A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Concerning London Meets

Post 41

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

Aww can't do Halloween, have young boys that need to Trick or Treat smiley - sadface

Concerning London Meets

Post 42

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

adds in my thoughts

*tooo hot*


I think 2 meets is really the max for london, and I'm fairly flexible with times as long as they are at weekends (having mum now living in london is helping). I think that the next one short be late winter / early spring


The rumours are that H2G2 towers will be heading into the dirty old town of Salford in the foreseeable future, so I think that having a proper meet up north, in Manchester might be useful, because ...

1) It will be much easier for the Liverpool / lancashire / cheshire / yorkie reserchers, infact most of those in the north/west / north midlands

2) I don't think we've been banned from anywhere there

3) I just managed to get a return from London to Manc for £16.50, which is less than an hours drinking for 2legs

4) Manc is fairly easy to reach from abroad

5) Hyde's bitter

6) we don't have to be london centric all the time !

7) I'm moving up back to Manc in sept


I also think that the italics should get involved in orgainising it / turning up

also it needs to get a frontpage mention sooner than the weekend before

Concerning London Meets

Post 43

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Manchester shouldn't be too bad.

Did you know that the Musicians' Union is based in Canal Street? How very queer...

Concerning London Meets

Post 44


5) Hyde's bitter

But Jekyll's quite sweet.

Concerning London Meets

Post 45

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

'Manchester shouldn't be too bad.'?

I meant to say 'Manchester should be pretty cool!'

We could have one London and one Manchester meet each year.

Concerning London Meets

Post 46


Hummmmm. Reminds me of our library director's meetings. We have two a year, June and December. The June one moves around and the other one is always in the same place.

Concerning London Meets

Post 47

A Super Furry Animal

Yeah, but the main message should be:

Italics: YES, YOU! get on board and get organising this!

I realise you have many and varied calls upon your time, but one of the main things that I think turns newbies off fromn joining in is that the meets are largely self-organised by what appears to many as a old-established network of meet-geeks and similar. This mould needs to be broken. But it needs to be broken by Jimster at al. This can only be done by front-page advertising, italic-sponsored threads, merchandise and prizes. (We *know* you've got them!)

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Concerning London Meets

Post 48


smiley - applause

Concerning London Meets

Post 49

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

Quite like the idea of a southern and northern meet personally (coz I live oop north) am prepared to traveL

Concerning London Meets

Post 50

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

Maybe some of you might like to come a stone circle for Summer Solstice we have some excellent ones in Derbyshire smiley - witch

Concerning London Meets

Post 51


Well you know i'd love to smiley - winkeyesmiley - witch

not sure many researchers would be into wiccan ritual though!

Concerning London Meets

Post 52

Mu Beta

"Four Meets would seriously dilute what the Meets are for. Having an opportunity to meet fellow HooTooers who you would be unlikely to meet otherwise."

I disagree. I go to Meets time after time in order to meet the same old people. Kerr, 2legs, GreyDesk, Metal Chicken & Phil, Ben, EV, Freddy, Genie.


Concerning London Meets

Post 53

loonycat - run out of fizz

Haven't read back over the more recent postings.

However, spring and autumn seem preferable meeting times due to funds, weather etc.

For a London one, I'd quite like to 'do Kew' in the afternoon.

Concerning London Meets

Post 54

A Super Furry Animal

>> Maybe some of you might like to come a stone circle for Summer Solstice we have some excellent ones in Derbyshire <<

Yeah, but...that's 11 months away now. smiley - erm

As B said, I enjoy meeting old friends...but at one stage (and as a relative newbie on B's list) we all met each other for the first time once...we need to encourage new people to come to meets. I don't think that cliques are the way to encourage that, somehow.

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Concerning London Meets

Post 55

Mu Beta

" I'd quite like to 'do Kew' in the afternoon. "

We can take you down Tesco's if that's all you want.


Concerning London Meets

Post 56

loonycat - run out of fizz

I'll take meself then smiley - sadface

Concerning London Meets

Post 57


hmmph genie can put you up in future then B smiley - tongueout

Concerning London Meets

Post 58

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

loonycat, Kew is an option for anyone who wants it. I live a five minute walk away, and if I have free passes, then they are available, first come first serve. There will be a hot/cold meal depending on date. Ask anyone who came to the January Meet!

Also any other venue in the West of London, Richmond Park, Hogarth house, Gunnersbury House and Gardens, Syon House. The list is endless. And the same applies for non-meet days, i.e. Thursday/Friday, dates for those that arrive early (if I can get the days off)

It's your Meet, say what you want, and I'm happy for a Manchester Meet. Let's me go back to my Student days but the place has been slightly.. shall I say... re-arranged since then, but Lee's, Pollard's M & B's, Banks's, Stone's, Robinson's, Thwaites', Wilson's. Boddies, etc. smiley - tongueout

21 different smiley - ales all within walking distance of Deansgate, then... BANG!... all gone smiley - sadface

Progress. Could always go to Salford smiley - blue

smiley - musicalnote

Concerning London Meets

Post 59

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.


Concerning London Meets

Post 60


I reckon having two main London meets is probably sufficient - and it would be nice if these were set up by TPTB to make them more 'official' organised meets - newbies might feel more comfortable with that. Having four official meets could end up with more people coming in total over the year but could possibly make each meet smaller.

But of course organising other London mini meets would be great for those who cannot make it to the main ones.

Once I know the dates for the spring meet Nog and I may also organise another Seville mini meet for either just before or after (we had one last March and it was great). That way, people coming from farther away can get a 2-for-1 deal smiley - smiley as there are plenty of direct flights London-Seville and I also know of a very cheap & cheerful pension in the centre that charges just 20 euros a night per person.

And Nog & I are *really* hoping to get to the next spring London meet ourselves - which would be much more possible for us than travelling in either January or July.


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