Jun 18, 2011
Gheluvelt Park in Worcester. Sign at the play area reads: "Adults are free to use this facility, as long as they are accompanied by a responsible child."
Where are you now?
Geggs Posted Jul 1, 2011
We're in Pengam in deepest Wales, visiting in-laws.
Where are you now?
Geggs Posted Jul 16, 2011
Thinktank in Birmingham. Having a bit of a family outing.
Where are you now?
Geggs Posted Aug 20, 2011
In the cafe on the local Sainsbury's, having just enjoyed a Full English.
Where are you now?
Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly) Posted Aug 20, 2011
At home, very early morning, but drooling and awaiting a massive pig-roast with a mountain of corn on the cob later today.
Where are you now?
Geggs Posted Sep 3, 2011
Watching the proles fight over 'bargins' at the cages outside Tesco.
Ah look, there's the wife. What's she doing there?
Where are you now?
Geggs Posted Nov 27, 2011
In Good Hope Hospital, standing by my dad's bedside.
Not where I'd planned on being today, to be honest.
Where are you now?
Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly) Posted Nov 27, 2011
Oh dear, best wishes and warm thoughts Gegg. My Dad collapsed early this year and gone, ... no worry and wonders. We wish you the most support and comfort as you go along.
Where are you now?
Geggs Posted Nov 27, 2011
Thanks both. I posted that while he was still in A&E. He's now on the AMU (an assessment ward) though he may be moved to another ward soon. He's got an chest infection of some kind, which gave his a shortness of breath. Just have to wait an see what the rest of the week brings now. Fortunately, I had already booked tomorrow off work, so if I need to go to the hospital again there's no problem.
But, to keep within the thread: I am now at home, sitting on the sofa, having a cup of tea.
Where are you now?
Bertie Posted Nov 27, 2011
Sitting in a very large house in Asker, a district of Oslo - the house is being extensively rebuilt - the kitchen is my job.
Where are you now?
Geggs Posted Mar 17, 2012
A bit of thread revival is in order here, methinks.
I'm presently in Hickory Dickory's Playhouse, drinking a cuppa and watching our boys enjoy themselves immensely.
Here's their website: http://www.hickorydickorys.co.uk
Where are you now?
Lanzababy - Guide Editor Posted Mar 17, 2012
I am at home, deciding whether to hang out the washing, clean the floors, do some more laundry, walk to the shops for milk and water etc, eat breakfast ( I just realised I've not eaten anything yet) or start on the next edition of the Front Page.
I seem to be on the forums of h2g2 though
Where are you now?
Beatrice Posted Mar 17, 2012
I am at my desk in Lisburn, having set up my big computer last weekend. Hurrah - a mouse! I can play Bejewelled again properly!
I have - de-poopified the garden, emptied the bins, walked the doggies round the block, sorted my shoe collection and emptied the dishwasher.
This afternoon I will be buying dog-food, possibly a hangy thing for keys, ringing a man about a pre-MOT check, drinking Guinness, yelling COME ON OIRELAND!!!!! and then making a thai chicken thing for dinner.
Where are you now?
Lanzababy - Guide Editor Posted Mar 17, 2012
Am now about half way through the next edition - and think I should go and look at something away from the screen.
Key: Complain about this post
Where are you now?
- 221: Geggs (Jun 18, 2011)
- 222: Interestman-
ing happy! (Jun 21, 2011) - 223: Geggs (Jul 1, 2011)
- 224: Taff Agent of kaos (Jul 1, 2011)
- 225: Geggs (Jul 16, 2011)
- 226: Geggs (Aug 6, 2011)
- 227: Geggs (Aug 20, 2011)
- 228: Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly) (Aug 20, 2011)
- 229: Geggs (Sep 3, 2011)
- 230: Geggs (Nov 27, 2011)
- 231: Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly) (Nov 27, 2011)
- 232: lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned (Nov 27, 2011)
- 233: Geggs (Nov 27, 2011)
- 234: Bertie (Nov 27, 2011)
- 235: Bertie (Nov 27, 2011)
- 236: Geggs (Mar 17, 2012)
- 237: lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned (Mar 17, 2012)
- 238: Lanzababy - Guide Editor (Mar 17, 2012)
- 239: Beatrice (Mar 17, 2012)
- 240: Lanzababy - Guide Editor (Mar 17, 2012)
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