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how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 1


During my rummaging I have noticed people have the same names as characters from the film Lord of the Rings?
Prove me wrong!

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 2

Jay and Silent Bob

I do not have a name from lord of the rings that is just sad nicking names from films. mines from an animated show called dragonball Z its great.

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 3

Gnomon - time to move on

There are about 11 Gandalfs (including all the Olorins). Other LOTR names are Saruman, Gorthaur, Radagast, Strider.

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 4

Constipated Squirrel

How about this? I came up with this allll by myself... smiley - winkeye

And how about fords_prefect? Nothing wrong with them smiley - smiley and Zaphod smiley - winkeye Good people smiley - smiley Nothing wrong with nicking names from the TV smiley - smiley

I'm sure I've seen a "Morpheous" around here somewhere...

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 5

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

I didn't nick my name from anywhere.
Prince Vegeta, you are humbly invited to visit the Anime and Manga Shack at;
smiley - shark

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 6

Cheerful Dragon

There's nothing *wrong* with taking a nickname from a film or TV show. It just shows lack of originality / imagination.

My nickname comes from my Chinese horoscope sign. According to a book on the 'Year of the Dragon' that my sister gave me, I was born in the year of the Cheerful Dragon (Chia Ch'en). I use this nickname a lot, so if you come across a Cheerful Dragon (or cheerfuldragon, as it is on one site), that's probably me. Please stop and say hi!

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 7


There's also Peregrin, though I haven't seen him for a long time.

But it is a bit easy to nick your name from a book or movie, and there's bound to be a lot of others with the same idea.

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 8

Gnomon - time to move on

Unless you put Grand Admiral in front of it.smiley - winkeye

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 9

Brother Maynard

I lifted mine from a film.

I don't understand why nicking from a film is bad, but nicking from a book is OK. Or from history, mythology, or anywhere else for that matter.

If its a name that you can relate to in some way just go for it.

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 10

Mu Beta

I was forced to relate to my alias through my teenage years. It became synonymous and I'm stuck with it. Thought I might as well give h2g2 a cheap laugh as well.


how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 11

Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking

I looked up your name.
Have a look here: F75488?thread=178373

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 12

Gnomon - time to move on

I've discovered a really elegant explanation of my name, but this Marjin is too narrow to contain it.

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 13

a girl called Ben

When I signed up almost two years ago now, I couldn't think of an alias which did not exclude whole chunks of who I am.

If I chose something from Pratchett (and alas, I am more Gytha than Esme) I excluded most of the real world. If I called myself Mary Wollenstoncroft I labled myself a feminist and a heavy-weight too; if I called myself Maribu Mules (which I am wearing now, with fetching green nail varnish) I undermined the things I take seriously, and so on and so on and so on and so on.

So I decided to use my real name, and since it is usually a man's name I added a spin to clarify my gender.

And hence:

a girl called Ben

Mind you - I quite like 'Maribu Mules'...

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 14

Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking

Always helpful to broaden marjinal knowledge.smiley - smiley

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 15

Researcher 168963

I stole mine form a cartoon series. But I like to think I personalised it a little smiley - smiley

I tried to drop it by changing my name to D'ac Gargoyle, Esq, but it didn't really catch on.

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 16

a girl called Ben

Blimey, the site is slow today, or is it BT?

I have to say that my favourite names, as names are:

Mother of God - with a cosmicpolitan for Magnolia Thunderpussy

Two Bit Trigger Pumping Moron - who I am absolutely certain I would like if I met him socially


Mina Muse of Bondage

It helps that I like them as people of course.


how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 17

Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking

I started also with my own name, as choosing a name from a book seemed "impersonating someone else" to me, and that's one of the no-no's on this site.

After some time I changed it to an often made typo version.

A search give lot's of hits in strange languages, so it must mean something elsewhere.

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 18

Gnomon - time to move on

Ben, what are Maribu Mules? To me it suggests David Attenborough sitting on the banks of a lake in South America and in hushed tones describing an amazing species of aquatic donkey.

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 19


Also, Zapdos is a type of Pokémonsmiley - winkeye

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 20

Gnomon - time to move on

hence Posting 8

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