Being free

The net has wonderful possibilities - for me one of the most powerful is the idea of being free of social stigma, and the pressures people exert when in a social mode.
Unfortunately nearly all the communities and groups on the net seem to have some kind of structure carried over from social "training."(and this to just letters on a screen)
Having spent a great deal of my life under one kind of social pressure or another i tend to do the opposite when i feel under threat - the idea of peaceful existence with myself is paramount.
Let me give you an example of how i am - - --------
instant turn off for many not because you arent interested but because you are suspicious of my motives - perhaps its because you can see them in yourselves and despise them?
But then isnt life made up of stories? when we meet an old friend dont we tell them what has been happening, dont we give someone a funny story for them to enjoy? Perhaps thats only allowed by someone we know and trust?
If thats the case what a shame.
Here i am at 54 and still reacting too strongly when pressured - but i am free and free to create what i desire and need to - i now have the space and time and FREEDOM TO BE AS I CHOOSE AND WANT.
I enjoy writing hugely - i also enjoy the power it gives - i would like to apolagize for my adverse reaction to those who tried to help me with editing some of the pieces i have written, but i was threatened - is that an excuse - no not really, but nor was the threat justified.
I am quite happy to walk away from h2g2 and never return, however i think what is happening here is very important and useful, and whats more i need the exercise.
My experience here so far has indicated that its very unlikely anyone will read this but then the idea is that im free so thats unimportant, but its still a bit sad.
Cheers From Norway.


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