A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Concerning London Meets

Post 161

You can call me TC

I haven't seen any threads about a London meet (blind as a bat, obviously) - could you post links please?

Concerning London Meets

Post 162

aka Bel - A87832164

Tsk, that just shows that you don't read people's taglines smiley - biggrin

Concerning London Meets

Post 163

Researcher U1025853

Regarding the london meet, for those who us who do not like smoke and therefore pubs, we are maybe waiting to hear what the afternoon activity will be before voting on dates. Aferall there is no point voting on a date when the afternoon activity is not something you would goto.

Concerning London Meets

Post 164

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

There are threads discussing peoples preferences for afternoon activities; at the moment from meory Q gardens looks to be the favourate smiley - erm

Concerning London Meets

Post 165

Researcher U1025853

Is that the thread where we talked about Borough Market? Cause its been dead for 2 weeks, I didn't think any discussion was presently going on, or that something had been decided. No worries.

Concerning London Meets

Post 166

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Don't think anythings been decided on; just gone a tadge quiet smiley - erm yeh, I think thats the thread smiley - biggrin

Concerning London Meets

Post 167

A Super Furry Animal

Well, at least a date has been decided on...21st October. Go sign up! A13222847

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Concerning London Meets

Post 168

You can call me TC

Hmm - that's the day I get back from holiday. Not that I've booked the holiday, but my colleague with whom I have to check and can't take holidays the same time as, has booked a long-distance flight from 20 October. I can hardly gad off to London as soon as my feet touch the ground from my own holiday. Damn. And anyway, what's with the German one - October date off for good, now? What's the alternative?

smiley - eureka we could all descend on Sho for her birthday (mwahaha)

When's the spring London meet?

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