No, I'm not really a dinnerlady....
Hello my lovelies

This feels a bit like internet dating, which is weird, since that's the way I met my husband.
I'm a 32 yr old shouty bird who lives in London, is gooey and romantic over her 2 and a bit year marriage, and works in online media.

My fantasy alter ego is a cabaret singer or buxom bar wench who lives in a beach villa and tours the world crooning sexily about lost loves and done-me-wrongs over hard liquor and late, late nights.

Things I like to do are summed up in the pics dotted around.
Oh, and I've just found the coolest 80s lyrics quiz ever. Send me your results - I got 74 points.... Take the quiz

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Your entry has been submitted to 'Flea Market' | Apr 23, 2012 |
Hello my lovely | Dec 18, 2003 |
Hi Lady | Nov 14, 2003 |
Qcik question: | Oct 28, 2003 |
ta | Oct 22, 2003 |
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Peer Review Alert | No Posting | Sep 2, 2009 |
For those of you who like their cricket... | No Posting | Jul 3, 2009 |
Impending Upheaval | No Posting | Jun 2, 2009 |
A Thick Ear | No Posting | Jun 2, 2009 |
Show Us Yer Medals | No Posting | Jun 2, 2009 |
Dinnerlady [The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom]William Blake. Top lad:)
Researcher U240568
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