A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Concerning London Meets

Post 1


Hi. I posted this over on the London Meets page, but thought it would reach more people here. So I apologize to those people who might get it twice.

First, I want to say that I think the idea of having two London meets a year is a good one. But at the risk of being branded a heretic, I have a question. Why do they have to be winter and summer - January and July?

I've been thinking about the conversation on ways to boost attendance. Maybe the problem isn't the format or the venue at all. Maybe it is the timing.

January finds a lot of people strapped for cash and trying to recover from the holidays. Many people travel over Christmas and may not feel like making a trip into London so soon. Also, the weather is unreliable in January and some sightseeing places in the country are closed. I found this out when looking for interesting places to visit in Kent.

July is the height of the family holiday season. Researchers with families are very likely planning summer holidays and might not be able to fit in a London Meet. Instead of the weather being cold and miserable it could easily be hot and miserable. Also airlines and hotels charge more in July because they can get away with it.

So, how about spring and autumn instead of winter and summer? April and October, for example. Better weather and not as many conflicts. Also more people are at home since the kids are in school.

So, would you be more likely to attend winter-summer or spring-fall?

Concerning London Meets

Post 2

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Why?:- tradition; that was the way they were organised when the Italics were doing the dirty work we just kinda carried on that routeen; as for why... thats the only 'hwy' really; tradition.... Plus a kinda christmas meet kinda makes sense; most people in some kinda way celibrate Christmas, but we have ours a few weks or so afterwards so people have hopfully had time to recover..... smiley - erm I dunno really cep for the tradition part; but I don't think the time of year makes that* much difference; there are always tons of meet[s] during the year in London but genreally it seems only about thre people or so live in London.... and as I appere be one of them (despite not living anywhere near London really) I do have to wonder myself smiley - ufosmiley - alienfrownsmiley - weirdsmiley - ermsmiley - weirdsmiley - handcuffs

Concerning London Meets

Post 3

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Oddly 2legs and I were discussing this very thing (along with badgers, 'natch) at a micro-meet on Friday. I agree about the timing. In January people are 'partied out' and skint - a month or two later would avoid that. Summer? London's nice in the summer but you're right about the holiday/family thing. I reckon a shift back by a coupla' months would help a lot.

Concerning London Meets

Post 4

You can call me TC

Whenever you have it there's always going to be a few who can't come because of the date. However, I'm easy, I'll try and make any date that's suggested.

Concerning London Meets

Post 5

Mu Beta

There's promise in this idea. I'm much more likely to attend Meets in autumn (when I'm halfway through a stressful term) and Easter than in January and June.


Concerning London Meets

Post 6


The idea of a spring and autumn meet sounds good to me. But would it be best to aim for the Easter and Autumn half term school holidays. Or would that incure the same problems with people being off on holiday and unable to come.

Concerning London Meets

Post 7


The other consideration regarding Easter/Autumn half term is that flights and accommodation costs are sometimes higher for those times which might put some people off.

Perhaps Spring/Autumn Meets avoiding those periods would be better for more people. Suppose we won't know until everyone's had their say.

I'm putting my vote in the Spring/Autumn box smiley - ok

Concerning London Meets

Post 8

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

I am easy on the whole thing, but would prefer dates that more people can attend.

I would also like a reasonable lead time, both for those who have distances to travel and smiley - book, as well as selfish reasons. i.e. I need to keep the weekend free, cancel gigs and/or ensure I am not working (like I should have been for the last one)

Also if it is Spring/Autumn, it is easier to smiley - book holiday for me, although I have to smiley - book it in November smiley - yikes

Doesn't really help. smiley - sorry

smiley - musicalnote

Concerning London Meets

Post 9

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Hmm as a perpetual "Iwil be there" type who never actually turns up.... I dont know how much my vote will count.

However I have to say I find the itming awful. I *never* have any wonga in January, and in July I usually have things on. Also Hotels cost loads at this time and gettig time off work if necessary if next to impossible.

I would personally be more likely to attend Autumn/Spring meets to be sure.

