A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 1141


London, 1:15.
The sky is doing that beautiful sunlight-and-clouds thing.
It is actually rather cold, at least in comparison to the recent hot weather.

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 1142

helga danielsen

The date here is still the 22nd and spring has just begun. Yes, spring, since this is South of the Equator. Temperature 27°C, but thanks God still windy with the August trade winds.

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 1143


Melbourne, Australia 1600hrs

Lovely sunny day 18C. However it is very windy

I smiley - love Spring - the trees are starting to bud and the air smells great!

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 1144

Dinnerlady [The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom]William Blake. Top lad:)

London 12.46
15 degrees-ish.
Autumn appears to have finally arrived, although it's a beautiful one so far - sunny and clear, with little puffy clouds & all that.

Feeling quite wistful, but not looking foward to winter, especially driving a vespa into town through the rain & wind, urgh.

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 1145


North-east Hants

I had to scrape ice off my car windows this morningsmiley - blue

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 1146

Universal Granny

0056, Thursday 25th September
Just south of Heathrow airport

Getting a bit chilly now, have moved tender plants into the greenhouse tonight before coming to work because there was a slight touch of frost last night.

Lovely clear day today, though, and warm in the sunshine.

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 1147

clzoomer- a bit woobly


Vancouver, Canada

Broken clouds, 17 C, the thin edge of Fall is upon us.

smiley - smiley

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 1148

Sea Change

28-Sept-2003 0202 Los Angeles, CA

66F, no breeze at all, smog levels going from moderate to dangerous as inversion layers keep our automobile exhaust close to the ground. Rain lilies (zephyranthes) just started blooming. Today was a silvery pearl-lit day, as the light fog that rolled in from the ocean burned away but it's moisture mostly never left the atmosphere because there was a lack of breeze. Drove through Glendale on my way home from Brand Library this late afternoon/evening, and the smokey silvery and purple misty layers on the hills in the distance were just gorgeous.

It's not so much cooling down yet, only 4F less maximums this fortnight compared to the last. More noticeable, is that the afternoon is cooling off much sooner, and sunlight is losing some of it's California summer gold. Time to stick spring bulbs in the refrigerator for late winter blooms.

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 1149


sunday 28th sept, a gorgeous blue sky today, but autum is here now, so its much, much cooler, the leaves from the trees are falling, and the garden is full of them...arr well winter it is then soon......hate it...lol

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 1150


Melbourne, Australia 1030pm

Well after a smiley - magic start to Spring we had our (Australian Rules) Football grand final on Saturday to the tune of Hail and heavy Rain!!!

(For anyone interested Brisbane Lions won for the 3rd year running - they beat Collingwood Magpies smiley - evilgrin)

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 1151


Oh, yes - right now it is raining and it is 12C


Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 1152

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

7pm Sunday Sept 28/03

Here in the calm before Hurricane Juan comes ashore, the ground winds are deathly still but the first dark clouds are swirling-in high overhead on the outer rings of the storm. Their churning blue, black and maroon underbellies lit by the setting sun.

Sustained winds are predicted to reach 150kph with higher gusts. And a 1.7 meter above-normal storm-surge is expected on the high tide due later tonight as the eye crosses the coast of Nova Scotia.

Going offline to unplug everything with a plug and tie down everything else. Happily I have no boat in the water this year but I can observe seven others swinging on their anchors in the darkening view out my window. Will report tomorrow.

smiley - run

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 1153

Gladly, the cross-eyed bear

Moncks Corner, South Carolina, 10:27
16C with a cloudless, fall (autumn) sky.

smiley - scientist

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 1154


Melbourne, Australia 0600hrs

Rained all day yesterday. No rain on the radar for today.
Just looked outside and it is 7C smiley - brr

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 1155


Cloudy, streetglow from the nearby ciy, no smiley - star tonight.

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 1156

Universal Granny

0531 October 3rd (Friday)
Just south of Heathrow airport
Cold. Was raining. Winter's on the way.

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 1157


Edinburgh (Scotland)
Sunny but cold with a touch of wind.
smiley - cider

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 1158

Alec Trician. (is keeping perfectly still)

South Florida, Friday evening...
82F, 30C, Scattered clouds, 70%RH
Expecting thunderstorms.

Ermsmiley - ermanyone heard from jwf since Hurricane Juan??smiley - erm

alec.smiley - clown

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 1159

a visitor to planet earth

Birmingham 4 October
Plenty of rain today. First time I have used my spindrier in ages, I have been able to put my washing on the line. It just shows how good and dry the weather has been the past few months.

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 1160

a visitor to planet earth

Sunday 5 October 2003
Cold, clear blue skies.

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