Concerning London Meets

Post 10


spring/autumn sounds good to me too smiley - ok

Concerning London Meets

Post 11


In all seriousness, I would love to attend the London Meets. But July is always going to be impossible for me. It's my busiest time of the year. And January, while not impossible, will be difficult. And will mean I'll be spending quite a lot to get there when the options of things to do and see will be more limited by the time of year.

If the meets are in spring and fall instead, I could probably make most of them. Of course, you can't change things just to suit me. But I thought that the time change might suit other people as well.

Concerning London Meets

Post 12

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

smiley - cheers for that. I am quite happy, and it would also make organising any of the Afternoon Meet events easier and less crowded.
Also for those that are travelling specifically and are opting to stay a little longer, then other venues and arrangements could be made to accomodate, such as evening meets prior to the Saturday Meet, and afternoon visits to specific venues that would naturally be packed on a weekend (I'm thinking of specific Art Exhibitions primarily)

smiley - ok

smiley - musicalnote

Concerning London Meets

Post 13


Good. I was worried that the suggestion would annoy people.

It would make your job easier, Mazin'. Give you more options. So that's a definite plus.

Avoiding the Easter holiday seems to be a good idea, though.

Concerning London Meets

Post 14

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Finding venues is easy, getting people to come is harder.

London is big enough to cater for all tastes, and doesn't necessarily need to be central. Certainly travellers like cl zoomer, DragonQueen, B'Elana, Trillian's Child (who have all attended a London Meet at least once) and yourself, hopefully, could have the opportunity of visiting areas like Kent, Surrey, Essex etc. all of which are relatively close by train. I certainly have no problem with taking a week's holiday and acting as guide. I have enough trouble trying to find something to do with seven weeks' holiday as it is. I can think of nothing nicer than being a tourist with friends who were or are currently strangers in RL.

Surely that is what H2G2 is all about. Community and Camraderie? That is certainly my interpretation.

And yes, any time anyone wants assistance re: London or its environs, I'll be only too happy to help out.

smiley - cheers

smiley - musicalnote

Concerning London Meets

Post 15

Wilma Neanderthal

I must admit spring and autumn would work better for me - January is a rather moola-forlorn months and July is an extremely busy month... Not that I've been to one yet smiley - blush but I will, one day smiley - biggrin

Concerning London Meets

Post 16

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Please do. All welcome!!!

And the Pub that 2legs and Roymondo have found has plenty of space, however there was a suggestion of getting the Musos together smiley - groan Not sure about that!!!

Is HooToo really ready for that?

smiley - musicalnote

Concerning London Meets

Post 17


So I suppose the next step - after waiting for more people to weigh in and assuming we switch to spring/autumn - is to select the months.

I would dearly love to see the bulb gardens in bloom at Kew. But that's a selfish consideration, I know. Is that mainly April like it is here? Spring is so magical. smiley - magic

Concerning London Meets

Post 18

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

March-April. It varies depending on which plants you want to see.

Crocuses first, then Bluebells, followed by Fritillaries, Squills and Anemones. But not all at the same time.

If this happens again (and on the day of the Meet) then I can promise a free hot meal before the Evening Meet (vegetarians aslo catered for) and Mulled Wine. I can do the same on any other date as well.

*BTW I can do real smiley - coffee now. Problem solved. It's called a Cafetiere!!! smiley - rofl*

Plenty of other options also available.

smiley - musicalnote

Concerning London Meets

Post 19

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Well if the majority seem to think its a good idea for the Autum and Spring meets instead of Jan/summer ones, I can do the meet pages for them if people like; I don't really need an excuess to go to London and have a few beers with people so I'm more than happy to arrange them for whenever people want smiley - magic : personally I'd certainly prefer the idea of a spring meet as compaired to a summer one; I really don't get on well with hot weather smiley - puffsmiley - flustered and if people did want to make more of a weekend/week long stay of their trip over, then I'd certainly be able I imagine to pop over on subsequent/previous days to meet up with anyone who was about at a loose end smiley - evilgrinsmiley - handcuffs

Concerning London Meets

Post 20


Thanks, Your Majesty. *eyes handcuffs suspiciously* smiley - biggrin

The majority of spring bulbs in my garden are hyacinths, tulips and narcissus. I have the best displays in early to mid April. But I realize it depends upon the species and varieties. I'm sure Kew is glorious any time during the spring.

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